Android update for new features?

May 15, 2016
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Does anyone know when the android update for all the new smartshots and features will be released? Not too happy with 3DR. I was never told iOS (which I refuse to own) would be receiving exclusive early updates.
discussed at museum on this forum,
trust me and test out the search feature, you will have hours of reading
I hadn't heard there were issues. I did do the firmware update and flew last night with no problems. Its still upsetting though. Android is often treated worse. Yet has some dedicated users.
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I asked 3dr about it on Friday 6/17, and got nowhere for an answer:

Me: "Hi, when will the Solo app update for Android be released? It seems you're giving a lot of press announcing the release of something that is not available."
3dr: "It will be an official announcement within the next few days."
Me: "An announcement that the release is out, or an announcement of the status of the release?"
3dr: "The development department is being very hermetic into this matter, We do apologize for the inconvenience this may cause you"
Me: <complaining>
3dr: "I totally understand your position and I know that an apology will not amend your discontent but thats the only information we have"
Me: <more complaining>
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Great -.- well they have a few angry emails waiting from me to open this morning lol. I'll let you all know if I get any further.
I asked 3dr about it on Friday 6/17, and got nowhere for an answer:
3dr: "I totally understand your position and I know that an apology will not amend your discontent but thats the only information we have"

I'd wager that every support person at 3DR has this exact phrase printed out in front of them. :D Having been on the support end many times, understandable.

Perhaps I'm mistaken but early on weren't IOS'ers complaining that Android users were getting updates earlier than they were?
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I'm holding off on the firmware update until the android app is out to go along with it. I don't want mismatching versions, even if it is supposed to be ok. And when I do the upgrade, I plan to factory reset the Solo so the firmware is installed fresh. I think I'm also going to uninstall the solo app, tower, and 3DR services from my phone and reinstall all those fresh too.
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Perhaps I'm mistaken but early on weren't IOS'ers complaining that Android users were getting updates earlier than they were?
You are correct, it was a couple of weeks gap between the two OS apps. Blamed on Apple delays...IIRC

I'm still running the previous android version app, prior to 2.3. Testing some hardware mods since mid April and didn't want a new FW/SW to skew the comparison data previously done.
And when I do the upgrade, I plan to factory reset the Solo so the firmware is installed fresh. I think I'm also going to uninstall the solo app, tower, and 3DR services from my phone and reinstall all those fresh too.

Very good idea P2P. I would do the same. Thank u.
Clean install seems to be the best way we can do. I had experienced iOS update causing my Apps to not work, until i delete the Apps and re-install again. Even on Windows when my PC seems to slow down, I do complete Windows7 OS re-install and PC gets better. I guess to much garbage left behind when updating programs or delete and re-install other programs...registry or something they call it which were left behind.
An update from Vu Tran, VP of Support Services at 3D Robotics:

Hi All, here's an update for all the Android questions. We will be releasing Solo Android 2.4 in a few weeks. It will have the Zip, Pano, Return to Me, and Return and Hover. Unfortunately, we're not planning to have AR or Geofence, those features will only be on iOS. As always, all bugs and issues will continue to be addressed ASAP.
Looks like Android is hung out to dry, the pessimists were right. :-(
I don't have any apple device and I don't plan to buy any of these. I just don't need and like apple products, sorry. If I must buy apple products then I will buy phantom as well...

I have two solo drones and google nexus tablet/phones for solo - all is working good. As technical person I know that it's more easy to develop/release something for android - and 3dr is just droping it? What is the point & plan... very very very strange...
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I have decided to e-mail 3DR support at least weekly; not that they care or will do anything because of customer feedback.

I will send variations of this theme as I did today .

"The decision to not fully implement the upgrades for Android is a slap in the face to your customers and constitutes a broken promise.

Shame on you 3DR and Collin in particular."
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Hooking up the new smart shots should not be that hard as most of the UI development has already been done with the mpcc. Adding the geofence and AR viewpoint user interface requires a real android programmer, which they no longer have, as they lost or let go of him 4 weeks ago. So unless the mindset changes at 3DR this will be the end of the line for Android.
The panic of 2016, the sky is falling.... I'm on Android only. Can't understand all the dismissing going on here about 3DR and the rumors of their further demise.

When the next release is made it will have all the features of iOS version, with the exception of AR and geofencing. I fail to see where the lack of these items will diminish my Solo experiences or safety. If anything these features will lesson the pilot's responsibility to be an actual pilot. And when things do go wrong, they will be less capable in resolving safely. I guess that would be natural selection in action, at least from the drone side of the evolution.

Solo is a very stable platform and from my vantage point all issues are resolved related to anything hardware wise. I do expect stable software so that I can go out and fly. The smart shots are great and all, but using them makes me less of a pilot. Is it possible that all the smart features have allowed less than able pilots to fly without regard for the skills required, I think yes.

Maybe I'm delusional, but sorry I'm not jumping on this wagon train. I prefer to be a part of a solution rather than a problem.
The panic of 2016, the sky is falling.... I'm on Android only. Can't understand all the dismissing going on here about 3DR and the rumors of their further demise.

When the next release is made it will have all the features of iOS version, with the exception of AR and geofencing. I fail to see where the lack of these items will diminish my Solo experiences or safety. If anything these features will lesson the pilot's responsibility to be an actual pilot. And when things do go wrong, they will be less capable in resolving safely. I guess that would be natural selection in action, at least from the drone side of the evolution.

Solo is a very stable platform and from my vantage point all issues are resolved related to anything hardware wise. I do expect stable software so that I can go out and fly. The smart shots are great and all, but using them makes me less of a pilot. Is it possible that all the smart features have allowed less than able pilots to fly without regard for the skills required, I think yes.

Maybe I'm delusional, but sorry I'm not jumping on this wagon train. I prefer to be a part of a solution rather than a problem.
And I definitely appreciate all of your solutions. I don't mind these little bumps in the road. And I know there's going to be more. I'm ok w/that :)
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