I'll let someone else explain Rewind as I have never used it but I believe to Rewind or to RTH you MUST have GPS lock - or the Solo will simply be in Fly Manual mode. In that case you must have practiced and be able to in fact, Fly Manual on your own.
At any rate, assuming that the Solo was reassembled correctly and the cable(s) pushed in and tight, there is NOTHING wrong with the cardboard mod and everyone who has done that mod gets improved GPS - including myself.
From what you describe I'm not certain that you lost GPS, or if you did, the Solo reacquired GPS. That may mean the area is not conducive for flying by GPS OR I believe it could mean an intermittent or loose cable. Regardless, folks here can help diagnose the issue, but need specifics stating exact symptoms in proper terms. In the end, I suspect that only the log files will tell you specifically what happened during your flight - but cardboard had no specific role in itself, except a potentially improved GPS signal and lock.
When flying in GPS mode, I Fly just as soon as the controller says that it's okay to do so - 7 satellites I believe. However, you MUST remain cognizant of your surroundings (overhanging trees, low between tall buildings, etc.)
-Another Female Flier-