Brand New Gimbal - Bad First Flight out of the box

Well thing is, I have a group of buddies who fly quads. A lot of them have phantom 3's. Your examples are on the extreme end. There's no way you would get props in the frame unless you're heading upwind at full throttle.

The live feed is far from useless, at most I've seen 200ms delay at 1 mile. As for the feed breaking up, Yes it does if your mobile device overheats or if its a lower spec'd machine. This issue can be solved by hooking up an external monitor with the hdmi module and the video will never break unless you fly it out of range.

Stress cracks however are a pretty common issue for those who stick with the stock active breaking rate. Some of my buddies who lowered the active breaking never had any cracks till now.

So yeah. A bit skeptical here :)
I can appreciate your skepticism.
Did you bother to google the topic?
Here you go - 3 pages of threads - about 60 individual threads from the PhantomPilots forum discussing stress fractures in the Phatom 3's frame:

Search Results for Query: stress fractures | DJI Phantom Forum

Is that extreme enough for you?
Perhaps you can clue your buddies in as well.

I had flawless video feed prior to the last update. As did many of us P3 Owners. Never had an issue on any of the three devices I've ran it on until this last update. You can also find many threads on this on the PhantomPilots forum. You really should join - it would benefit you far more than your membership here does (scratching my head). I use a Samsung Note 3, a Samsung Tab S 10.5, or an iPad mini 4.0.

What is this about active breaking???? It is the breaking we are trying to avoid. Why would they make their shells actively break apart???
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I had a similar experience but a little more dramatic. Gimbal seemed to almost invert the camera.
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On landing I straightened out the camera, so it was pointing reasonably level, and took off again and all went well. Not sure if this will happen again but the fix was just to land and straighten it out.
I just got off phone with 3dr support about how my gimbal would not initialize after takeoff (flight #2). He had me do a level calibration, that seems to have fixed the problem... at least temporarily.
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You obviously don't own a p3

Either you don't own a P3 or you don't know how to fly it. If you leave the gimbal in its default travel of 90 degrees instead of the 120 degree setting you most certainly will not see the props unless at full throttle. I have not had the misfortune of having to send mine in for repair, it has been flawless since new. I have never had a problem flying mine slow for filming, just takes some practice on how to use the controls. My live feed has been fine since the latest update. The cracking issue is a definite design problem but can be fixed with a simple 25.00 strong arm kit, which is still a lot less than I have invested in my solo to get it up to par with my P3 for distance and video feed. So before giving out a bunch of bad info on the other product you should either fly your P3 or keep your negative comments to yourself. When people come here for advice they are looking for honesty, not a grudge opinion of the other product. Some of you are starting to sound like the other forum more and more every day. Funny how things change when the product you love starts having a few expected problems and you feel like you have to defend its shortcomings by bad mouthing the competition.
The links I've provided to the PhantomPilots forum regarding the too-weak-for-the-motors-shell is pretty honest.
If you want more honestly, google the problems we've talked about. I own 3 Phantom's - I am not a DJI hater, but dude, lets get real about the issues. They exist. And I hope anyone researching the two quads would do enough research to find out about the flaws on both the Solo and the P3 before deciding. But the reality is - both have issues.
I am a recreational flyer - the photography I do is for myself and my circle of friends and family to enjoy. In fact I'm a pretty awful photographer - I just don't have an eye for it.
When I film, I often like to fly fast, not at a Turtle's pace. I do not want to have to crawl through the sky to avoid seeing the props in the frame.
If I were a design engineer, I would design a gimbal that dropped down after launching. The legs wouldn't lift up as on the Inspire, but the gimbal itself would drop down below the legs, below any prop interference, and retract upon landing. It could all be controlled with a servo with a button assigned on the radio for the gimbal, just like the retractable landing gear on some of my fixed wing RC planes.
Mine did this but it was total user error and install issue.

I hadn't properly wrapped my cables and thy touched the yaw motor causing overload protection.

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It is quite hillarious to watch you bash Solo... And acuse me... And then go on a pro P3 rant... All in the same paragraph

Now THAT is funny...... (PS: no comment on my picture?) LOL...

Ohh and the bashing the messenger bit? (me in this case)

I think anyone reading my posts here can see the reality of what I have posted in the posts themselves, and I COMPLETEY stand by that. I spend most of my time helping people. What little I have said about P3 is 100% true, and based my direct personal experience.

Obviously you can't see that reality either, which tells volumes...

I don't think you can learn anything from me, and I am certain with your nearly 100% negative posts, I can't from you. Given they are so few, I won't be missing much, so I will just ignore you from here on out. Carry on...

Good luck!!
Hmm! I don't recall bashing solo at all, I just said when solo has been a complete package as long as the P3 then we can compare the issues of both. I personally hope both succeed because competition is good for all involved, especially the consumer. The folks here and on the other forum should quit promoting and hoping for the failure of either because the only loser will be us. Monopolies are only good for the manufacturer. The introduction of the solo has been a great eye opener for DJI and hopefully will make them more competitive in the service part of their product, and as long has DJI stays competitive the solo will only continue to get better.
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The links I've provided to the PhantomPilots forum regarding the too-weak-for-the-motors-shell is pretty honest.
If you want more honestly, google the problems we've talked about. I own 3 Phantom's - I am not a DJI hater, but dude, lets get real about the issues. They exist. And I hope anyone researching the two quads would do enough research to find out about the flaws on both the Solo and the P3 before deciding. But the reality is - both have issues.
I am a recreational flyer - the photography I do is for myself and my circle of friends and family to enjoy. In fact I'm a pretty awful photographer - I just don't have an eye for it.
When I film, I often like to fly fast, not at a Turtle's pace. I do not want to have to crawl through the sky to avoid seeing the props in the frame.
If I were a design engineer, I would design a gimbal that dropped down after launching. The legs wouldn't lift up as on the Inspire, but the gimbal itself would drop down below the legs, below any prop interference, and retract upon landing. It could all be controlled with a servo with a button assigned on the radio for the gimbal, just like the retractable landing gear on some of my fixed wing RC planes.
I agree the shell is definitely a weak link but I have installed the strong arm kit on mine and have no issues with cracks(Yet). As far as the props being in the picture(I don't seem to have this issue) you can angle the camera down a couple of degrees and problem solved. I do like your idea of the gimble dropping after launching though. Maybe in the future? Yes issues do exist with the P3, never denied that, but when someone asks for opinions on issues we should point out all issues with both, as we know both have their issues, not just one or the other. I like both equally and have no issues with either, except petty ones that will probably be addressed in the future, hopefully.
I agree the shell is definitely a weak link but I have installed the strong arm kit on mine and have no issues with cracks(Yet). As far as the props being in the picture(I don't seem to have this issue) you can angle the camera down a couple of degrees and problem solved. I do like your idea of the gimble dropping after launching though. Maybe in the future? Yes issues do exist with the P3, never denied that, but when someone asks for opinions on issues we should point out all issues with both, as we know both have their issues, not just one or the other. I like both equally and have no issues with either, except petty ones that will probably be addressed in the future, hopefully.
I believe this forum is full of the Solo's issues.
And anyone contemplating a Phantom should join that forum as well as this one.
A week ago someone asked me off line in a PM which I would choose if I had to choose just one at the moment. I said at the moment, I would choose the Phantom, but my choice could easily change after I receive my gimbal. Once I did the last firmware update on the P3P and saw how much my video was lagging or simply freezing for up to 15 seconds at a time, I would now have to answer that at the moment, the Solo would be my first choice. Right now my video feed is truly unusable for FPV or framing shots. Between working 12 hour shifts and the return of Seattle's infamous rain - I haven't had time to make more flights or try to find a resolution to the video problems.

Now if you want a problem free drone for photography - look into the Yuneec Q500 series. I have the first release and the video is smooth, no props, and it is a fun quad. The Follow Me mode works perfectly! But the thing flies as slow as a dirigible! They say they've never had a "fly-away" - I say of course not - if it takes off, you just set the controller down and walk fast in the direction it went- you'll soon catch up, then you slow your pace to follow it...
I can appreciate your skepticism.
Did you bother to google the topic?
Here you go - 3 pages of threads - about 60 individual threads from the PhantomPilots forum discussing stress fractures in the Phatom 3's frame:

Search Results for Query: stress fractures | DJI Phantom Forum

Is that extreme enough for you?
Perhaps you can clue your buddies in as well.

I had flawless video feed prior to the last update. As did many of us P3 Owners. Never had an issue on any of the three devices I've ran it on until this last update. You can also find many threads on this on the PhantomPilots forum. You really should join - it would benefit you far more than your membership here does (scratching my head). I use a Samsung Note 3, a Samsung Tab S 10.5, or an iPad mini 4.0.

What is this about active breaking???? It is the breaking we are trying to avoid. Why would they make their shells actively break apart???
I do belong to the P3 forum also. If you have problems with the latest update on your P3 you do know that you can revert back to a previous firmware that you weren't having problems with, seems like a pretty easy solution that you forgot to mention.
I believe this forum is full of the Solo's issues.
And anyone contemplating a Phantom should join that forum as well as this one.
A week ago someone asked me off line in a PM which I would choose if I had to choose just one at the moment. I said at the moment, I would choose the Phantom, but my choice could easily change after I receive my gimbal. Once I did the last firmware update on the P3P and saw how much my video was lagging or simply freezing for up to 15 seconds at a time, I would now have to answer that at the moment, the Solo would be my first choice. Right now my video feed is truly unusable for FPV or framing shots. Between working 12 hour shifts and the return of Seattle's infamous rain - I haven't had time to make more flights or try to find a resolution to the video problems.

Now if you want a problem free drone for photography - look into the Yuneec Q500 series. I have the first release and the video is smooth, no props, and it is a fun quad. The Follow Me mode works perfectly! But the thing flies as slow as a dirigible! They say they've never had a "fly-away" - I say of course not - if it takes off, you just set the controller down and walk fast in the direction it went- you'll soon catch up, then you slow your pace to follow it...
Also, I respect your giving the edge to the solo right now. I will say they are very close. I live in SW Montana and enjoy flying the river canyons here and would have to give the edge right now to my P3 due to the GPS. I would be scared SH@!less to fly my solo in these canyons. So for now I will fly the solo in the wide open until they get this issue addressed. I don't understand why they didn't implement both sat systems. My P3 typically locks on 17-19 in the open and not less than 11 in the canyons.
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I do belong to the P3 forum also. If you have problems with the latest update on your P3 you do know that you can revert back to a previous firmware that you weren't having problems with, seems like a pretty easy solution that you forgot to mention.
Of course I can do that. But then I'd lose all the new "Smart Shots" which are trying to compete with the Solo. I may end up doing that and just use Litchi to fly Smart shots. Though it chaps my hide to think I have to pay another $15 to do what the Solo does, or that I have bought a product where it is common to have to revert to old firmware because the new firmware is so often flawed and requires additional (sometimes multiple) updates to remove the bugs.
If you belong to a Phantom Forum, you are probably aware that a lot of the P1 and P2 owners no longer even do updates because of the problems associated with them. Many of those guys are flying Phantoms that have never been updated.
But sure, that is one "Fix" - simply remove the update...
Of course I can do that. But then I'd lose all the new "Smart Shots" which are trying to compete with the Solo. I may end up doing that and just use Litchi to fly Smart shots. Though it chaps my hide to think I have to pay another $15 to do what the Solo does, or that I have bought a product where it is common to have to revert to old firmware because the new firmware is so often flawed and requires additional (sometimes multiple) updates to remove the bugs.
If you belong to a Phantom Forum, you are probably aware that a lot of the P1 and P2 owners no longer even do updates because of the problems associated with them. Many of those guys are flying Phantoms that have never been updated.
But sure, that is one "Fix" - simply remove the update...
The problem with that though is if you need warranty or other support. The first thing asked if you had a problem you consider warranty (such as mine) is if you had the latest updates. If you want support with a technical issue, they also want you to update to the latest. Then there are the features and things the update was supposed to fix... :)
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Literally just picked up a brand new gimbal from Best Buy after seeing the posts that it was available in some stores. Drove from Austin to Waco and back to get it.

Got it home, installed it without any issues. Took it out for a test flight and right after it left the ground the camera pitched to the right for a few seconds then returned, so I thought...Ok, maybe nothing. Then I applied power and started off and then again, that same pitch to the right. Then once more.

So those horror stores from everyone experiencing issues right off the bat....confirmed. I'm one of the victims. I've already opened a ticket with 3DR and sent the attached video for their viewing pleasure. UGH....not a happy camper.

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Literally just picked up a brand new gimbal from Best Buy after seeing the posts that it was available in some stores. Drove from Austin to Waco and back to get it.

Got it home, installed it without any issues. Took it out for a test flight and right after it left the ground the camera pitched to the right for a few seconds then returned, so I thought...Ok, maybe nothing. Then I applied power and started off and then again, that same pitch to the right. Then once more.

So those horror stores from everyone experiencing issues right off the bat....confirmed. I'm one of the victims. I've already opened a ticket with 3DR and sent the attached video for their viewing pleasure. UGH....not a happy camper.

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I just installed mine yesterday and flew two flights today. I have the same problem with it pitching off to the right. I use an editor so I just edit it out but after reading the other posts I will try to re-install and hope that fixes it. The quality of my video though is so superior than it was with the fixed gimbal that I am floored. If I can fix the flopping off to the side issue 3DR has a big thumbs up from me. Check out the video of you like.
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Nice! What was your setup and configuration?

PS: Almost all of the pitching and flopping problems turn out to be related to wires or the frame impeding the motors. It is worth taking off the battery bay and looking at the gimbal and wires from the top.
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Of course I can do that. But then I'd lose all the new "Smart Shots" which are trying to compete with the Solo. I may end up doing that and just use Litchi to fly Smart shots. Though it chaps my hide to think I have to pay another $15 to do what the Solo does, or that I have bought a product where it is common to have to revert to old firmware because the new firmware is so often flawed and requires additional (sometimes multiple) updates to remove the bugs.
If you belong to a Phantom Forum, you are probably aware that a lot of the P1 and P2 owners no longer even do updates because of the problems associated with them. Many of those guys are flying Phantoms that have never been updated.
But sure, that is one "Fix" - simply remove the update...

Okay let me educate you a bit on things you obviously know nothing about.

Active braking. You release the sticks the drone stops. How quickly it stops can be adjusted in the app. Defaults at 100%. If you're the punch it and release kind of pilot then it'll put a lot of stress on the drone when it brakes.

2nd. The app issues with video breaking up is with people on ios9 and older hardware. Heck some of them don't even know how to switch channels. Granted the video does breakup if your device overheats or if you're in a wifi heavy area. Happens to all the quads with wifi based feeds.

3rd. Smart shots. I've yet to see someone who relies on these for serious work. The only things I see being worthwhile is the orbit and cablecam. Both solo and the phantom have these albeit set up differently.

4th. I think you should calm down because you're getting pretty close to crossing the border into fanboy territory lol.
Okay let me educate you a bit on things you obviously know nothing about.

Active braking. You release the sticks the drone stops. How quickly it stops can be adjusted in the app. Defaults at 100%. If you're the punch it and release kind of pilot then it'll put a lot of stress on the drone when it brakes.

2nd. The app issues with video breaking up is with people on ios9 and older hardware. Heck some of them don't even know how to switch channels. Granted the video does breakup if your device overheats or if you're in a wifi heavy area. Happens to all the quads with wifi based feeds.

3rd. Smart shots. I've yet to see someone who relies on these for serious work. The only things I see being worthwhile is the orbit and cablecam. Both solo and the phantom have these albeit set up differently.

4th. I think you should calm down because you're getting pretty close to crossing the border into fanboy territory lol.
Do you own a Solo? I don't remember. You spend so much time trying to debunk what I say while ignoring the links, and refusing to google, that I forget what your agenda is...

My Android devices do not run ios9. My iPad 4 does.
Any other advice?

As I said, I've posted links, anyone can follow them and decide which poison to choose.

I'm quite calm. Chill in fact. You however are so uptight that you missed my intended humor over your referring to active braking, as "active breaking." And since we are talking about stress cracks your spelling error was quite funny.
My Active Braking has been set to 75% for a few weeks now.

Most of my flying is in the foothills around Mount Rainier or rural areas in our state. There is zero wi-fi interference.

If you wanna see a fanboy - wipe the toothbrush splatter off your bathroom mirror...

Anyone else reading this - research both 3DR and DJI thoroughly before deciding which set of problems you want to adopt. It is that simple.

And when you tell me you are going to educate me on on something I know nothing about - you've crossed a border. And you'd better back yourself the hell up.
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Okay let me educate you a bit on things you obviously know nothing about.

Active braking. You release the sticks the drone stops. How quickly it stops can be adjusted in the app. Defaults at 100%. If you're the punch it and release kind of pilot then it'll put a lot of stress on the drone when it brakes.

2nd. The app issues with video breaking up is with people on ios9 and older hardware. Heck some of them don't even know how to switch channels. Granted the video does breakup if your device overheats or if you're in a wifi heavy area. Happens to all the quads with wifi based feeds.

3rd. Smart shots. I've yet to see someone who relies on these for serious work. The only things I see being worthwhile is the orbit and cablecam. Both solo and the phantom have these albeit set up differently.

4th. I think you should calm down because you're getting pretty close to crossing the border into fanboy territory lol.
Okay let me educate you a bit on things you obviously know nothing about.

1. I fly for filming. No.. I am not a big time guy, but this is what I do. I VERY rarely fly full throttle for any purpose on any craft execpt straight up to get off the ground and away from obstacles. After that it is slow and steady. I emulate crane dollies and steady cams. NOTHING I do is extreme or fast. If the P3 can't do that out of the box without coming apart, it is a flaw. PERIOD.

I had the P3P for 3 weeks and flew it "gingerly" when the cracks showed up. After going round with DJI for a week, and them trying to explain that first it wasn't happening, and then it was "normal" (even with a piece of plastic in the recessed screw bay falling off and rattling around inside) They ffinally had me ship it off to China, where it sat ffor 8 weeks, and came back with a new shell, and no explanation (even after asking for it).

2. I run two tablets. The Nexus 9 and the Nexus 7. Both Android. Both with the Video breaking up and stretching after the update. After calling DJI on that, they confirm "some people have reported the problem" (which is DJI speak for "yes we have a problem") but don't actually admit it, or apparently know what is yet and have no fix.

3. Smart Shots. I have been waiting for Smart Shots from DJI since before the P3 when they first started promising them. As I mentioned, I do filming, and regardless of your not understanding their value (in that application or elsewhere) they are huge in my world and in my plans. That is in fact one of the major reasons I picked up a Solo, and one of my major excitements about it. Something as simple as a "Cable Cam" shot can be difficult to repeat exactly over and over manually, which is what you need to do for multiple takes. This is what rail dollies do now, and being able to do that reliably with FAR less setup, operators, etc. is a game chnager.... And try doing a crane dolly over a church, or a helo over a house, rail over a lake, etc. etc.

Do I rely on the P3 Smart shots? No... Not yet.... I can't. But I wanted to. When they were delayed (even longer than 3DR gimbals) I started moving toward Solo, as all I was missing there was the gimbal and was fairly confident that could be achieved. I now have two Solo's as I ideally have a backup for everything I do, down to the last cable and battery, since the terms "technical difficulties" or "It will be a while" as a bunch of people stand around is NOT an option. Today I have two Solo's. One with a gimbal, and one getting a gimbal Monday. Solo2 (with gimbal) is operating like I always wanted my tool to work, and I am confident in my ability with it. I just got done doing a shoot with Solo2 as the primary, and P3P1 (with smart shots) as the backup. I will be Happy when I have Solo1 and Solo2 as my primary secondary, for numerous reasons (same operation, same parts, same cameras, waypoints, etc.)

4. My definition of "Fanboy" in this case (rather than the larger geek culture) is a person that is willing to overlook any drawbacks of a product, and rather defends the product, glossing over major issues. With that definition, I will leave it to others to decide who the Phanboy (sic) is. lol...

As I said earlier, I fly both, and I like both. Both have their strengths, though I would say possibly swapping the shell every few months on the P3P is pretty major downside for me. I shoot in 4K and can edit out the props, and have for ages. It is an annoyance, and limits my options, but is not a deal killer.

I am however very disappointed in the DJI "Smart" capability. I have no interest in Home lock and Course lock. The Orbit/POI and Follow are interesting, but they also have limited use for me (in either Solo or P3). The fact that I can't select waypoints without a 3rd party (unsupported) app for the P3 is a MAJOR disappointment however. I simply CAN do that with Solo with a 3DR app (Tower), that is tightly integrated, works beautiffully, and I can do it right on the tablet, with the Solo app running. It makes my job easier, and produces a better outcome, at lower risk. Simple as that.

Meanwhile, the realtime video on the P3 has recently became nearly unusable, even as slow as I go. Hopefully that will get fixed soon, though getting anything out of DJI regarding problems is like pulling teeth. They don't admit having them, you just hope they get fixed at some point, or somebody finds a work around, and DJI doesn't shut them down.

The net result is that P3 sat in the case this weekend as "Plan B" and was not used. After the gimbal (from Dronefly) gets installed on Solo1 on Monday, and a little testing, the P3 will become "Plan C". I don't plan on having a "Plan C" so it may get given to my son that is groiwing out of the Hubsan I gave him, or it will find a home elsewhere...

As for relaxing, I am editing video from yesterday, while watching the boats on the lake with a freshly made latte'. I am happy that I got all the shots I needed with my ground and aerial cameras yesterday, and am able to be home today. I am litteraly grinning while I write this, knowing my plan for my tools is working. I don't get much more relaxed than that.

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whatever floats your boat. if you say that the p3 is worthless when it comes to shooting video, i see that as an over exaggeration.

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