There was a "brief" break in the rain yesterday and we made a run to Vicksburg to do some filming. I'm trying to get over the white-knuckle nerves about being over water, so I figured the Mississippi River would be a good way to practice. The flights went well. Once in the air, and I can see the Solo is responding, the white knuckles go away and the flight is flat-out fun. Here's 1:27 of the fun. It was shot at 2.7K Medium FOV and post processed in Adobe Premiere at 1080p. Most of it is at 2 to 3 X speed with a moment of slomo. By the way, the building seen early on in the clip will have about 5 feet of water in it in a couple of weeks as the high water heads down the Mississippi. The building is a museum so they have begun to evacuate the bottom floor.