RESOLVED!: Log help flies erratic without controller input, Roll and DesRoll huge variance in logs

Jan 12, 2018
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My solo is acting uncontrollably as if its not stabilized at random times, in this case it was right after a straight vertical take off-- it started flying way sideways and all over the place as if not stabilized without controller input, then settled down, then I continued vertical ascent above tree line, and went forward and let off, and it did it again hovering all over the place without input from the controller. as if not stabilized. It is not a calibration issue. Roll and DesRoll have a huge variance in logs meaning its flight is very different than the input im giving it during these instances when it acts up. Ive included a picture of the chart--easy to see the 2 instances it went off the wall, and the flight log in this link. I have no idea what the issue could be, can anyone help??? It has been calibrated, has new props, and was recently fully reset. Im stuck :( and worried it will fall out of the sky.
Here's results from a quick test--I'll look at it a little later when I get a chance.
Thank you so much! It seems that my EKF has spurts of failure, is this repairable? I’ve done a little research to understand the ekf, but not many have had this issue, Thank you again for helping so far
Here's results from a quick test--I'll look at it a little later when I get a chance.
After a little more looking it’s only roll and pitch having issues, still don’t know the cause, could it be a broken solder joint on the board for a certain component?
When you say it's been calibrated does that include the stick calibration?
After a little more looking it’s only roll and pitch having issues, still don’t know the cause, could it be a broken solder joint on the board for a certain component?
How many hours on the motors? Pod two seems a bit suspicious. It appears to really have been struggling to fly and not crash.
How many hours on the motors? Pod two seems a bit suspicious. It appears to really have been struggling to fly and not crash.
There are not many hours on it but it has had one flip over crash from a very low altitude due to this stability issue possibly causing damage to motor pod 2
No I have not done a stick calibration,

First I'd check the motor pods as David suggests. Turn them by hand, see if they all feel about the same, no play and turning freely. That won't tell you there's a problem with the ESC's but if any of them are sloppy or sticking, that's likely your problem. That's very quick and simple. After that, I'd do a stick calibration just to eliminate that as being the source of the problem.
The Amp draw of the Solo plus the immediate pod 2 anomaly on the logs would seem to indicate to me it has nothing to do with a stick calibration. It appears there was very little stick movement. I have never seen an Amp draw graph like you have.
This problem has been RESOLVED!!!! Thank you to each and every one of you, your input was a huge help!!
Quick background: I bought this solo used, the PO had a prop fly off on take off, it flipped, and motor pod 2 prop threads got chewed up on the ground. When i went to buy it ($180 for solo with a new gimbal and a hero4 black with tons of accessories) pod 2 wouldn't turn on at all. He told me it might just be unplugged. Went home cleaned up the prop threads and sure enough it was just unplugged. When i plugged it back in i noticed the female white data connector on the motor pod came unglued on one side and was slightly lifted from the board. Didn't think much of it (shame on me), plugged it in, flew it a dozen times with no issues. Today i took it apart and sure enough that 8 pin white data connector which was still lifted on one side actually caused at least 2 of the individual pins to break loose of their solder joints on the board. The were just barely touching hence the intermittent instability, certain maneuvers must have caused them to lose contact. Before buying a whole new motor pod i went for a repair. I super glued the female data connector back to the board where it came loose and I busted out the solder gun, re-soldered each of the 8 pins securely back to their little rectangular connection points on the board. Solo flies like a dream!!!!!! The connector and pins i fixed is circled in this picture. Thanks again!!!!motor pod.PNG
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This problem has been RESOLVED!!!! Thank you to each and every one of you, your input was a huge help!!
Quick background: I bought this solo used, the PO had a prop fly off on take off, it flipped, and motor pod 2 prop threads got chewed up on the ground. When i went to buy it ($180 for solo with a new gimbal and a hero4 black with tons of accessories) pod 2 wouldn't turn on at all. He told me it might just be unplugged. Went home cleaned up the prop threads and sure enough it was just unplugged. When i plugged it back in i noticed the female white data connector on the motor pod came unglued on one side and was slightly lifted from the board. Didn't think much of it (shame on me), plugged it in, flew it a dozen times with no issues. Today i took it apart and sure enough that 8 pin white data connector which was still lifted on one side actually caused at least 2 of the individual pins to break loose of their solder joints on the board. The were just barely touching hence the intermittent instability, certain maneuvers must have caused them to lose contact. Before buying a whole new motor pod i went for a repair. I super glued the female data connector back to the board where it came loose and I busted out the solder gun, re-soldered each of the 8 pins securely back to their little rectangular connection points on the board. Solo flies like a dream!!!!!! The connector and pins i fixed is circled in this picture. Thanks again!!!!View attachment 7664

Excellent! Thanks for following up with the resolution. So many times you never hear back when a problem is resolved and what the resolution turned out to be.

Enjoy your Solo! It's a great bird!

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