Help for the new guy?

I'm a radio guy - it depends. If it was turned on for a few seconds to snap a PIX, probably no damage, but any longer I'd be very suspect. Lot's of variables there with RF. I kind of wonder about the one on Ebay being sold with one antenna...did the guy just lose it or has it been run with one antenna. I was actually going to check on the design of the WiFi module...however, they are a semi-standard of the go-fasters for Solo was swapping that module for a higher power one (they plug into the computer with the SD card, standard pinout). The upside is if you go the new controller route you'll have a known good module in your old one... keep me posted
This is what it is: 3DR Solo Wifi Card (Stock)
I was looking at that one with one antenna too. It looks like the threaded stub may still be on it, so I don't know if that helps. I found a guy selling the whole rig, GoPro and all in my State for $100. Tempting, but a very long drive away.
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I was looking at that one with one antenna too. It looks like the threaded stub may still be on it, so I don't know if that helps. I found a guy selling the whole rig, GoPro and all in my State for $100. Tempting, but a very long drive away.
Oh, go for it. $100 for a whole setup is short $.
I really like the drone, but wonder if it is just hopelessly outdated at this point. Wondering if I should cut my losses and move on. Seems like such a waste though. I made several upgrades, etc.
I really like the drone, but wonder if it is just hopelessly outdated at this point. Wondering if I should cut my losses and move on. Seems like such a waste though. I made several upgrades, etc.
After all this, understand that.
After all this, understand that.
Although you might have control with one antenna, the total signal bandwidth would be greatly decreased as well as probably damaging one the amplifier with no antenna, and most likely there would no video. To be avoided!
I contacted the sort-of local guy today and he is sending it to me tomorrow. He said the 3DR is like new, and includes two cases full of GoPro stuff, including the camera. He's only charging me $20 for shipping. $100 for the kit. Very fair guy. Oh boy, I feel a flight coming on.
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I contacted the sort-of local guy today and he is sending it to me tomorrow. He said the 3DR is like new, and includes two cases full of GoPro stuff, including the camera. He's only charging me $20 for shipping. $100 for the kit. Very fair guy. Oh boy, I feel a flight coming on.
That is a great deal! Keep me posted, best luck!
Update- I got my new controller (and drone) in the mail today. Anything I need to know or do before firing everything up to see if it pairs?
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Hi- I'm hoping someone can help the new guy by pointing him in the right direction. My issues seems to be a common one, but here are the details. The last time I used my 3DR was in 2018, and at the time everything worked just fine. I just got it out of storage, wanting to get back into it, but find I can't get everything connected in order to fly. I've tried my original Samsung tablet with the Solo software, and switched to a newer Lenovo tablet on which I installed Solex. I've also tried resetting the 3DR and controller. I boot the bird, then the controller, which just gives me the screen about needing pre-flight updates. Neither of the apps will connect. In Solex I did the thing where you add updates to the menu, and selected Solo as the drone. I get connected to the drone via wifi, using the UDP setting, but it never connects.

I've been through lots of posts pertaining to this, but just came away more confused. Can anyone point me to a clear step-by-step to work this out? Also if I get it working, what specific updates I need to install through Solex?

Current specs:
Solo app: 2.4.0
Solo: 2.4.2
Autopilot: 1.3.1
Gimbal: 1.3.6
Controller: 2.4.2
Controller firmware: 1.2.11
With Solo app i assume u mean Solex right ?
Update- I got my new controller (and drone) in the mail today. Anything I need to know or do before firing everything up to see if it pairs?
Just make sure both batterys are fully charged and for sure dont make the mistake when turning on the contrioller that you accidentally also press the fly button / especially not have it hold pressed in. That way you can end up in preflight update mode. You really dont want that. Also do the IMU calibration bfore the compass calibrating. And when doing so keep it far from ANYTHING metal in a large open area with grass or sand. So your not by accident have reinforced concrete under your feet while you think its just stone brick or tiles whatever ;) and if you have a gimbal keep that off the drone while doing all that. If u have the stock gimbal without any special soldered cables and stuff i think that about it m8.
I assume you aware of how your Solex settings are in the best/safest setup. Like dont do any insane shit like activate the killswitch or put your flight mode in sport or whatever. Just go Loiter by default. And never take off anywhere close to buildings obstacles or bodys of water. One of my solexes found it out the hard way. Lost connection and autopilot returned home. I thought i had a pretty safe distance margine for error. But i came short probably 10cm and i see it going down and cliffhanger towards possibly hitting partially the edge of a 3 story high rooftop. Like 10 cm off in wrong direction. 2 of the arms bump against the rain pipe at the very edge of the building before HORRIBLY CRASHING INTO WHAT SEEMED AND FELT LIKE ENDL3SS MANGLED PUZZLE PIECES.....
I have a progress report. I fired up the bird and controller, got the "Searching for Solo" message. Hit the pairing switch on the Solo and it paired right up the first try. Then I brought up Solex on my tablet and got it connected. It does keep telling me I have no Internet Connection (Am I/do I need one to fly?) I disabled crazy mode and the kill switch. What I don't see in Solex that I did see when trying all this before the new controller came, is the "Updates" link. I hade previously downloaded the Open Solo updates, but now I'm not seeing anything there. Also not getting any reading for battery or profile on the main Solex screen. Hope to do the calibrations tomorrow.
I have a progress report. I fired up the bird and controller, got the "Searching for Solo" message. Hit the pairing switch on the Solo and it paired right up the first try. Then I brought up Solex on my tablet and got it connected. It does keep telling me I have no Internet Connection (Am I/do I need one to fly?) I disabled crazy mode and the kill switch. What I don't see in Solex that I did see when trying all this before the new controller came, is the "Updates" link. I hade previously downloaded the Open Solo updates, but now I'm not seeing anything there. Also not getting any reading for battery or profile on the main Solex screen. Hope to do the calibrations tomorrow.
Progress! Yeah, the SOLEX internet thing requires manually toggling between the Solo hot spot and your regular internet. SOLEX has to be in the internet mode to see and download the updates, then once loaded, flip back to the Solo to then do the flash.
Progress! Yeah, the SOLEX internet thing requires manually toggling between the Solo hot spot and your regular internet. SOLEX has to be in the internet mode to see and download the updates, then once loaded, flip back to the Solo to then do the flash.
Forgot to answer - no, SOLEX only needs internet to select and download the files.
Ah, excellent. Thanks for that. I was pretty confused at all the available updates listed in Solex. I picked the two related to updating the controller and drone to OpenSolo, but didn't know what else I should be looking at.
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Ah, excellent. Thanks for that. I was pretty confused at all the available updates listed in Solex. I picked the two related to updating the controller and drone to OpenSolo, but didn't know what else I should be looking at.
Yeah, you want the straight OS4 And Reset for Solo and controller. Once you get updated, you'll want to run a script for each device. These force a reinstall of OS4 instead of the old 3DR firmware should a factory reset be required.
Yeah, you want the straight OS4 And Reset for Solo and controller. Once you get updated, you'll want to run a script for each device. These force a reinstall of OS4 instead of the old 3DR firmware should a factory reset be required.
Once the updates are loaded, let the SOLO cook for 12 minutes, as it doesn't tell one when it's done.
Just reboot it after the time, it should come up with OS4.
The controller takes about 5 minutes.

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