Another video issue

Oct 24, 2015
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Hey All,

Yes, I'm another person with a frustrating video problem.

Ok, here's my setup:

1. Solo with gimbal
2. GoPro Hero 4 Silver

Latest firmware loaded on everything.

Video used to work fine from my Solo to my iPad Mini. Just stopped working after I did the most recent Solo firmware update. I can control the GoPro via the Solo app on my iPad. Set variables - but no matter what I do - I don't get the streaming video.

I've tried all the "start up" processes turing things on in different order, etc.

I've tried the suggestions of setting specific camera parameters.

I've taken the gimbal off and checked the HDMI cable connection to the gimbal.

I've tried resetting the GoPro settings and re-inputing everything.

I'm very frustrated with this issue.

I'm looking for any advice at this stage - getting desperate.


Might just be a bad Gimbal. Or that cable inside that you have to plug in when you install it may be loose... And on my Hero4, the HDMI on the side is not working unless I get the connector all the way in -- but there is a small detent about 1mm out from that, and if I don't give it a bit extra to click in, no video! Have flown a battery in complete frustration only to notice it was a "c-hair" out from fully inserted, and click... all better. Not to get your hopes up but it's a true story. :-)
Does footage record to the iPad anyway? If it does it could be a software issue, which would mean a re-install could fix things?

I'm assuming everything is at the latest version right?
Have you tried removing the gimbal and connecting the HDMI cable from Solo directly to your GoPro?

Try will tell you if the issue is with the gimbal, or with Solo itself.

I recently had the same video streaming issues, but when I connected the HDMI directly to my GoPro it worked perfectly, pinpointing the issue to my gimbal. Sent in a support ticket and 3DR replaced my gimbal.

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