New Year, New Solo! Open Solo 3.0.0 released

Sunday 2/11. I woke up in the morning to find the back of my house on fire. People and dog are fine. House got trashed and is being rebuilt/renovated. Just don't have much free time in the meantime.
'Like' didn't seem right response for this post, so glad all OK - just wanted to say that, from a grateful recipient of your knowledge and enthusiasm.

Hope you get sorted quickly. Best wishes.
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Sunday 2/11. I woke up in the morning to find the back of my house on fire. People and dog are fine. House got trashed and is being rebuilt/renovated. Just don't have much free time in the meantime.
Oh man, so sorry to hear that, but glad you, people and dog are doing ok. Hope the insurance covers it all and the rebuild goes well. You are missed on here! If you need anything, just ask.
Glad to hear that you, dog & people are ok, house & Solos can be rebuilt/replaced, family...not so much. Take care, I know the Solo/ArduPilot community sends good wishes & support.
Quoting the IrishmanPDX "If you need anything, just ask..."
Thanks guys. It's been long few months but stuff is coming back together and the insurance company is doing right. All the drones escaped the fire unscathed. Thankfully I had that stuff scattered around the dining room and living room in a disorganized mess. Had they been downstairs in the basement in an organized manner, they'd have been wrecked.
At least it wasn't a LiPo fire that started it. Glad you, people and dog, are safe.
Frankly it would have been better if it was a LiPo fire. It would have set off a smoke alarm immediately, and I would have put it out in less than a minute with minimal damage. Too easy! This fire started in a junction box in the back wall of the house, which caught the exterior back of the house on fire. So the deck, patio, fence, all the contents on the patio, and the back wall of the house OUTSIDE were on fire burning for over 15 minutes before I saw it. No smoke alarms outside obviously. That became a raging fire totally undetected with nothing to stop it.

Smoke alarms in the house didn't go off until the windows stared exploding letting the fire and smoke into the basement. By then it was way beyond what a little home fire extinguisher could do anything about. That was like peeing in the ocean and expecting sea levels to rise. By then, even the garden hose was on fire.
....That was like peeing in the ocean and expecting sea levels to rise. By then, even the garden hose was on fire.
And this is why god invented drink..... most people would say "did you buy a lotto ticket afterwards?" but I reckon you used up all your good luck right there. Glad everyone got out ok. Hope the rebuild goes well man!
I'm seriously thinking of cutting a small hole in the side of the Solo so I can remove the SD card and install a little USB extender for the Pixhawk so I don't have to keep tearing this thing apart. It's getting old real fast.

I did that . Also made a hole opposite the aux bay to disconnect / reconnect / check the HDMI cable. IMG_1524620117.491282.jpg
Question, is there a way to display or view HDOP with Open Solo or Solex?
Question, is there a way to display or view HDOP with Open Solo or Solex?
Well considering Open Solo is basically an operating system for your drone, getting it to display HDOP would require some sort of neural interface for your brain to communicate directly with the solo. You'd also need some sort of translation matrix since getting code to "talk" directly with your brain would be somewhat problematic. Now although there are many such commercial interfaces available, I doubt they would be able to perform (or are capable) of performing to the needed standard that you would require. Take for instance the basic unit "force trainer". Is it really reacting to impulses generated by the human mind or is it in fact reacting to electrical stimuli (no matter how slight) of your muscles (which would be a far greater and easier to read level of activity). However in this case you'd actually need the unit to actually be able to feed back information from the drone using Open Solo, pass through a translation matrix and input the information directly into your mind and this such device is not commercially available. The moral and ethical conversations around such a device would cause a huge division between those who welcome such advancement in technologies and those who would see it as a threat to free will, implanted thoughts and leading eventually to a form of mind control. After all, how would one be able to differentiate between something that is a very clear and precise thought/memory of an event and something that was artificially introduced. Now one possible way to help prevent this is a daily memory backup to a secured server which would then be compared to the next days back up to scan for additional information being introduced past an extended 24 cycle. Then again security and freedom of thought would come under fire as who would control such information, who could access it and would it ever be truly secure. So what one might consider a simply act of getting Open Solo to display HDOP could actually bring us down a very dangerous and dark rabbit hole that questions our ability to responsibly evolve with technology. So bearing that in mind you would be best using "Solex" which is an android based interface with which you can control your drone and replaces the 3DR app. It clearly displays the HDOP information at the top of the screen.
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Well considering Open Solo is basically an operating system for your drone, getting it to display HDOP would require some sort of neural interface for your brain to communicate directly with the solo. You'd also need some sort of translation matrix since getting code to "talk" directly with your brain would be somewhat problematic. Now although there are many such commercial interfaces available, I doubt they would be able to perform (or are capable) of performing to the needed standard that you would require. Take for instance the basic unit "force trainer". Is it really reacting to impulses generated by the human mind or is it in fact reacting to electrical stimuli (no matter how slight) of your muscles (which would be a far greater and easier to read level of activity). However in this case you'd actually need the unit to actually be able to feed back information from the drone using Open Solo, pass through a translation matrix and input the information directly into your mind and this such device is not commercially available. The moral and ethical conversations around such a device would cause a huge division between those who welcome such advancement in technologies and those who would see it as a threat to free will, implanted thoughts and leading eventually to a form of mind control. After all, how would one be able to differentiate between something that is a very clear and precise thought/memory of an event and something that was artificially introduced. Now one possible way to help prevent this is a daily memory backup to a secured server which would then be compared to the next days back up to scan for additional information being introduced past an extended 24 cycle. Then again security and freedom of thought would come under fire as who would control such information, who could access it and would it ever be truly secure. So what one might consider a simply act of getting Open Solo to display HDOP could actually bring us down a very dangerous and dark rabbit hole that questions our ability to responsibly evolve with technology. So bearing that in mind you would be best using "Solex" which is an android based interface with which you can control your drone and replaces the 3DR app. It clearly displays the HDOP information at the top of the screen.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vel porta elit. Aenean suscipit volutpat tellus, quis bibendum tellus lacinia a. Donec vitae nulla a tortor sodales imperdiet. Cras aliquet, justo id semper semper, diam urna finibus turpis, tincidunt pharetra sem magna quis arcu. Pellentesque vel massa ut eros porta commodo. Nulla dictum lectus mauris. In nisi lectus, vehicula eget fringilla id, sollicitudin eget libero. Phasellus dignissim enim vel elit porta laoreet. Donec pretium nunc nec ipsum pretium dignissim. Quisque sit amet orci dolor. Aliquam ut neque arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque nec posuere augue.
Proin ut purus lacus. Curabitur euismod tellus sit amet vestibulum dapibus. Quisque facilisis tristique magna a maximus. Quisque suscipit orci massa, eu porta eros pellentesque at. Quisque tristique in metus et molestie. Mauris suscipit eros vel est facilisis, vitae commodo lorem luctus. Etiam sed ornare dolor, non sodales nibh. Donec eget dui vitae mi aliquam semper ut vel lacus. Ut consectetur velit sit amet enim imperdiet aliquet. Donec efficitur magna ligula, vel varius mi ullamcorper vitae. Donec leo enim, bibendum a pulvinar ac, viverra eget ligula. Phasellus ac leo at nulla viverra accumsan at eu justo. Curabitur interdum lorem vel lacus convallis maximus.

So in other words, HDOP isn't displayed in Solex until it's in flight mode. Not while sitting idle on the ground before take off. I see the SAT count on the controller, for some reason I thought HDOP was displayed there as well without having to fly. Been a year since I last flew the thing in original 3DR configuration, I'm a bit rusty. Updated directly to Open Solo and Solex since the hiatus.
Solex will display the HDOP on the flight screen even if the drone is sitting on the ground, in your basement, with the lights all off. You just need to wait until you get a SAT lock first. I did comparative testing a while back between the Rev B, MRO, HERE and MRO2. Part of the (not so scientific) test was seeing how many sats (and the HDOP count) each got while sitting indoors, sitting outdoors and while hovering at 300ft in the same spot. Solex displayed the HDOP in all counts (which is where I pulled the info from).
I'll have another go at it. I've been working on becoming familiar with Solex/Android before I actually go & fly and have a panic attack mid-flight and obviously have over looked it. Thanks for the assist.
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No worries, don't be afraid to ask questions, you may get a long rambling answer depending on morning coffee levels but eventually you'll get the info you need! :p
IPDX has awoken from his winter slumber and is shaking off the grogginess of hibernation. Occasionally it comes out as long, rambling, but funny paragraphs of forum posts....
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