Disabled Individuals and Veterans flying ' Solo '

May 9, 2016
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United Kingdom
Hi to all members,

As you are probably aware I am a Disability Advocate for Veterans and others with ' Debilitating Health Conditions '!
Working with the 3dr Solo Drone and my custom made interface for Mind, Voice, Gesture and SmartGlasses Control.
3D Robotics have sponsored my work with a donated 3dr Solo with Gimbal. They unfortunately did not have any of the ' GoPro Hero 4 ' available from their inventory.
After attempting to contact some of my Valued Connections on LinkedIn I'm awaiting a response.
The response from Government, Military and Veterans Organizations is massive. I will be attending the CES17 January 2017 held in Las Vegas each year. This and other events are to show new technology for different scenarios!
I have the SmartGlasses, Gesture Controller ' MYO Armband ' from Thalmic Labs USA the Mind Control or BCI is from my ' e-Wheelchair '. We move closer to these individuals ' Living Independently Without Fear ' now that is something to celebrate!
I have a desperate need for a pair of ' FPV GOGGLES ' these play a large role in calibration for the ' SmartGlasses '!
The type of FPV Goggles I have been trying to find are either ' FatShark ' or ' SkyZone '. If anyone wants to help or support this unique project and has connections with anyone whom has ' FatShark Dominator HD V2 or preferred SkyZone FPV 5.8GHz Dual Diversity 40 Channel with Head Tracking ( V2 ) goggles this will speed up the work immensely.
There are some very interesting comments on my LinkedIn Profile, here you can see the number of ' Officials, Organizations, Individuals ' all involved with Veterans lives.

One aspect I would appreciate is some advice on the best mapping software for use with the Solo! AutoDesk has some very easy to use software and Pix4d has a great amount of feedback.

So for now I will say " have a great weekend with health, fly safely ".

Best wishes

Phil Case
[email protected]

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