Video - Software mod to increase radio range - hostapd.conf

So my question is, what (if any) are the negative consequences of making this change?

i.e. why didn't 3DR have this configured out-of-box this way
The config 3DR have as stock in the Solo will likely have had the legality checked in all countries it is sold. Mods like this won't have been verified in such a way.

Also the time taken for thinking up a software change to delivering it isn't a quick task, given the testing that usually takes place.
The only negative for me has been return video breakup. It has been excessive since the mod. The video will "roll" at times (kinda like the old VHS decks and tracking). The range is increased however.
The only negative for me has been return video breakup. It has been excessive since the mod. The video will "roll" at times (kinda like the old VHS decks and tracking). The range is increased however.
I agree. Range is great but lots of rolling in spots.
The solo and controller are reset each time I fly. The video roll happens each time.
I've been resetting the app (swiping it out and reloading) with some success at clearing the rolling. Haven't tested it out much tho as it's been pouring rain since Friday night.
Just did this mod as well and got to test enough to say my rssi has improved but it's started drizzling a little. Hoping the rain stops so I can test a bit more, so is this video rolling common after this mod or are those seeing it close geographically?

I too wondered why 3dr wouldn't have used this setup in the first place but I guess it makes sense if it's to comply worldwide. Honestly what sold me is going past some obstacles since my range is decent with fpvlr setup. If I have the video issues I'm not sure if I'll do it again after next update or even change back only testing will tell I guess. Would be nice to be able to use stock antennas some though so I don't always have to take antennas on and off to use the backpack if I'm filming things close to me.

Either way thanks to Ian and mods club more options are always better.
Just did this mod as well and got to test enough to say my rssi has improved but it's started drizzling a little. Hoping the rain stops so I can test a bit more, so is this video rolling common after this mod or are those seeing it close geographically?

I too wondered why 3dr wouldn't have used this setup in the first place but I guess it makes sense if it's to comply worldwide. Honestly what sold me is going past some obstacles since my range is decent with fpvlr setup. If I have the video issues I'm not sure if I'll do it again after next update or even change back only testing will tell I guess. Would be nice to be able to use stock antennas some though so I don't always have to take antennas on and off to use the backpack if I'm filming things close to me.

Either way thanks to Ian and mods club more options are always better.
I had some video rolling after the firmware update as well. So I haven't had a chance to track down where it's coming from. It hasn't been severe for me, so I'll live with it for now.

The rain, while stopping me from flying is much needed so I can't complain. It's normally a rainforest here but we have grass turning to dust everywhere! Kinda sad.
Just did this mod as well and got to test enough to say my rssi has improved but it's started drizzling a little. Hoping the rain stops so I can test a bit more, so is this video rolling common after this mod or are those seeing it close geographically?

I too wondered why 3dr wouldn't have used this setup in the first place but I guess it makes sense if it's to comply worldwide. Honestly what sold me is going past some obstacles since my range is decent with fpvlr setup. If I have the video issues I'm not sure if I'll do it again after next update or even change back only testing will tell I guess. Would be nice to be able to use stock antennas some though so I don't always have to take antennas on and off to use the backpack if I'm filming things close to me.

Either way thanks to Ian and mods club more options are always better.

About 3dr not doing this. I recall doing this to my DSL wireless modem after complaining about the wifi coverage to customer support. The obvious is not so obvious after all.
Thanks for the info fellas I actually got a flight in just before dark and my video was actually improved as well as my signal. Didn't get a chance to range test but my rssi stayed well below where it normally is even though the air is thick and humid after the rain, which has proven to decrease my range on other attempts here at home. So I'm pretty happy with the results so far.
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Remember guys I swept the stock antennas.!? Look for my thread (CLICK here): Its best swept at HIGHER frequencies! Improving the Maximum power transfer in those antennas!:) I do see a change in the beacon interval, basically maxing it out. Is this how SOLO defines its RTH? If it stop hearing beacons it RTH? So increasing this obviously increases "range" but is it safe to do such a thing? Sorry if this was already talked about i just skimmed this thread as its already very long!
Just tweaked, quite easy on a Mac. I used my web authoring app Coda to SFTP in and edit the file, then just SSH'd through the built in Terminal app. Coda costs $$ so alternatively you could use Filezilla or CyberDuck etc to SFTP in and and edit using TextWrangler, all are free.

The command to SSH in from Terminal for the controller is:

ssh -l root

...and for solo:

ssh -l root[/QUOTE]

I'm using a Mac Pro and using the FileZilla, how do you do the command to update the MD5 with md5sum /etc/hostapd.conf > /etc/hostapd.conf.md5 Thanks!
I just googled this!
Using SSH in (Mac OS X) - Media Temple

Just tweaked, quite easy on a Mac. I used my web authoring app Coda to SFTP in and edit the file, then just SSH'd through the built in Terminal app. Coda costs $$ so alternatively you could use Filezilla or CyberDuck etc to SFTP in and and edit using TextWrangler, all are free.

The command to SSH in from Terminal for the controller is:

ssh -l root

...and for solo:

ssh -l root

I'm using a Mac Pro and using the FileZilla, how do you do the command to update the MD5 with md5sum /etc/hostapd.conf > /etc/hostapd.conf.md5 Thanks![/QUOTE]
I figured SSHing and SFTP might push the limits of some folks' technical abilities, so I wrote a little Windows program to deal with all of that should you choose to use it.

It just makes the changes that Ian [P13] discussed in his video. It keeps both a before and after version of the file from both the Solo and the Controller for reference.

Using this will probably cause your warranty to immediately catch fire and turn to dust, and might cause your solo, controller, ipad, and/or favorite watch to do the same. Luckily I have no favorite watches. In short, use it at your own risk.

I haven't done any long flights since changing my Solo and controller, but it at least hasn't made anything any worse for me.

To use it, just extract the contents from the zip file, run the .exe, then connect to your SoloLink wifi. It won't (or at least shouldn't) let you even attempt anything until you're connected to the SoloLink wifi. Once you're connected, there's only one button, so click it.

If/when more tweaks like the hostapd.conf changes are discovered, I'll probably add to the tool so people can easily apply what they want to.


    251.6 KB · Views: 18
I figured SSHing and SFTP might push the limits of some folks' technical abilities, so I wrote a little Windows program to deal with all of that should you choose to use it.

It just makes the changes that Ian [P13] discussed in his video. It keeps both a before and after version of the file from both the Solo and the Controller for reference.

Using this will probably cause your warranty to immediately catch fire and turn to dust, and might cause your solo, controller, ipad, and/or favorite watch to do the same. Luckily I have no favorite watches. In short, use it at your own risk.

I haven't done any long flights since changing my Solo and controller, but it at least hasn't made anything any worse for me.

To use it, just extract the contents from the zip file, run the .exe, then connect to your SoloLink wifi. It won't (or at least shouldn't) let you even attempt anything until you're connected to the SoloLink wifi. Once you're connected, there's only one button, so click it.

If/when more tweaks like the hostapd.conf changes are discovered, I'll probably add to the tool so people can easily apply what they want to.
Great idea!
You should make another button to reverse that tweak and bring back Solo "as it should be"
I figured SSHing and SFTP might push the limits of some folks' technical abilities, so I wrote a little Windows program to deal with all of that should you choose to use it.
So does this download the file, apply edits based on the strings for each element needing to be changed, then writes back the edited version?

Presumably this means you could write a tool to automatically download dataflash logs? As that process is even less complex...

The process for grabbing the latest dataflash log is:

-connect to solo wifi
-ssh into [email protected]
-execute latest
-logxx.bin will be in the /log directory
-use sftp to copy the *.bin file(s) to your computer
Last edited:
I tried the mod and for some reason it hasn't made a difference. I double checked the hostapd.conf for both the controller and the Solo, and apparently everything is correct with the changes. Also ran MD5 command for both, and more than once to be safe. Went back in and checked modification dates on the hostapd.conf files on both controller and Solo. Everything looks good. But still no luck with increasing range, I think I actually reduced the range! Is it possible this just might not work on some Solos? Could it be related to some other interference? Or did I miss something? Thanks for your help!!

I am on a Mac and used Filezilla, BBedit and Terminal to make changes
This is what I copied to the files.

#chanlist=6 11


It's probably worth power cycling, on the odd occasion the Solo may choose a pair of channels where reception isn't so good, but a power cycle would sort that.

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