3DR Tarot gimbal on Solo

Nov 27, 2017
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hey all,

New to the forum and new to the 3DR. Couldn’t pass it up brand new with out the gimbal for $100 w/ free shipping. Not new to drones however as I have a Yuneec Typhoon.

I was wondering if I could rig a Tarot T-2D gimbal to the Solo? The solo gimbals seem to be a few hundred bucks at the moment and I can get a Tarot for $40. If I can rig one up how hard would it be and could I get the camera tilt to work?

Thanks for any info that can be provided!
It is not pulg and play. How hard depends on how much DIY you have done. You have to get the ch 6 output from the Pixhawk Cube from one of the connectors on the Solo Main brd to use it to control the tilt. There are postings about doing it.
hey all,

New to the forum and new to the 3DR. Couldn’t pass it up brand new with out the gimbal for $100 w/ free shipping. Not new to drones however as I have a Yuneec Typhoon.

I was wondering if I could rig a Tarot T-2D gimbal to the Solo? The solo gimbals seem to be a few hundred bucks at the moment and I can get a Tarot for $40. If I can rig one up how hard would it be and could I get the camera tilt to work?

Thanks for any info that can be provided!
You are better off with the stock GoPro 3dGimbal, but Just do a search? Nevermind here you go, I helped another forum lurker here >> https://3drpilots.com/threads/tarot...th-arducopter-master.10372/page-2#post-122537

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