Solex: New App just for Solo!

First, your insights are very much appreciated. The problem is that when you personalize an analysis you bring YOUR interpretation forward.
I would be really helpful to people who have a great deal of time, energy, passion and money into Solo, if you would simply relay facts and qoute sources.
For instance, its compleyely irresponsible to claim that 3dr is nearly broke. You don't know anything about 3drs finances, or prospects for further funding. If you were to qoute Mr. Anderson saying it were true then we might see cause for your statement. However, if Mr. Anderson did say such a thing (which he has not) it would only indicate that he said it. You get my point?
You seem like an intelligent guy but you're implication that your opinions are fact insults your intelligence.
I'm certain that you are referring to one of the 78 posts/posters before you, but which one?
A $0.99 price point only makes financial sense to a developer if the potential market is rather large, which is just isn't for a Solo specific app. How many sales do you think he's going to make, a few hundred, maybe a thousand or two? Developing something like this for two grand, of which Google will take a third, just isnt worth the time.

You have to look at it based on what it does, not on what other useless apps are selling for. This makes a $1000 tool more useful, and as such, $30 isn't asking too much.

A set of props will set you back about the same as this app, and with 3DR effectively done adding features to the Solo, this app is the only hope for anything new.

I have no problem spending $30 on this, even if only to support a developer who took on such a task. This is not like banging out the umpteenth clone of some game using the same game engine everyone before used.
Speaking of props,
Solo store was out of stock yesterday, What's up with that?
As I said, and others, ***I believe*** 2.4 will be the last major software update coming from 3dr. Not the last update coming for Site Scan. They're not totally broke and I don't think I said that. I said they are shifting/putting their resources, staff, etc, into enterprise and are basically done with the consumer (ie 3dr solo app) side of things. Actually, they said that. I'm just repeating that portion. They have fired just about everybody who was not working on enterprise. Of course there will still be updates for the Enterprise and 3DR will be around. They're not going to be updating yesterdays toy forever. They're on to bigger and better things. Cinematography is out. Mapping is in. That's where their focus and money is going, and their latest round of investments by Autodesk are for that purpose. Autodesk (just last month) isn't putting millions into them for our Solo app. They're doing it for the enterprise mapping workflow through sitescan and getting people to use the Autodesk ecosystem for output. It's actually pretty slick.

They don't really make money from Solo sold at Best Buy or Amazon or even their store. They make money from Sitescan (and solo for that purpose, which is a tiny minority of total solos out there)
As I said, and others, ***I believe*** 2.4 will be the last major software update coming from 3dr. Not the last update coming for Site Scan. They're not totally broke and I don't think I said that. I said they are shifting/putting their resources, staff, etc, into enterprise and are basically done with the consumer (ie 3dr solo app) side of things. Actually, they said that. I'm just repeating that portion. They have fired just about everybody who was not working on enterprise. Of course there will still be updates for the Enterprise and 3DR will be around. They're not going to be updating yesterdays toy forever. They're on to bigger and better things. Cinematography is out. Mapping is in. That's where their focus and money is going, and their latest round of investments by Autodesk are for that purpose. Autodesk (just last month) isn't putting millions into them for our Solo app. They're doing it for the enterprise mapping workflow through sitescan and getting people to use the Autodesk ecosystem for output. It's actually pretty slick.
Last time someone put millions in their was for the Solo project.
No, it was June, for Sitescan. They had 4 rounds of funding previously for consumer solo and have gone through most of that, which is why they were closing offices and terminating key personnel when solo didn't sell as anticipated, and also pulled funding for a lot of projects and open-source developers, like the Ardupilot project.
History of Ardupilot — APM Planner 2 documentation

3DR Announces Investment from Autodesk – 3DR News

No one is investing in consumer solo anymore. It failed in the marketplace.
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I remember reading, back in April of last year, that 3dRobotics acquired over 1 million dollars for Solo to come to market. Not hard to believe, if you want me to find it , I'm sure i can?
Read the crunchbase link I posted. It shows all of their funding rounds. It was 99 MILLION between Nov '12 and April '15. That was almost all spent on researching/creating the prototypes, hiring all the staff along with Class A phone support (another thing they got rid of when the money was running out early '16), and the initial manufacturing runs, of which they built way too many. Read the other article where Chris Anderson basically states all of that. April '15 was almost 17 months ago. That's a long time.

All money they've raised since then, which hasn't been that much compared to Solo, has been for Enterprise. And that's what they're working on.
I have a weird question.

Are there any updates on the current status of the cool Solex app?
he just pushed at update late last week, and I just saw he posted next 2-3 weeks he has something large coming
don't know what that means but knowing Kelly it is legit
and I just saw he posted next 2-3 weeks he has something large coming

This is the most exciting thing to come out for the Solo... possibly ever!

I bought it but haven't had time to use it yet. Sorry if this has been asked and answered, but what firmware does this require on the Solo? I've been staying away from the betas and remaining on 2.3 because of it's stability.
2.3 is a where I would be on android if you are not part of the beta group
2.4 on IOS

And on the exciting front. I am pretty stoked an effort is being made by the community to rebase firmware to master arducopter.
that would be major considering the latest official app actually downgraded the firmware
My understanding is there is a bug using cell data and wifi at the same time. Try cashing maps first
As I said, and others, ***I believe*** 2.4 will be the last major software update coming from 3dr. Not the last update coming for Site Scan. They're not totally broke and I don't think I said that. I said they are shifting/putting their resources, staff, etc, into enterprise and are basically done with the consumer (ie 3dr solo app) side of things. Actually, they said that. I'm just repeating that portion. They have fired just about everybody who was not working on enterprise. Of course there will still be updates for the Enterprise and 3DR will be around. They're not going to be updating yesterdays toy forever. They're on to bigger and better things. Cinematography is out. Mapping is in. That's where their focus and money is going, and their latest round of investments by Autodesk are for that purpose. Autodesk (just last month) isn't putting millions into them for our Solo app. They're doing it for the enterprise mapping workflow through sitescan and getting people to use the Autodesk ecosystem for output. It's actually pretty slick.

They don't really make money from Solo sold at Best Buy or Amazon or even their store. They make money from Sitescan (and solo for that purpose, which is a tiny minority of total solos out there)
Ok, so you "believe" . Why not simply state "why" you "believe. Isnt it unfair and terrorizing to "believe" the sky is falling?
Make your case. We can all determine for ourselves what we "believe."
Ok, so you "believe" . Why not simply state "why" you "believe. Isnt it unfair and terrorizing to "believe" the sky is falling?
Make your case. We can all determine for ourselves what we "believe."
I have all over the board and I don't really care to yet again just for your appeasement. Feel free to read my existing posts if you're that interested. Many link to articles quoting Chris Anderson and other 3DR employees. It's not like I'm making stuff up. I stated my opinion on what will happen and I don't really care if you agree. Time will tell if they come out with actual new stuff, and given how long it's taking to do the 2.4 update for both platforms I wouldn't hold my breath. Using words like "terrorizing" and "believe the sky is falling".... hah. You're pretty extreme in your interpretation of what I said, as I said no such thing. Not even close. That's your hyperbole.
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