Better WiFi connection in the next release - Important Update

May 5, 2015
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The next firmware will improve your WiFi in many circumstances, the changes from hostapd are in there along with other changes made to improve the link connection.

This means the hostapd mod is no longer necessary, if you read the first post on the that, I've included a command I'm told will reset the Solo, so you can benefit from future tweaks to the WiFi as well, because if you've already changed the hostapd file it may not update otherwise.

Video - Software mod to increase radio range - hostapd.conf | 3D Robotics Drone Forum

@rrmccabe can you unstick that thread now?
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It's in testing at the moment, the aim was first week of October, it will depend if any issues come up in testing. The other improves are the gimbal and GPS.

Oh gotcha !! thank you for the info!!
Oh no, you have to re pair,
that is the one think I had trouble with with SOLO, had to get tech support involved and we were one last try from RMA and it finally paired for no reason
The next firmware will improve your WiFi in many circumstances, the changes from hostapd are in there along with other changes made to improve the link connection.

This means the hostapd mod is no longer necessary, if you read the first post on the that, I've included a command I'm told will reset the Solo, so you can benefit from future tweaks to the WiFi as well, because if you've already changed the hostapd file it may not update otherwise.

Video - Software mod to increase radio range - hostapd.conf | Page 11 | 3D Robotics Drone Forum

@rrmccabe can you unstick that thread now?
Hi lan,
So your saying we need to un-do the hostapd back to original settings before update?
Hate to give up a good thing, just to see what 3dr came up with.
so on the tweaker app, there is a setting to reset the file.
Will that not undo it so the update will work?
Will the wifi update work if new wifi cards have been installed as a mod or will I have to put the originals back in?
Problem: Unable to detec Sololink WIFI anymore after revert back to August 2015 hostapd.conf
Hi guys, I think I made a mistake.
I just used the Solo Tweaker on another computer and revert back to August 2015 hostapd.conf Changes. Solo Tweaker crashed, then I revert it back again.

Therefore, Im unable to detect my SOLOLINK WIFI anymore
Both my Solo and my controller are unpaired.
Tried to Turn Off to both the Solo and the Controller, then Turn them On.
Wait 30 seconds to fully turned ON
Hit the Pair button on the Solo more for 2 seconds - both the Solo and the controller wont pair

any help please?
I feel dumb doing this

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