Using the new geofencing feature with the 3DR Solo

The mini 2 would be attractive if it had GPS and was going to go to IOS 10
The barometer is an issue but one I could work around.

Maybe I will see if the mini 2 has an affordable cellular option.
Right now I am leaning refurbed mini 4, but still think I will wait to see what the android 2.4 looks like
If all it is missing is agumented reality I could live with that
The only things AR has been good for so far in my flying are landing in heavy tree cover and turning around and not being able to remember where I'm sitting. Definitely a useful feature and I'm sure it's nice in smart shots but I don't think it's something to buy an ipad for if you have something that works.
Even if I throw in the towel and actually purchase and Apple product, (stomach roll)
I would keep my nexus 9, have too much need for tower with both solo and my DIY

I am working on a shot where I use tower to plot a mission for my Big X8 and delay each way point 5 seconds, then chase it with solo on MPCC and use that 5 second delay to frame the x8 in solo.
Then land and recharge everything, take the delays out of the way points and fly the X8 on a mission being chased by solo on a MPCC using the sticks and free look to chase
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Solo is limited to 400 feet altitude from take off point. If you're driving up a mountain and Solo is following you and you go above 400 feet from where you took off, it will fly into the side of the mountain at 400 feet unless the barometer on the device is telling it to go higher. See the "follow updates" section of this post: Announcement in full:

The inventors of the follow drone continue to lead the way in this technology. Follow now offers a “leash” mode, where Solo will always follow from directly behind the subject. This can also be useful for obstacle avoidance; if the subject travels along a path with obstacles on either side (at a reasonable distance), Solo will take the same route. In addition to leash mode, Solo will also account for altitude changes (available on iPhone 6 and above) when following a subject climbing or descending slopes. And those who want to shoot over water will be happy to see the new “boat mode,” which allows Solo to take off from a moving platform.
Solo is limited to 400 feet altitude from take off point. If you're driving up a mountain and Solo is following you and you go above 400 feet from where you took off, it will fly into the side of the mountain at 400 feet unless the barometer on the device is telling it to go higher. See the "follow updates" section of this post: Announcement in full:
so if i would to climb higher than 400 feet. id have to use my iPhone 6s.. ok kool thanks for the info bro..i love this site
Sorry but Chris A has posted today it will be released for android. He didnt say if it was in the 2.4 android app but it will be available soon. They have taken a lot of flak over the android issue and they are responding.

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Chris has corrected his post, seems he was not as in touch as Vu

Here's a primer on custom geofencing with Solo, which has never been easier. It has just been released in the new 3DR Solo app for iOS and will be coming to Android soon: (Correction: all the other features in the latest Solo iOS app, such as rewind, are coming to Android in the next month or so, but we do not have an Android ETA for geofencing yet. Sorry for the confusion on that -- I read the internal roadmap too fast and missed that)
Chris has corrected his post, seems he was not as in touch as Vu

Here's a primer on custom geofencing with Solo, which has never been easier. It has just been released in the new 3DR Solo app for iOS and will be coming to Android soon: (Correction: all the other features in the latest Solo iOS app, such as rewind, are coming to Android in the next month or so, but we do not have an Android ETA for geofencing yet. Sorry for the confusion on that -- I read the internal roadmap too fast and missed that)
Again read my previous post, i did say it wasnt clear if they were in 2.4 release. He realised they arent in 2.4 release but the intent is for them to be released to Android. It will just be in a later release. They lost a key dev (why is another question) it takes time to find the right replacement and get them upto speed.

Vu has never indicated that geofence would even be in future releases.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
the CEO didn't realize Android had features cut from 2.4?
not sure if I'm not surprised.
The man is not allowed to have a brain fart every now and then? I was pleased he actually corrected and apologized within 24 hours of his post.

You people are tough on 3DR and Anderson... Give the guy a break from the non-stop beating... I'd be more inclined to continue efforts on behalf community of users, if they supported with more understanding when stuff happens. Solo is not dead, but we the community of users are digging the grave.
but it wasn't a brain fart

if I'm understanding it correctly, even the CEO himself did not realize features were his apology he even said his information was from an (outdated?) internal memo
Solo is limited to 400 feet altitude from take off point. If you're driving up a mountain and Solo is following you and you go above 400 feet from where you took off, it will fly into the side of the mountain at 400 feet unless the barometer on the device is telling it to go higher. See the "follow updates" section of this post: Announcement in full:
Confused now- I have the option in settings to exceed 400' with both iOS and Nexus.o_O
it's always been that way since launch because the whole world doesn't revolve around US airspace regulations
My question is, and I skimmed over this whole post and didn't see it. What if you're flying and somehow lose gps? How would that effect geofencing? Having experienced the dji fly away first hand (lost a $2500 drone and GoPro), that's what I'm wondering?
My question is, and I skimmed over this whole post and didn't see it. What if you're flying and somehow lose gps? How would that effect geofencing? Having experienced the dji fly away first hand (lost a $2500 drone and GoPro), that's what I'm wondering?
Without GPS there will be no Geofencing or any other 'Geo' mode. The coordinates for the fence are GPS based, so Solo would go in to manual as always and the fence would not exist until GPS returns.
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My question is, and I skimmed over this whole post and didn't see it. What if you're flying and somehow lose gps? How would that effect geofencing? Having experienced the dji fly away first hand (lost a $2500 drone and GoPro), that's what I'm wondering?
I hear a lot of people saying that DJI fly away, has anyone had that happens to the solo, just fly away while you watch it just disappear

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