Who here is going to bail??

Each of us makes their own decision, but if you hold DJI to the same standards you hold 3DR, my guess is that 3DR will come out the clear winner, and you will end up very unhappy with DJI.. At least that was the case with me.

Sounds like you have been through the ringer with DJI as many people have.

Keep in mind I am already a DJI customer and my experience with them has actually been good although I have had not had a lot of need to test the depth of their service.

My last order with them was for a new Version 3 V+ which I ordered direct 3 days before they announced the P3. I called them and it had already shipped. They said just refuse delivery which I did. They promptly credited my card the same week when it returned. No handling charge for shipping or anything.

You are very correct about being about to call and talk to someone about an order with 3DR. That would be nearly impossible with DJI. However, I am not sure what value that has because they just tell you whatever they think you want to hear. They are 0 for 10 with me on follow through. So not sure which is worse.. No information or bad information.
I said the exact same thing about the Phantom 3 when it first came out, and DJI promised "3 to 5 day delivery" After a month I still didn't have the P3, and I was given FIVE different ship dates by DJI, each one later than the next. I finally cancelled the order(s) and it took another month to get "most" of my money back from DJI, with them arguing it was "to late" to cancel because i ordered it over a month ago... And then later that it was already shipped (which it wasn't) and later that it was delivered (which it wasn't). Yes... That all happened.... In fact 2 months later I am STILL waiting for one final refund for a return (extra props) that was cancelled (and never delivered).

It was in fact customer service that made the decision for me to go with 3DR. DJI simply has the most inept, uncarring, noncommunicative, and all around horrid service I have ever experienced. I have founmd that it is also systemic and seemingly cultural, in that it is throughout the company.

Example: Try to find someone at DJI you can actually talk to on the phone about an existing sales order.... You can't.... Round and Round you will go, but in the end it is an email address that gets responses 5 days later, many of which are unintelligable, and require another 5 day wait for clarification. There were times when I truely believed DJI was going to keep my money and not deliver anything.

The month long wait time however gave me a chance to look into other people's experience dealing with DJI. I found I was not at all alone, and in fact DJI is legendary for terrible service. Many people having the same experience, and worse... and MANY people waiting several months to get their birds back after a crash, paying for shipping to China, fighting over whether it was even received, etc. etc. A definite adversarial pattern that I witnessed the beginning of. I decided a video quad was much to complicated of a piece of equipment to have really bad service and an adversarial repationship with the manufacturer.

Each of us makes their own decision, but if you hold DJI to the same standards you hold 3DR, my guess is that 3DR will come out the clear winner, and you will end up very unhappy with DJI.. At least that was the case with me.

In any case, good luck
I couldn't agree more, well said.
I wouldn't say it's crap but I really can't say since I don't have mine yet. It's in its infancy and there are going to be issues. They have issues with the Phantoms they haven't worked out yet. In my opinion, I would rather pay more money for a product that I know I will get support for than one that provides very little support. Most of what I learned or found out about regarding my phantom was obtained from the DJI forum. You never see engineers, rarely a customer service agent, and sometimes you see Taco_Ed which I find is a baffoon. I'm holding out hopes with 3DR and maybe by the time I get mine some of these issues have been worked out.
I have owned 2 DJI products, Naza 1 & 2(yes, past tense) and have to say one of the issues I have with them are their updates in firmware with new restrictions on what they will allow you to do. You can of course refuse to update past what you have, but give up any bug fixes or enhancements as well.
I have owned 2 DJI products, Naza 1 & 2(yes, past tense) and have to say one of the issues I have with them are their updates in firmware with new restrictions on what they will allow you to do. You can of course refuse to update past what you have, but give up any bug fixes or enhancements as well.

I am at that point with my V+. It seems rock solid and I am not updating it anymore !
Good customer service is useless if the product your selling is crap

For me the Solo has been very very nice to fly. I'm really very pleased with it. The only thing I think is crappy about it are the stock antennas on the controller. I've replaced them for good.

I really want the gimbal at this point. It'll be great when that's available.
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I have owned 2 DJI products, Naza 1 & 2(yes, past tense) and have to say one of the issues I have with them are their updates in firmware with new restrictions on what they will allow you to do. You can of course refuse to update past what you have, but give up any bug fixes or enhancements as well.

This is why i haven't updated my P2V+ in a while and I won't update it again. It fly's fine and I don't need to add further restrictions that can't be rolled back like we could in the past.
Yes, 3.08. I see no reason to change. Course they will probably come out with some really cool feature to entice us into upgrading and then lock it down more.

I am waiting for them to add some code where you cant downgrade to older versions !
Sounds like you have been through the ringer with DJI as many people have.

Keep in mind I am already a DJI customer and my experience with them has actually been good although I have had not had a lot of need to test the depth of their service.

My last order with them was for a new Version 3 V+ which I ordered direct 3 days before they announced the P3. I called them and it had already shipped. They said just refuse delivery which I did. They promptly credited my card the same week when it returned. No handling charge for shipping or anything.

You are very correct about being about to call and talk to someone about an order with 3DR. That would be nearly impossible with DJI. However, I am not sure what value that has because they just tell you whatever they think you want to hear. They are 0 for 10 with me on follow through. So not sure which is worse.. No information or bad information.

We have very similar "opinions" and "values" here. I'm going to go out on a limb and do a sort of intervention if I may?
You're going to end up with a SOLO! Be it the one you preordered or one you buy 3 months from now!! LOL!! You're to vested and will not be able to just walk away until you have flown one and either love it or hate it BUT only you will be able to make that decision and all the good or bad reviews in the world wont matter. YOU NEED to see for yourself!!;)
JMHO but I said the same thing about the P3 and well...everyone has seen my pic.:rolleyes: The love of the hobby is just to strong for some of us not to experience the latest and greatest.
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Its possible or I might just get disinterested in the whole thing. I have lots of hobbies and my Trailblazer SS is needing a new stroker. Right now my V+ is doing just fine. LOL
About 20 minutes ago I replied to Vu Trans last email and asked for a tracking number for the order they said would go out yesterday. Its 9PM in China now. I told him if they did not ship and cannot provide tracking then cancel my order.

I will be buying another Phantom today as I am not impressed with 3DRs lack of follow through and continual lies. Not to mention only 25% at best are not having issues with it.

For all those Solo Fanboys on Facebook that jumped on me when I said that the Solo was rushed to market because of the Phantom 3.... Hey boys, what are thinking now !
Yeah, the Facebook site is turning into a joke. No help from the 3DR staff, just defending their bad roll out and their not-quite-ready for market product. It is just another Fan Boy site now, not a place for discussion or to seek help.
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This is really getting depressing.:( Only a few here seem to be willing to sit back and give it time. Not that all of us don’t have our legitimate gripes but come on…..there has to be more than just a handful of us that don’t feel screwed or cheated?? o_O:confused:

I want 3DR and SOLO to be a success but I also feel my fellow fliers pain! I can’t help but wonder if 3DR is going to try to compensate the people who got hosed with their preorders. The free battery to all because of the gimbal debacle was nice and something that is almost unheard of in the hobby. Maybe Colin is I a board room screaming right now that they made him look like an idiot AGAIN and they better make it right!! LOL!!!
This is really getting depressing.:( Only a few here seem to be willing to sit back and give it time. Not that all of us don’t have our legitimate gripes but come on…..there has to be more than just a handful of us that don’t feel screwed or cheated?? o_O:confused:

I want 3DR and SOLO to be a success but I also feel my fellow fliers pain! I can’t help but wonder if 3DR is going to try to compensate the people who got hosed with their preorders. The free battery to all because of the gimbal debacle was nice and something that is almost unheard of in the hobby. Maybe Colin is I a board room screaming right now that they made him look like an idiot AGAIN and they better make it right!! LOL!!!
I'm hanging......
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I am out today if it doesn't ship today.

Not because I am afraid of the "beta tester blues" but because I am tired of being told different stories by 3DR and them not following through.
They are up on Best Buy Online again. I just went to Best Buy on Sunday and picked one up. They are out there go get one.

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