In reviewing my original post dated vld, Jun 26, 2016 and your subsequent response particularly the one where you said I was “Grumpy”. It wasn’t my intention to come across that way. So you and others might be interested in what has transpired since my post and your response. I sent my Solo to their recommended repair center,
Current UAS - UAV Repair Services with the enclosed letter and follow up email:
July 5, 2016
CurrentUAS Tech
Please find enclosed:
1 Solo Drone
1 Solo Controller
1 Solo Controller Battery
1 helical after market antenna (unable to include originals)
1 Solo Gimbal
-If gimbal is defective please replace and return original.
-Please repair/replace any defective parts.
-Please provide complete evaluation of any problems found.
-If the
MikroTik WiFi card is available please install.
Reasons for using your service:
-Loss of gimbal control/GoPro overheat and shutdown.
-Range issues: more than 1500’ from controller get alert; “Waiting for Solo”. During that time no response to controller and RTH.
-Every update upon completion cannot shutdown controller-must remove controller battery/reinstall to turn off controller.
-Other issues pertain to software glitches such as unable to cache maps (something I know you can’t address)
The charge for repair and return $225.00. Analysis:
Note to Client |
Replaced IMX6 on controller, loaded new firmware and calibrations.
Test flew OK
GPS Signal OK
Range 3200ft+ on stock antennas
Video feed OK
Terms |
Thank you; For choosing CURRENT UAS
So, as I said in my original post, eliminate the user problem. Problem solved. Except right from the get go the gimbal failed. Thus the need for a follow up email to Currant:
July 5, 2016
CurrentUAS Tech
Please find enclosed:
1 Solo Drone
1 Solo Controller
1 Solo Controller Battery
1 helical after market antenna (unable to include originals)
1 Solo Gimbal
-If gimbal is defective please replace and return original.
-Please repair/replace any defective parts.
-Please provide complete evaluation of any problems found.
-If the
MikroTik WiFi card is available please install.
Reasons for using your service:
-Loss of gimbal control/GoPro overheat and shutdown.
-Range issues: more than 1500’ from controller get alert; “Waiting for Solo”. During that time no response to controller and RTH.
-Every update upon completion cannot shutdown controller-must remove controller battery/reinstall to turn off controller.
-Other issues pertain to software glitches such as unable to cache maps (something I know you can’t address)
Hi Christian,
Just took my repaired Solo out for a test flight…gimbal control lost after about 5 minutes. Ref invoice # 209. Any idea as to why? When I sent the drone to you I removed the gimbal. You returned with the gimbal in place. Pretty much negates any error on my part as I flew the drone as was shipped.
Subsequent to this email Christian called back and said over the phone that somehow the gimbal was bad and wasn’t detected in his evaluation. So, I’ve ordered another. In the mean time I’ve flown Solo without the gimbal with the GoPro camera hard wired to the Solo. Assume all firmware and software is up to date and I still can’t get a cached preflight planning map to download using Map Box or Google. The “Tower” software looks promising but I’m not sure if it would be worth the time to study this software as opposed to starting over with the P4. I may have to bite the bullet and admit that all the time and energy and money and research spent on this drone and the GoPro camera, editing software, etc. may have been in vain to accomplish my meager expectations. Obviously, I’ve not given up on 3DR. If the new gimbal operates correctly and I can simply fly line of sight, without all the touted expectations claimed then sad to say I’ll have to move on to 3Dr’s competitor. And no, I’m not grumpy, just disappointed. Regards, VLD.