Android Oreo (Android 8)

Bought solex today. Test fly. Same shit with follow me. Looking like I'm gonna have to switch to open solo. Before I go that route could I reflash solo 2.4.2?

Since I don't have Solex yet, this is out of my area of experience. I would suggest joining the Solex group on Facebook and asking there. The author of Solex, Kelly Schrock, is the owner of the group and either he or other Solex users should be able to help.

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So I upgraded to open solo yesterday. A quick test flight with the stock solo app produced the same results with the follow me issue on my Samsung Galaxy S8. I did not have a chance to try follow me mode with the Solex app as the wind was pretty bad right after takeoff. Ironically as I went to land the solo it tried to take off again even though I was holding down the throttle (left) joystick. I ended up grabbing it by the leg and hanging on while trying to get it to shut down. I'm sure I could have just attempted to land again but I was trying to get it on the ground before the wind carried it away. I could not get it to shut off until i put it down on the ground (all while avoiding getting shredded by the blades). I imagine the drone still thought it was airborne and that's why it would not shut off. However I'm a lil concerned about it not wanting to shut down on initial landing. I was hoping to test again today with Solex after work, but the weather isn't looking much better as of now.

As far as upgrades go.....I now have an upgraded mRo GPS module (it made a world of difference as far as satellite acquisition), a v2 shield (even better), I purchased Solex and did the Open Solo upgrade. Hopefully follow me will work with all of the above and I can get back to doing some actually filming behind the boat. I'm also considering buying a Samsung Galaxy Tab A tonight (their pretty cheap) as I've read a bunch of guys have had success with it. It also has (older) Android Lillpop on it and a bigger screen never hurt right! Then again though, other guys have said they had no issue with their Galaxy S8 either so who knows at this point.
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I was using a Galaxy S5 and didn't have any issues with the follow me Mode, I've since upgraded to an S7 and have access to an S8 active, however I haven't used the follow me mode on either of these. If I get a break from the rain in this neck of the woods I'm going to have to try the follow me mode (gps) to see if I come across any issues. I also have a Tab S3 to try too.

I don't have access to my drone right now but I just opened Solex and the very first thing it did was bring up my location on the GPS map. I would be surprised if it couldn't communicate this information to my solo, but then again, this needs to be tested.

The only problem I ran into with "follow me" was one drone that refused to budge and stayed in the same place. Couldn't figure it out until I realized later that I had set up a Geofence and had selected RTL (return to launch) instead of RTM (return to me). So as I moved off, I exited the Geofence area and the drone could not follow me. I have heard that the RTM option within the 3DR app is not functional.

Another thing you may want to check is your app permissions. Did you give the apps in question permission to access your GPS location?

Looking quickly at the weather forecast, it's possible I may have a chance Sunday to test these devices, I'll keep you posted on the results.

If I get to test, I'll be testing this on 3 different drones. One using the old version of the MRO GPS. One using the new version of the MRO GPS. One using the HERE GPS.
I was using a Galaxy S5 and didn't have any issues with the follow me Mode, I've since upgraded to an S7 and have access to an S8 active, however I haven't used the follow me mode on either of these. If I get a break from the rain in this neck of the woods I'm going to have to try the follow me mode (gps) to see if I come across any issues. I also have a Tab S3 to try too.

I don't have access to my drone right now but I just opened Solex and the very first thing it did was bring up my location on the GPS map. I would be surprised if it couldn't communicate this information to my solo, but then again, this needs to be tested.

The only problem I ran into with "follow me" was one drone that refused to budge and stayed in the same place. Couldn't figure it out until I realized later that I had set up a Geofence and had selected RTL (return to launch) instead of RTM (return to me). So as I moved off, I exited the Geofence area and the drone could not follow me. I have heard that the RTM option within the 3DR app is not functional.

Another thing you may want to check is your app permissions. Did you give the apps in question permission to access your GPS location?

Looking quickly at the weather forecast, it's possible I may have a chance Sunday to test these devices, I'll keep you posted on the results.

If I get to test, I'll be testing this on 3 different drones. One using the old version of the MRO GPS. One using the new version of the MRO GPS. One using the HERE GPS.

I checked the permissions and both have access to my precise location via GPS as well as access to my approximate location via cell towers and wifi. I can try and change the RTL to RTM in solex and see if that changes anything as well. I am curious to know how your's acts given the same setup. I truly appreciate you testing it just to see.
I checked the permissions and both have access to my precise location via GPS as well as access to my approximate location via cell towers and wifi. I can try and change the RTL to RTM in solex and see if that changes anything as well. I am curious to know how your's acts given the same setup. I truly appreciate you testing it just to see.
Hey, I'm curious to see if it is a Samsung related error, drone specific or other. I guess I better charge all my batteries because I want to make sure I test each device on each drone. Hopefully I can come up with some good results. Check your geofence settings in Solex too.
Hey, I'm curious to see if it is a Samsung related error, drone specific or other. I guess I better charge all my batteries because I want to make sure I test each device on each drone. Hopefully I can come up with some good results. Check your geofence settings in Solex too.
Quick test with a galaxy tab A last night. Same result (gps error) with the 3dr app. Gonna try solex today
Still P*ssing rain here in the PNW. Supposed break on Wed, have a solo packed and ready to go for an extended lunch.

Bought a Samsung Galaxy TabA to test Friday. Follow me did not work Friday. However somehow some way it worked on Saturday. Only thing I did different was boot things up in a different order. I went Controller, App, Solo this time as opposed to Solo, Controller, App.

Tried to recreate it yesterday with no luck. Every combination I tried didnt work. Even tried it without the GoPro to see if that could be causing it. Tested it with the Tower app as well. So frustrating as it worked flawlessly prior to it updating itself. Not sure what to try now. Are there any google based tablets that are compatible? Like to try something other than Samsung or android.


P.S.....At this point (strictly for therapeutic reasons), I'm tempted to fly it to max altitude above a gigantic parking lot and just kill the motors. Or smash it into a wall at full speed.
We only had a bit of Sun yesterday with high winds, so no flying. However bright and sunny with clear skies today and tomorrow. So will try to see what happens at lunchtime. Have all my batteries charged and I'm ready to go!

I appreciate it man! Just outta curiosity, do you have any phone/tablet that is not a Samsung? One thing I have not been able to test is a non-Samsung android device. Curious as to if it is solely a Samsung issue. Let me know!

On a side note, I would like to thank you for introducing me to the Sensitivity Analysis idea which I read about in another one of your threads. I am in the process of testing that idea on my boss today! lol
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I appreciate it man! Just outta curiosity, do you have any phone/tablet that is not a Samsung? One thing I have not been able to test is a non-Samsung android device. Curious as to if it is solely a Samsung issue. Let me know!

On a side note, I would like to thank you for introducing me to the Sensitivity Analysis idea which I read about in another one of your threads. I am in the process of testing that idea on my boss today! lol
I have a cheapo chinese tablet that I got sub $100 that I can test with. The follow me works on that no issue, but the tablet itself is just too slow to keep up with the video feed. You can't even play a normal 1080P video on it, let alone stream 720p and control a drone.

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