3DR Announces Android App v2.4 out in "few weeks"

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And also his profile: Security Check Required

Jason created Pano and zipline and some others I'm sure. Always trying to help solve problems like range and even came up with ways for us Android folks to test out these smartshots before they made their way into the app. There is some posted code of his to extend range. Hopefully some of that makes it into a future version.

Thank you :(
I am guessing android 2.4 is pushed out since another iOS beta for 2.4 just went out

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I am guessing android 2.4 is pushed out since another iOS beta for 2.4 just went out

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's not a new iOS beta, just a new beta update of the FC and the Artoo code. You can fly it with Android as well :)
maybe should have worded better, I would assume android 2.4 will be developed after IOS is finished looks like IOS 2.4 is not finished
If 3DR is going to drop consumer development from Solo it needs to do the only right and nobel thing and allow it to go Open Source. Let other developers pick it up. It pains me, but this will probably be my last 3DR purchase, I am going back to DIY APM builds after this!
I took a look when Solo came out. Didn't like it and put my eggs on DIY. However, the faa air worthiness issue made me take a second look in RTF drones. So far, solo is not making the cut. All the problem area I found in 2014 eg GPS, baro gimbal radio haven't changed. In other words, 2014 technology compet with 2016 just not going to make it.
So, am I to assume when the blades, other replacement parts currently produced are gone I have a very expensive paper weight? I sure hope they at the least continue producing parts for the Solo....I just bought this thing...lol...sorta sucks..nah, really sucks!!

Anyone know of a 3rd party vendor making replacement parts for Solo?
So, am I to assume when the blades, other replacement parts currently produced are gone I have a very expensive paper weight? I sure hope they at the least continue producing parts for the Solo....I just bought this thing...lol...sorta sucks..nah, really sucks!!

Anyone know of a 3rd party vendor making replacement parts for Solo?
I'll buy you out of that old piece of junk Solo, How much?
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I'll buy you out of that old piece of junk Solo, How much?
When did I say it was an old piece of junk Solo? Actually truly like it...and was just asking a question about the future of support. I hope the answer is yes to replacements parts etc...so, to answer your question....uummm...NO...lol
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When did I say it was an old piece of junk Solo? Actually truly like it...and was just asking a question about the future of support. I hope the answer is yes to replacements parts etc...so, to answer your question....uummm...NO...lol
We all love our Solo's just like you, but your repeating stuff " Several post i see" that may or may not be true.
Go learn Solo, you got 2 to 4 months to learn most of the wonderful things that Solo is capable of doing, & doing better then most other Uav's & 1/2 the price!
We all love our Solo's just like you, but your repeating stuff " Several post i see" that may or may not be true.
Go learn Solo, you got 2 to 4 months to learn most of the wonderful think that Solo is capable of doing, & doing better then most other Uav's & 1/2 the price!
I agree...but was asking after I searched their website, google searched, searched here....all after a fellow Solo owner said that the owner of 3D Robotics made a statement a couple days ago that production and support for Solo was over...that they were moving to bigger drones for enterprise...was hoping someone was in the know and could either confirm or deny....but yes, so far I LOVE MY SOLO...just,hope I can for a long time....thanks

On that note...if, if what he said was true...I just wanted to know that my future with Solo was going to be a long one..lol...replacement parts for the things that may go wrong...I have already gone through a set of blades, figure I'll go through a lot more...lol...till I can't get any I guess
I agree...but was asking after I searched their website, google searched, searched here....all after a fellow Solo owner said that the owner of 3D Robotics made a statement a couple days ago that production and support for Solo was over...that they were moving to bigger drones for enterprise...was hoping someone was in the know and could either confirm or deny....but yes, so far I LOVE MY SOLO...just,hope I can for a long time....thanks

On that note...if, if what he said was true...I just wanted to know that my future with Solo was going to be a long one..lol...replacement parts for the things that may go wrong...I have already gone through a set of blades, figure I'll go through a lot more...lol...till I can't get any I guess
Parts, most plastic parts, blades. legs, light covers, gimbals, extra lights & more, except the shell, is being made by third parties already.
Antennas, Device;s mounts, & WiFi cards & lot more for controller.
Start reading the good stuff about Solo, instead of reading & repeating the Negatives. Bad KARMA! LOL
Parts, most plastic parts, blades. legs, light covers, gimbals, extra lights & more, except the shell, is being made by third parties already.
Antennas, Device;s mounts, & WiFi cards & lot more for controller.
Start reading the good stuff about Solo, instead of reading & repeating the Negatives. Bad KARMA! LOL
Thank you...
Ive been piloting for over 3 years. My first drones were cheap Chinese versions some with GPS and some without. About 2 years ago I purchased the iris+ off ebay used. It never gave me any trouble and was always reliable. I had such a great experience with that drone that I became a 3dr fanboy. When Solo was introduced I became very excited, although I was enjoying the iris so much I didn't take the plunge right away.
Fast forward to a week ago and on prime day (amazon.com) I took advantage of purchasing the Solo bundled with pre-installed gimbal extra props and solo backpack all for $599. I'm super excited regardless of what's being reported.
I live chatted with support and received instant responses. I was assured that future development of the solo is not being shelved and that it will continue to be developed (now of course this could be all smoke and mirrors) but whatever, as ive stated ive had nothing but positive experiences with 3Dr so ill give them the benifit of the doubt and most agree that the drone is awesome already. So I'm staying focused on the positive for now. Can't wait for the maiden flight.

Cheers all
fun fact: thread was started 4 weeks ago

Solo app 2.4 on Android is still nowhere to be found

good thing I discharged my battery to storage levels during that announcement....I had the feeling I was going to get disappointed with delays and here we are again.
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Funny thing...because I waited for my Solo 2.4.0 update on Android and no time to fly even for iOS 2.4.0, I got time to update my Phantom3 and 4 firmware, June version. My P4 just arrived 3 weeks ago and have not touch it, till yesterday.

I just then realized that if only Solo could be updated via website using PC like using DJI assistant for P4, we can then choose older firmwares with ease, for IT dummies like me.

P3 update is memory card based, also we can choose older firmware. Weird way of FW update though, lacking of easy status indicator, funny Dit-DitDit sound...LOL.

Is there ever any Apps has two version live on Google Play for us to choose ? Maybe call one solo v2.3 and the other v2.4.

Parts, most plastic parts, blades. legs, light covers, gimbals, extra lights & more, except the shell, is being made by third parties already.

Agreed. And people should remember, when 3DR discontinued the Iris and stopped selling parts, they released files for people to 3D print their own replacement plastics.

I'm as disappointed as everyone else at the failure of 3DR and the Solo to be successful in the consumer market, and I, like others, bought in before the huge price cuts. But, I'm not pointing fingers or complaining. 3DR had a great product, and honestly, even without the initial bugs and delays, I don't think things would be any different today. The market became saturated, the FAA's rules probably hampered interest, and DJI was able to wage a price war that further strained 3DR. Shit happens. I have at least as much money as I've invested in the Solo sitting in a drawer in the form of useless smartphones, while my Solo still works great, if I only had the time to fly it!
The laundry list of problems people are having is making not even the slightest bit annoyed that 2.4 for Android isn't out yet. I'm not upgrading the firmware until the app is out to go with it. And this delay is just fine with me. I won't even consider doing the 2.4 upgrade until after vacation next month. Since I don't want to "upgrade" and have it become a malfunctioning paperweight. Maybe by the 2nd week of August, the app will be out, and I'll be home from vacation, and I'll consider updating.

I know not everyone is having the problems. But enough people are having repeats of the same issues, and my luck is never that good.
are people having solo killing bugs on 2.4 both ios and fw or only those folks with android 2.3 but fw 2.4?

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