Solo app on iOS 10.3 not working

Still no luck for me on the 10.3 beta 5 release. Still doesn't work at all and still crashes every time I try and connect.

Checked again with 3DR Technical support today and again they are aware of the issue and plan to fix it once 10.3 is out of Beta code. We shall see.
I've tried the 10.3 beta 7 - no change on the crashing. I've checked twice with 3DR and they have said they WILL update the app once the beta is a general release. Crossing fingers.
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I updated my iPhone 6s to iOS 10.3 today and read this topic too late, now I have the same problem like u guys.. have this drone since 2 weeks :(
Contacted 3DR today, they are aware of the issue. Hopefully they will have it resolved soon, I wish I read this before updating to iOS 10.3
Thanx for U response. I do believe the fact, that Solo will not work with the Apple betas should be placed somewhere more prominent! A conspicuous warning on the Apps download site would be good beginning!
Has anyone heard from 3DR Support now that 10.3 is officially out.?

I sent a support request a few days ago and I've not heard back from anyone yet.

If I do hear back I will let you know what they say.
o_Oo_OI just had an online chat with support and this is their conversation with me..........

Roy Jones
Updated iPhone to 10.3, 3DR app crashes every time I hit Fly Solo. Any suggestions?


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Hi Roy
Thank you for contacting 3DR Technical Support.

Roy Jones



We already reported the issue to the developing team, as soon as we have a solution, we will release an update

Roy Jones
I don't suppose you have any idea of an ETA?



We calculate 3 to 4 weeks

Roy Jones
So basically you are saying that unless I fly blind or convert to android and use Solex then I'm grounded for 3 to 4 weeks??



We are working to get this solve the soon as possible

Roy Jones
wow, just wow


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That's precisely what I feared would happen. The team is aware of the issue since the first beta was released. Betas are versions that give developers time to solve newly appearing problems so that a seamless and stable working software can be offered. Apparently the financial situation of 3DR does not allow a timely response , they were propably hoping the problem will disappear in a higher beta release by itself since it may be due to a bug generated by Apple. Well, that's not the case now. A warning on their website to refrain from updating to new iOS versions until the respective version has been approved by 3DR wouldn't be much of an effort. I am certain that hundreds if not many thousands of users have non functional drones at home right now and many of them not even being aware of the problem, unless they have flown their Solos within the last days.
Same iphone 6s 10.3 and touch fly app crash all the way
3dr solo with hero silver help me
Sucks! Only solutions are to wait for an iOS update from 3DR or get an android device. Luckily I have an android tablet!
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In my opinion Solex is worth it. The developer is amazing and at a minimum it brings all the functionality of the original app and way more
I wasn't aware of this issue & drove out 80 miles with a fellow drone buddy (his Mavic flew flawlessly) to catch the wildflowers. Total failure / embarrassment on my part resulted. The Solo worked great a month ago and assumed it would work since I didn't change a thing - the iOS update must have happened silently. (?)

At a minimum 3DR should have emailed users when they became aware of the problem and suggested blocking the update (somehow).

Why doesn't 3DR just open-source the generic-Solo code (keep SiteScan closed) so at least we can have a chance at self-support.

What a disappointment... Now I need to figure out how to discharge 4x full batteries - none of my chargers or dischargers work with these 'smart' batteries...
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