RTH not working

Dec 26, 2016
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Littleton, Co
What's up fellas? I've been lurking for a long time and finally encountered a problem that I can't seem to resolve and I can't seem to find anyone else that has had this problem.

So I was at red rocks a couple of weeks ago and I had the drone higher than the giant rock but I lost signal to the controller and video feed while circling the back of it. I just had assumed that I would encounter what I always have and the drone would RTH per normal. Well after a while of not seeing it I started to worry and began running around to try and locate it.

My RTH was set to 150 ft using the Solo app and I had 12 satellite lock before and all while flying and I have never had an issue like this before. So long story long when I lost signal I can safely assume that instead of RTH that it just landed right where it was. I had thought this was a fluke and that the giant rock screwed something up so I went to test this again in a field next to my house and I lost signal again and it did the same thing and landed right where it lost signal at didn't even try to return this time I was using the Solex app with similar settings.

Does anyone have any idea what's going on? I have since submitted both logs and tickets into solo but am still awaiting to get any response and not holding my breath. I have also completed a factory reset and uninstalled and reinstalled both apps. Went out today and "lost" signal without actually losing and it initiated RTH it climbed to the altitude and began the rewind but then just stopped and began again to just land right there 900 ft away from the take off point.

Does the Solex app and Solo app conflict with each other, in other words should I only have one installed at a time? Thanks for any and all help!!
Land in spot usually means loss of signal and gps, unless it got a land signal. Logs would tell you
Did you by chance use the indoor flight profile in Solex? One of the parameters it changes is making it land rather than RTH. If you had used that profile and it didnt change back properly, this would cause that.
Did you by chance use the indoor flight profile in Solex? One of the parameters it changes is making it land rather than RTH. If you had used that profile and it didnt change back properly, this would cause that.

Perhaps I messed with them but I haven't messed with it after I reinstalled both apps, plus the first time this happen I was using Solo app not Solex.

Sooooo what would cause complete loss of signal and gps?
If you messed with them and didn't reset it back to normal, your failsafes may still be set for LAND rather than RTH. It wouldn't matter what application you're using since the parameters it changes are on the solo, not the app.

Use tower to view the parameters. See what FS_THR_ENABLE is set for.
1: RTH
2: RTH except continue with smart shots and auto missions
See what FS_THR_ENABLE is set for.
1: RTH
2: RTH except continue with smart shots and auto missions

In the case of #2 ("RTH except continue with smart shots and auto missions") what is the behavior? For instance, if one looses signal half way through a MPCC , does it complete the MPCC and then RTH automatically?

In the case of an orbit, where it just circles and circles until told to to stop (pressed >>), when does it RTH?
With it set for 2, it will simply ignore that it has lost signal and continue as planned. With orbit, presuming you used the forward/backward button to make it go, it will just keep orbiting. With MPCC, it will run to the end and just sit there waiting for a command. In either case, if you were using the sticks to manually move the solo through the MPCC or orbit, it will stop and wait.
With it set for 2, it will simply ignore that it has lost signal and continue as planned. With orbit, presuming you used the forward/backward button to make it go, it will just keep orbiting. With MPCC, it will run to the end and just sit there waiting for a command. In either case, if you were using the sticks to manually move the solo through the MPCC or orbit, it will stop and wait.

So... in mode #2, assuming a connection cannot be reestablished during Orbit or MPCC, Does it RTH when the battery goes low or does it fall out of the sky?
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The battery failsafe will engage when it hits that point.
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I have no idea what you guys are talking about, the tower app is wayyyy out of my league to understand I don't mess with it just have it.

BUT P2P you are the man!! It was set to 3 for just straight land. So I changed the value to 1 which is RTL.

Thank you so much for your help!!
You're welcome. Now, I would be concerned if there are other parameters that were not reset properly before. Check to make sure FS_BATT_ENABLE is set for 2.
when ever I play around in MP or Tower in solo I always write my parameters out to a file before I do anything
when I am done, I can always load the original file and reset solo right back to where it was before I monkeyed with it
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when ever I play around in MP or Tower in solo I always write my parameters out to a file before I do anything
when I am done, I can always load the original file and reset solo right back to where it was before I monkeyed with it
Thing is I don't mess with tower, I don't know what MP is but on solex I flew in a warehouse so I used the preset fly manual in the flight profiles but once I was done I thought I switched it back or "reset" apparently not though so I won't be messing with anything like that anymore.
That is why this happened then. You need to hit reset when you're done using those profiles. I believe there's a big warning about this when you go to them :)
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