Is 3D Robotics in danger of closing it's doors?

The point is more that Qualcomm doesn't need 3DR. They are looking to be the Qualcomm of drones, with everyone using their chips. Of course there is plenty of debate about how wise their strategy is (i.e. putting everything on one chip, vs a dedicated auto pilot with a companion computer).

But in Qualcomm eyes, 3DR isn't of much value. They can't move enough units and they don't own anything: ardupilot is open source GPL3. The pixhawk is open source hardware, also GPL3. The GpL3 is a big problem because Qualcomm can't do anything proprietary. If Qualcomm (who are pretty much running the show at 3DR) saw any value they wouldn't have layed off all the arducopter developers. I think the only guy they kept around is the guy who was responsible for the Solo branch. Meantime the lead on the Pixhawk2 quit and 3dr has no plans to comercialize it - why bother when the Chinese clone makers will just clone it for cheap and not offer a damn thing back to the open source community, just like they did with the first pixhawk.

I'm rambling so I'll stop. I should take the time to edit this, but Qualcomm is just going back to working on their own autopilot. That's what they were doing before they invested in 3DR.

Rumor is that 3DR doesn't even have the factory in China anymore. Just a warehouse with a bunch of Solos.
Why are you trying to turn everything into negative w/o any evidence?

3DR never owned a factory in China. It's called outsourced manufacturing, as almost every American company does.

3DR received a ton of venture capital. And the investors want to see their return and therefore force 3DR to trim down the waste.
To abandon the funds for the Arducopter dev community was an unfortunate but logical step, since the money went vastly to the benefit of the Chinese Pixhawk clone manufacturers who never will contribute to the open source community nor anything back to 3DR.

There are a lot of new things in the works for Solo. Just have a look at what's currently going on at their Git.

Let's wait and see what 3DR will unveil at NAB ;-)
I really wish the solo owners and 3dr as a company well. But when 3dr says their focus is no longer the hobbyist or small business customer, then you need to take 3dr at their word. Sure 3dr will support the solo drone for a bit - maybe even a year or two. There will be further software updates and even some more accessories.
However 3dr's focus is selling monthly subscription services to large companies to obtain and then process very large amounts of data. The drones are used simply because the cost of acquiring the data is less than using a plane, satellite or even a helicopter. At some point small customers will need to switch to another drone platform that will better address their needs.
Why are you trying to turn everything into negative w/o any evidence?

3DR never owned a factory in China. It's called outsourced manufacturing, as almost every American company does.

3DR received a ton of venture capital. And the investors want to see their return and therefore force 3DR to trim down the waste.
To abandon the funds for the Arducopter dev community was an unfortunate but logical step, since the money went vastly to the benefit of the Chinese Pixhawk clone manufacturers who never will contribute to the open source community nor anything back to 3DR.

There are a lot of new things in the works for Solo. Just have a look at what's currently going on at their Git.

Let's wait and see what 3DR will unveil at NAB ;-)
Look, I don't want to be the guy whose turning everything negative. So I'm not going to keep pounding away at this. On the other hand, I don't think we need to live in denial. Wanting something to be true doesn't make it so.

As for evidence, I'll just say that I'm not speaking out of turn. If we start getting into a point-by-point discussion on the Chinese facility, or the true size of the development team, or even the moral of the folks working at 3DR, then this will get really nasty. I'm not going to name any names, so you'll just have to review some of my other posts here and decide for yourself if I'm reliable. At the very least I think you'll agree I'm not an anti-3DR guy or some DJI stooge in disguise.

At the end of the day, I still think the Solo + Multi-point Cable Cam + 3.97 replacement lens = the best consumer level cinema drone. Yes, I'd like the P3/P4s optical flow to help in poor GPS areas (like flying down a wooded path). Yes, I'd like obstacle avoidance (even if it's as rudimentary as the P4s). But those are "like to have" features that I wouldn't trade for multi-point cable cam.

We are all going to be fine with our Solo's for awhile. Personally I'm stock piling on spare motor pods and props, and probably an extra Solo or two so I can keep flying Solo for awhile no matter what happens. But I won't live in denial about what's going on at 3DR. Let's all cross our fingers and hope for some cool new accessories and new camera options at NAB. And let's hope they have success in the enterprise market.
I just bought a second solo, no Gimbal. I am planning on using one for mapping and then can use the one with the Gimbal for 3d models of structures and other imagery.

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Ok.....I don't know what you are trying to tell me and how it pertains to the thread about 3DR closing it's doors

I'm not trying to be nasty or anything, I just don't understand.

Ok.....I don't know what you are trying to tell me and how it pertains to the thread about 3DR closing it's doors

I'm not trying to be nasty or anything, I just don't understand.


This was a part of the thread two pages ago... 3DR needs to stay in the game long enough for the uAVionix ADS-B transponder integration with Pishawk via DroneCode etc. With an ADS-B operating on your quadcopter or fixed wing sUAS, you will be able to meet FAA's need for Sense and Avoid capability so you can fly in controlled airspace outside of a narrow NOTAM, VLOS circle. (you will be in contact with ATC at all times, regardless) Without ADS-B integration (has to be ON the drone), the controlled airspace is going to look like purple measles as we all get our commercial operating certs and enter scores of NOTAMS (DROTAMs) each day.
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Thank you very much. That was extremely helpful.Excellent!

Pyrate, you can slither back under your rock again. Have you moved out of your Mom's basement yet?

Will this also help those of us who don't live in the USA too?
Thank you very much. That was extremely helpful.Excellent!

Pyrate, you can slither back under your rock again. Have you moved out of your Mom's basement yet?

Will this also help those of us who don't live in the USA too?

This particular web-based system is CONUS and Alaska only. There are other systems for other countries. PocketFMS would work in all of North America, South America, NZ, OzzieLand and some far east. That is not a free service however and is intended for piloted aircraft ops/procedures etc. Way overkill for drone flights, as are most Flight Planning and in-cockpit aviation apps.
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This particular web-based system is CONUS and Alaska only. There are other systems for other countries. PocketFMS would work in all of North America, South America, NZ, OzzieLand and some far east. That is not a free service however and is intended for piloted aircraft ops/procedures etc. Way overkill for drone flights, as are most Flight Planning and in-cockpit aviation apps.

Thanks again!
so no latest update new from 3dr maybe this could near to close thiers doors

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