Multipoint Cable Cam and Performance Settings Question

Jul 6, 2015
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The Multipoint Cable Cam smart shot is awesome! I find it to be that rare combination of being very power and just as important, easy to use. Kudos to the human factors engineers who did the layout of the user interface!

I did however have a question. Does the Performance Settings (Turtle/Rabbit settings) have any bearing on how this smart shot behaves? In the past I have gone into mission planner after I have changed these settings and did see changes in the PID settings (makes sense to me).

I know you can slow or speed things up with time lapse, but has anyone changed the settings back to turtle (that used to be the default) to see if that changes anything in the flight characteristics? If so, is it better just to leave both settings in the middle (now the default)?
performance settings do impact how smart shots behave. as you've seen, they adjust the pids which is used in most flight modes. the smart shot itself has speed but this determines how fast solo moves (for mpcc, speed between the points).

for me, my goal is cinematic shots, so i leave the performance sliders between slow and medium. i'll adjust the smartshot speed depending on the scene. sometimes i will increase the performance sliders to max but thats only for flying to a subject. once i'm at the subject i'll switch back.
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You can also not hit the play button and use just the right stick to move along the cable at what ever speed you want.
even vary the speed along the cable going faster or slower as you chose
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Thanks guys for the help! I am more of a fly by the seat of my pants amateur videographer i.e explore, find something interesting to take a video of. Occasionally I get some neat videos but I really need to start planning out my shots more if I want to get any better. Multipoint cable cam seems like a good tool to do this planning and then execution.
i have no idea why medium pan would be more ideal than very slow...3DR never explains why

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