Solex Not Finding Solo, Hardware or Phone Problem?

Aug 7, 2021
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I am trying to get my 3dr solo ready to fly and have tried most of the things suggested on the Forum and Instructions. I may of misinterprerted the instructions in some way that is causing me problems as well. I have been at it since August 20th pretty steady without success.

I was given the used Solo drone/controller c/w gimble and hero4 as a present from my son, but he has forgotten the password to connect to the controller so I had to do a factory reset. Thought that was my only option.

My progress status is as follows. Note: I'm trying to use the Solex app and Open Solo for this process.

Factory Reset drone – it made the start sounds, did the light show, did more sounds, then all green lights, then then finished white at the front and red at the rear.

Factory Reset the controller – It said it was resetting for 3-5 minutes, then said reset complete and showed a check mark on the screen.

Controller – the controller said to push A button, did that and controller screen said it needed to do preflight update

Drone – Push in the pairing button 3 seconds and controller said solo detected, push A&B button to pair.

Controller – Pushed A&B and controller said Paired!

Solex/Phone – connected phone to sololink wifi and used sololink as password. Wifi said solo controller connected to wifi.

Phone – turned location on and made sure that the was no VPN or data running

Solex – under Settings – turned on Advance Mode and Set Default Mode to Solo.

Solex – under General scrolled down to find Firmware that was now showing and Downloaded the 2 files for the Open Solo Controller and the Drone. Download was successful. They are there and read to install.

Solex – Reconnected to the solos on Solex by depressing the Connect at top left in hopes to be able to connect to Solo and install Open Solo for the preflight update

Solex -Says Not Connected Type: Solo

Solex – Click on Connect at top left (set on UDP) and says “Looking for Vehicle... Type: Solo” Solex just keeps looking for Solo but never finds Solo!!!

Solex – try to upload the firmware anyway. Says firm ware incompatible. I guess because it never found solo.

Also tried 4 different devices – phones LG G3, LG G5, LG G6 and an LTE tablet.

Also re&re the controller battery as I read in a thread that this may help.

No luck so I removed the sd cards on the drone. Carefully removed the glue holding sd cards in. Check the drone sd card with the computer and saw that the golden files were there. (didn't fully remove the controller sd card as it was difficult and didn't want to damage...did move it in and out minutely). Slide the sd cards in and out like several threads had said to do. Reassembled drone and controller.

Proceeded with all above steps (except for disassembly/assembly) may times with no luck. Don't know what to try next.

Any ideas on why Solex can't find Solo? Hardware? Phones incompatible?
1.Solex can't see the controller ? vehicle not detected ? then turn on locations on your cellphone
2. that didn't work
3. probably the controller can't see the drone either ?
4. power off drone, and do the factory reset on the controller
5. when controller gets to "waiting for solo", turn on drone and see if controller jumps itself to "Preflight Update"
5a. no it didn't... do the 1 or 2 second pushbutton on drone for 'pairing' mode.. aha, new drone detected ?
5b. yes ? ok.. finish the controller's acceptance.. no? could be hardware problem, sorry dead end for me.
6. yes ? let it sit there like that ... now start the Solex routine but TURN ON LOCATIONS on your phone/tablet..
7. if you don't see that Solex has 'vehicle connected' then possibly the drone is unrecoverable at this point..
8. if #7, then try drone only SD card image routine to put the drone back as close to original as possible.. try all again.
9. don't do factory reset on the drone , just re-image the drone's SD card and start it up without the pushbutton factory reset business ...if it still can't be seen by Solex only then run the long pushbutton factory reset on the drone. start at #1 above and try again..
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Ribs, Thanks so much again. I followed your instruction and a bit more fiddling and got connected to the drone and open solo 4.0 installed on the controller and the drone.
I'm now studing the post installation instruction and going to try and calibrating the drone.
Ribs, Thanks so much again. I followed your instruction and a bit more fiddling and got connected to the drone and open solo 4.0 installed on the controller and the drone.
I'm now studing the post installation instruction and going to try and calibrating the drone.
Absolutely Fantabulous ! .. It's worth every effort you put in .. 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration ..

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