Bough my Solo on the weekend direct from 3DR, and am anxiously awaiting it's arrival.
While I patiently wait and study the manual, I am in the process of accessory shopping.
I have decided to purchase a GoPro Black for the 3 axis gimbal, but am on the fence in regards to a tablet.
Question: Has anyone used a wifi only tablet tethered to their cell phone for access to cellular data?
I realize the downside of this setup is yet another battery / network connection to worry about.
Just working out the most economical options at this time.
What are the most common / suitable tablets used for this application, considering weight, battery life, signal strength, price, etc.
Thanks in advance,
Bough my Solo on the weekend direct from 3DR, and am anxiously awaiting it's arrival.
While I patiently wait and study the manual, I am in the process of accessory shopping.
I have decided to purchase a GoPro Black for the 3 axis gimbal, but am on the fence in regards to a tablet.
Question: Has anyone used a wifi only tablet tethered to their cell phone for access to cellular data?
I realize the downside of this setup is yet another battery / network connection to worry about.
Just working out the most economical options at this time.
What are the most common / suitable tablets used for this application, considering weight, battery life, signal strength, price, etc.
Thanks in advance,