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  • Hey Frank,

    I found your 3DR Solo Accessory Bay boards here and on OSHPark. I was wondering if you still had any assembled with connectors for purchase. Please let me know at your earliest convenience.

    Hi Frank. I am moving to Bethesda MD next month and would love to get your inputs on places to fly in the area. Thanks - Nick
    Hi Frank - you posted on a previous post that you "fly arduplane with lidar and terrain following.” I am new to drones and am interested in developing a “terrain hugging” capability on a hexacopter. Can you provide more specific guidance on the sensors and steps required to outfit this unit for this capability. Any thoughts/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
    Hi Frank, as Eben I would also be interested in purchasing solo breakout boards. Email me at markus.auvinen(at)! Kind regards Markus
    Hi Frank I've been reading your post for a while now. THANKS . You have really helped me a lot. You the camera guy, pyrate. Do you have a website?
    Do you still have any full outfitted 3dr solo accessory boards available? If so, how much? Please email me at [email protected]. Thanks!
    i just sold my last one from the previous batch. i have another batch being manufactured but it takes two weeks so the earliest to get one would be 2nd or 3rd week of May.
    I downloaded Python Launcher as noted in the guide, but when I tried to run the command, I got the following result below.Where am I going wrong?

    sudo -H pip install git+
    sudo: pip: command not found

    My goal is to easily download logs via the solo-cli. Feel free to shoot me an email at [email protected].
    that means pip is not installed on your machine. it looks like you are on a mac so use the following command to install pip:

    sudo easy_install pip
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