iOS Update with Multi Point Cable Cam, Save & Load Cables, Time Lapse & Free Look

Not true, you used to be able to mail yourself a given flight log post flight. Not available any more. I contacted 3DR and they told me Solo customers were too stupid to be able to deal with entering their email for datalog, so they made the change to keep everyone happy, and no they were not going to add the functionality back in. In the process of investigating that issue, I met some interesting "Special" pretending supervisor 3DR operatives that made me glad I don't work there.
That's not a copter feature which is what I was talking about, I'm talking about the Arducopter software.
but is information about your bird powering up and arming being relayed somewhere without your knowledge?

No it's not, I've posted about this in a number of places, I'm sure here too. The app does not send ANY user identifiable data to Airmap. Airmap have a lax privacy policy so I specifically asked 3DR about this.
Okay, I finally got a chance to go out and test MPCC but could not get it to work. Here's what I did:
I have cable cam mapped to my A button so I pressed A and set my first point. Flew around and set several more points by pressing A. Pressed the B controller button at the end and nothing happens. Solo just hovers but I have no control over it unless I press FLY again.

Tried setting it up through the app by selecting Cable Cam there. Set start point by pressing A on the screen. Flew to several more points, pressing A at each one. Pressed B on screen at the end. Had to tap on screen to get cable cam started (like we used to) but it only flies from B to the last A and stops (like the old cable cam)

Am I doing this wrong?

Also, I tried follow me. I pointed Solo at myself and pressed follow me. Solo immediately turned about 90 degrees away from me and pointed the gimbal at the ground. It then started flying side to side and back and forth, never finding me. It got so squirrely I hit Pause, took manual control and landed.

And, as that is not enough, on both flights, Solo acquired 16 satellites, HDOP of 1.2 before I took off. I flew Solo about 20 feet away from me at an altitude of about 30 feet and Solo lost GPS both times. I have flown at this location across from my house many times. I have never lost GPS before, anywhere.

Is it just me or Solo?
@Maddog If you're on Android remove the app and 3DR services and reinstall and see if that resolves the issue.
@Maddog If you're on Android remove the app and 3DR services and reinstall and see if that resolves the issue.
Sorry, forgot to mention it was my iPad mini. I'll try that anyway.
Should I be using the A B buttons on the controller or on the device screen?
Well, I uninstalled the 3dr app on my iPad mini. When I tried to reinstall it said I needed iOS 9.0 or higher. Dang- I'm still on 8.4.
Took an hour but I upgraded to 9.2.something and got the Solo app reinstalled

It's too late to fly so I'll test it tomorrow and report back.:D

UPDATE: Took Solo out today and all problems have been fixed by upgrading the iOS.:)
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Tried a longer distance Cable Cam. The Solo stopped part way through the cable, just 2 or 3 waypoints into the cable. So I brought it back, swapped batteries, reloaded the cable, and ran it again. Same problem. It stopped at the exact same place.

Unfortunately I didn't have time to investigate further. I didn't even test if it would follow the cable past that point if I controlled it manually.
It was fairly warm today so I ran two batteries through mine. On one flight I set eight waypoints and it ran it just fine.
Something I noticed was that, although the Solo is pretty accurate remembering and repeating the exact location of waypoints, it's not so great at replicating heights. I positioned the first waypoint of a flight at head level ten feet in front of me, and when I reran it had to hit pause to avoid boring a hole in some snow.
Admittedly I do a lot of height changes - it's fun to watch as my machine does a low pass, then hauls itself into the sky, then back down to another location, etc., etc.. So, maybe it's just that I do so many it's no big deal, but best to check your own accuracy.
It was fairly warm today so I ran two batteries through mine. On one flight I set eight waypoints and it ran it just fine.
Something I noticed was that, although the Solo is pretty accurate remembering and repeating the exact location of waypoints, it's not so great at replicating heights. I positioned the first waypoint of a flight at head level ten feet in front of me, and when I reran it had to hit pause to avoid boring a hole in some snow.
Admittedly I do a lot of height changes - it's fun to watch as my machine does a low pass, then hauls itself into the sky, then back down to another location, etc., etc.. So, maybe it's just that I do so many it's no big deal, but best to check your own accuracy.
Sounds like you're running the cablecam at full speed, the faster you go the less accurate you'll be at repeating height in my experience. I think speed has an effect on baro accuracy.
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