So long everyone

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Hahaha! Friendly group? I got beat up pretty bad when I joined. I had just almost lost one unit and had another crash, so I admit I was a bit touchy when certain members insulted my intelligence and even in some cases called me a liar. However, I found that the best plan was just to block certain people. That's what this guy should have done. People don't always get along in person or online. It's a fact of life. When I meet someone that I don't like, I avoid them. Same here. You can't expect people to respond to you the way you want but you can choose who you interact with.
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Hahaha! Friendly group? I got beat up pretty bad when I joined.
Ya, well that's to be expected when you are brand new and start bragging about careless and reckless operation in violation of both FAA and CBO guidelines. Post pictures of sheep. Then blindly accuse the membership of being pedophiles and perverts. And as justification, claim people occasionally drive while drunk and high, so it is ok. The list of stupid things you did to bring an unwelcoming response upon yourself goes on and on. So I would say you are actually a perfect example of someone that is not a good example here.

@treesmoke, yeah you 6u have a holes o this forum that Will make you feel unwelcomed because I feel the same way, to hell with them all. Go to YOUTUBE and you will get all the help you need and meet friends that Will be happy to help.

A review of your posting history does not support your claim. Even after reading each post 3 or 4 times slowly to make sense of the rambling jibberish. But anyway, if this is such a whack ass bullshit forum, why are you here?
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I for one thought the kid was a jerk from the get go. He was like a kid that was looking for his dad's blessing or love. Glad to see him go off into the solo sunset!
the forum here has some very valuable information and very knowledgeble folks
but this is easily the least friendliest of forums I am on
the mob mentality with a little too much sarcasm thrown in of the replies in this thread alone further proves that point

I lost count of how many newcomers suggesting they'll considering switching to the competitors' product if they cannot find a resolution to their Solo only to have beaten-to-death responses like "LOL OK GOOD LUCK WITH DJI LOL"

doesn't bother me that much as both of my Solos are collecting dusts...just sucks that we cannot bring in new blood because of the old gentleman's club we've got going on

Yea that's exactly what happened to me. I posted exactly what happened to my Solos and immediately I was attacked, insulted, blamed, called a liar, an idiot and what was amazing was that my issues were known, relatively common Solo problems. Well documented throughout the internet.
Yea that's exactly what happened to me. I posted exactly what happened to my Solos and immediately I was attacked, insulted, blamed, called a liar, an idiot and what was amazing was that my issues were known, relatively common Solo problems. Well documented throughout the internet.
That is not at all what happened to you. Just FYI, your threads and post history is available to anyone who wants to research what you're saying. And the facts do not support your statements. Ironically, the first person to post a response helping you with your problems was........ me. Shortly thereafter, you accused the membership of being sheep following pedophiles. Then couldn't figure out why people weren't taking a liking to you? At some point in the mix, you destroyed your solo trying to fly it inside your house, and complained about how many times you has to replace your solo.

So, if you're going to cite your personal hardships as evidence this forum is so awful, it may be wise to refresh your own memory on those matters.

This forum is a great place. I don't think "young blood" is getting run off. There newbs here almost every day, and they aren't being chased off by us grouchy old blooded people shooting rock salt at them for trespassing. The facts do not support your emotional response.
I'm not sure how you lost count considering how infrequently that happens. If you really think this place is so mean, I would love to know what other forums you're on. This place is not unfriendly unless you really really try to bring it upon yourself.

would you like me to comb the entire forum and write you a 20 page report on the frequency of said behaviour?

or was it a maybe, oh i don't know, figure of speech?

if I recall it happening multiple times,and it's gotten to the point where the admin or site owner have noticed it with similarily silly antics right here in page 1 of this thread, I think the situation is fairly cut n' dry.

I've already provided with an honest answer on here before; look no further than MavicPilots. Instead of ganging up on newbies who may not be the asking the best questions, they don't pretend to be a smart ass and happily help. The culture is on a completely different wavelength there. I don't expect many members here to touch DJI-related forums with a 10 foot pole though, shame.
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I make it my policy to never touch anything DJI with any pole
Solo is solo, if you don't like solo, sell it and move on. It really isn't hard.
Let's all remember the reason we are here... the love of the hobby. Please treat each other with respect. If someone should not deserve your respect please ignore them or if they are breaking the forum guidelines, feel free to report them so the staff can handle it properly.

I am going to close this thread now as it has run its course. Please keep it friendly.
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