Firmware update again

Jun 8, 2017
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I got a new tablet to use with my Solo. Its at the point now where the Solo app has detected new software but the drone already has the latest. Should I let the whole systemupdate again or do you think that will tank one of the components? Any advice would be appreciated.
I think once you go to open source/ you cut the umbilical cord to 3DR. That’s why it was initially developed, because Pedals to Paddles seen this issue on the horizon. Are you using Solex or Side Pilot? These are two apps that are worth their weight in gold. I use Solex with a Nexus 7 and purchased Side Pilot to use with my iphone and Mac products.
Yes I bought Solex for my phone but I need to figure out how I can install it on my Nexus 7 without paying again. When I bought it for the phone I signed up for the family share program so I should be able to install it free on the Nexus too. Thanks for all the good info.
thinking your phone is android also- ?

You should be able to go to Your purchased apps- and load it on tablet for free.
Yep she's a Droid too so I'm also thinking that family purchase plan I signed up for when I bought Solex might come in handy.
The 3DR app can only install their latest 3DR firmware version (2.4.2). If the app sees anything with a version number less than 2.4.2 (or a version number it doesn't understand), it will prompt you to update. If you have installed Open Solo 3.0.0, it should not be prompting you to update anything. Regarding Solex, as long as you are logged into both devices with the same Google account, you can install Solex multiple times without paying twice.
Hi, my phone uses a different Gmail account that I'm using for the new tablet I got. You. Think I won't be able to instatt Solex for free on the tab? As far as Open Solo I have not installed it on anything yet. What I did do is uninstalled the 3dr app from my new tab since I'm no longer going to use it going forward. Last night I downloaded the Open Solo file and that's it. Is that the only file I need to use Open Solo on my drone and controller? I'm sorry I'm so new at this, I tried to find a good read on the whole thing but had no luck. Is it safe to assume that I'll need to have Open Solo installed on my tab before I can do anything else? Also, since my cell phone uses a different Gmail account than my tablet, I wonder if that's going to preclude me from using the family share ability to instatt on the tablet. Thanks for any help and patience you might offer.
As far as Open Solo I have not installed it on anything yet. What I did do is uninstalled the 3dr app from my new tab since I'm no longer going to use it going forward. Last night I downloaded the Open Solo file and that's it. Is that the only file I need to use Open Solo on my drone and controller? I'm sorry I'm so new at this, I tried to find a good read on the whole thing but had no luck. Is it safe to assume that I'll need to have Open Solo installed on my tab before I can do anything else?

You need to read the documentation and instructions on Open Solo. I'm not going to re-write everything for you here. It's readily available in every thread here about Open Solo, and the link is in my signature.
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You can have multiple accounts on your Android device. Just go into "settings", "accounts" and add and account. Then you can open up the "Play" store app, click on the 3 bars in the upper left hand corner. It will show you which account your logged in under. You will have a drop down arrow beside your email address. Press it and your other account should be listed there. You can then click on that to open up your other account (in this case whatever account your family plan was under) and select that. Then you'll be able to download and use the copy of Solex that you paid for.

Also stop downloading random open solo files to your phone without knowing what you're doing. Pedals2Paddles gives very clear and easy to follow instructions on how to install Open Solo. Solex makes it very easy to update to Open Solo following said instructions. If you cannot follow instructions I fear you'll end up bricking your drone.
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Then he will have to turn it upside down, find some water and tell his friends it’s a boat.
Make sure the water isn’t too deep; or it will be a submarine.

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