Solex: New App just for Solo!

I just had time to download the app. Put the props on to fly and started to rain :-( guess I will have to wait till tomorrow

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
I used it briefly today as well due to rain. Loved the AI, home pointer, and telemetry. I'm still on 2.3 here, so I can't use most of the good stuff. That will be changing this week for sure!

This app was created from scratch in less time than it's taken 3DR to produce an update to their existing app...
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He also mentioned, in this version of Solex, you can save all smart shots & then you can share the shots with others!
It will zip the shots then email them for you! wow!

I really don't understand how can 1 save a shot from the coast of California, then send it to someone else that in Aspen, Co.
I thought it use's GPS coordinates to start & stop the Shot?
I'll ask him later, unless someone here know.
I used it briefly today as well due to rain. Loved the AI, home pointer, and telemetry. I'm still on 2.3 here, so I can't use most of the good stuff. That will be changing this week for sure!

This app was created from scratch in less time than it's taken 3DR to produce an update to their existing app...
Some of the app features are just riding "piggy back" on the 3DR Solo app. So some of the work "Time" is already done by 3DR.
Here a update to those who installed it. I'm guessing, but i think users need to be on the latest Beta or the final ver. coming very soon, for Solex to work right.
solex 2.JPG
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He also mentioned, in this version of Solex, you can save all smart shots & then you can share the shots with others!
It will zip the shots then email them for you! wow!

I really don't understand how can 1 save a shot from the coast of California, then send it to someone else that in Aspen, Co.
I thought it use's GPS coordinates to start & stop the Shot?
I'll ask him later, unless someone here know.
That's actually a feature I suggested and he took :) Well, the person in Aspen wouldn't be able to actually fly it. Your solo has to be at the start point in order to execute. But it would be cool to have a repository of preflown smart shots. Like if you were traveling or something. I didn't so much care about the sharing as I did having a way to back my own up. I have a lot of time invested in creating MPCC and don't want to lose them for some stupid reason. He just went one step further with the sharing on a suggestion from Phillip.

Another nice feature about his saved shots is you don't actually have to fly to the circle to start it like you do with the 3dr app. You can if you want, but there is also a way to auto fly there if you are close enough (to prevent someone in Aspen engaging a shot and having it attempt to fly to Cali, in your example lol). I don't know how close you have to be for it to be able to do that, and it's not automatic (you have to tell it to) in case there are obstacles in the way in case you didn't take off from the same spot each time.
LOL, coast of LA to Aspen is hypothetical.
I'm still lost in your definition of exchanging or the reuse of smart shots from a different location?
Sorry, but i forgot to take my smart pills today?

As it is now "Solo App" i need to be close to the saved SS.
Meaning that I can not use any smart SS that isn't near the place i created it right? For obvious reasons, Tree's, The grand Canyon, my wife's mother might be in the way, right?
From reading your post i gathered the company had no money!
Glad to hear this, I will remove or update my post.
I'm sure PdxSteve is a swell guy... but until I know for certain that he's planted a bug or two in Chris Anderson's and/or especially Colin Guinn's (or whoever's running the shop today), home and office, anything posted on the Internet is sheer hearsay and at best, can be taken 'under advisement'. Or to put it another way - I don't (hardly) believe a word I read on the Internet without several layers of solid verification.

No offense Steve - I love you just the same... ;) :cool:
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App worked great! The geofence worked great!

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
He also mentioned, in this version of Solex, you can save all smart shots & then you can share the shots with others!
It will zip the shots then email them for you! wow!
Zipping up the Smart Shot files can be problematic for emailing as some email systems' virus detection will strip ZIP files because they are fundamentally executables.
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I purchased this program this morning. I have been following his development of this SW on FB for some time. He is very good and fast with fixes as needed. In fact, he pushed 2 updates overnight that fixed issues with device compatibility and sign on. Has several new features coming soon, including object tracking. He is also looking at adding the new GP settings just released. I know $30 may be expensive for some, but I encourage those that can to support him. It is this kind of 3rd party development we have all been asking for. And you certainly will never see the rapid updates like this from 3DR. There is a lot of work in an application like this, and I would like to see him rewarded for it. As of now, the Smart Shots include: ORBIT, SELFIE, FOLLOW Manual, FOLLOW/REcord, ZIPLINE & CABLE CAM. He Also has GEOFENCE with multiple points and Return To Me. Geofences can be saved and recalled for repeat use. He also has an option to FLY to a saved Cable Cam start point, instead of manually flying to line up the start.

As with ANY new SW, expect a few bugs here and there. But fixes will be much quicker.. In addition, this SW DOES NOT require/rely on 3DR Services. This too will allow for quicker updates as it does not need matching updates from 3DR services.
I purchased just because he did something besides just complain. Support for anyone who is willing to produce
I don't think 30 bucks is excessive. After all it's a 600+ dollar item another 30 bucks for a working SW package isn't to bad. I'm assuming it comes with free updates?
I need to contact 3dr before I buy. I want to make sure it won't void warranty. I'll prolly wait a little longer til the selfie bug is fixed.
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point to follow object is this similar to dji active track?
No. It is not a moving target. Basically it's manually updating the target location by tapping on it on the video display. Object recognition and tracking is just not reliable and mature enough for production.
I'm sure PdxSteve is a swell guy... but until I know for certain that he's planted a bug or two in Chris Anderson's and/or especially Colin Guinn's (or whoever's running the shop today), home and office, anything posted on the Internet is sheer hearsay and at best, can be taken 'under advisement'. Or to put it another way - I don't (hardly) believe a word I read on the Internet without several layers of solid verification.

No offense Steve - I love you just the same... ;) :cool:
I don't need a bug. I guess you didn't read the interview about 7 months ago where Chris Anderson stated they lost the battle with DJI, created way too many solos, burnt through too much cash, and are now changing course and focusing on enterprise. Since then, they've shut down several office and support buildings, fired a lot of people, disbanded the android development team, and much more. I know you just joined a bit ago, but some of us have been reading and paying attention to developments for over a year. And not just internet guessing. Actual interviews. Words from current and past employees.

Here's one from 5 months ago: Drone-maker 3D Robotics cuts jobs, refocuses on corporate market

3D Robotics Inc., one of the better-funded, high-profile drone startups, is laying off an undisclosed number of its staff in a restructuring aimed at moving more quickly into the commercial market, due to heavy competition in the consumer drone market.

In the consumer arena, 3DR was making too many Solos. “We got knocked down for a really simple reason: We made too many Solos, especially given how fast our competitors dropped prices and flooded the market,” Kalanithi wrote in the Q&A portion of the company email.

By making job cuts and refocusing, 3DR currently has enough financial runway until the second quarter of 2017 without having to go back to investors, Anderson said. “We want to make sure we have a good long year of runway,” he said. “You don’t want to have to go back to the market every six months. This is a moment when the investors want to see a profitable, lean operation, and we are doing that.”

Things have been moving downhill rapidly since that interview. There is a lot more info and interviews out there if you'd like to search. So yeah, they are basically out of cash to spend on the failed consumer solo (in the marketplace) and focused on Enterprise to save them. I really don't care if you believe me though.
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Difficult to understand how such a company with gold into hand can go to such a bad result!
I think incompetance at high level of management!
I don't need a bug. I guess you didn't read the interview about 7 months ago where Chris Anderson stated they lost the battle with DJI, created way too many solos, burnt through too much cash, and are now changing course and focusing on enterprise. Since then, they've shut down several office and support buildings, fired a lot of people, disbanded the android development team, and much more. I know you just joined a bit ago, but some of us have been reading and paying attention to developments for over a year. And not just internet guessing. Actual interviews. Words from current and past employees.

Here's one from 5 months ago: Drone-maker 3D Robotics cuts jobs, refocuses on corporate market

Things have been moving downhill rapidly since that interview. There is a lot more info and interviews out there if you'd like to search. So yeah, they are basically out of cash to spend on the failed consumer solo (in the marketplace) and focused on Enterprise to save them. I really don't care if you believe me though.
In ether case, 3DR Solo going to be around till the last Solo Sold, then another year for warranty.
By then who's know what will happens, Everybody with a drone may be recruited to fight in a war? LOL or Chris Anderson may run for president? for got to take my pills today sorry
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I don't need a bug. I guess you didn't read the interview about 7 months ago where Chris Anderson stated they lost the battle with DJI,.. ...I know you just joined a bit ago, but some of us have been reading and paying attention to developments for over a year....
Here's one from 5 months ago: Drone-maker 3D Robotics cuts jobs, refocuses on corporate market

...Things have been moving downhill rapidly since that interview...
I really don't care if you believe me though...
Well, that reply was directed to SteveReno regarding believing everything you read on the Internet - you just happened to be the person he was quoting at the time and you did sound pretty gloomy. I simply seem to take Internet scuttlebutt with a grain of salt. I'm still trying to trace a (confirmed) source of Solo production, and whether or not there still is any production. The two Solo 'runs' with Rev A and Rev B may have been Mexico - China; it's a mystery.

But even though I haven't been here at 3DRPilots too long, I've been looking at drones (Phantom. Walkera) for ~4 yrs and 3DR since before they were on the market. And I read those (several) market reports with excerpts from Anderson's interview - and still bought my first Solo... and then my 2nd and 3rd, so I don't seem too worried. Of course, my purchasing strategy here may be like that of my stock market strategy - buy high, sell low. But I ain't selling (in spite of the oft-gloomy outlook) - I'm flying and tinkering; not necessarily in that order.

Sorry Steve, my comments were not directed to you as a purveyor of any specific misinformation, but a general reply to warn against believing everything one reads on the Webz.

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