who is Unhappy

I love my Solo. I have not had a single issue with Solo #2 (first one was returned).
I am in for the long haul. I'm a satisfied owner of a 3DR Iris+ as well, along with a P1, a P2, a couple of Blades and a Yuneec Q500.

However I think the 3DR launch of the Solo has been a failure. The gimbal delay at this point is inexcusable.
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Hey Steve, I don't stay on the computer all day. I just wanted to know how many Solo owners were happy or not happy with their UAV's (I don't call them drones) .There is a article on "Drone Flyers" about how 3DR Solo's are a No Go for now, "3DRobotics Solo is a NoGo – 3DR Solo First Look". I wanted to purchase one so I want to see what the people say that who own them is all. I have a Phantom2 Vision Plus and a Phantom 3 Advanced. I made up my mine, I am going to build my own quadcopter (UAV), but by the posts that I have received it looks like most are satisfied, and that is good. DJI promise's all kinds of things too for their Phantoms and don't come through either example Waypoints, and POI (point of Interest). In my own personal opinion 3DR is a good company and mean well, I think eventually they will get it together. Steve here is the link to Drone Flyers and the article that I read, it is interesting. http://www.droneflyers.com/

LOL, the infamous article by Craigiri...a well known fanboy of DJI and someone who has an vendetta against 3DR. If you read the RCGroups "3DR Solo Owner's" thread there you can see Craigiri make an ass of himself at least once a day. He hangs out on the owner's list just to incite people. His article has no credibility.
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LOL, the infamous article by Craigiri...a well known fanboy of DJI and someone who has an vendetta against 3DR. If you read the RCGroups "3DR Solo Owner's" thread there you can see Craigiri make an ass of himself at least once a day. He hangs out on the owner's list just to incite people. His article has no credibility.
If you read his bio below, 3DR built what he always wanted. Lol

Craig Issod


Southampton, MA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:Writer, Inventor, Web Developer, Futurist, Family Guy, etc...Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest Hmmmm - like everyone else, I want UAV's that do everything, especially film sailboats while flying circles around them!

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
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I'm happy with my Solo when it is flying. I am one who has experienced on again off again issues with software/hardware(?). My biggest disappointment was the over sell of the capabilities. Without release of the manual before shipping began, it was not clear, to me anyway, which of the wonderful features were part of gimbal operation and which were not. I have experienced a serious crash recently so need to replace the shell. Therein I will have to disassemble the whole thing, which I am not experienced with or at all comfortable with.
Hey guys & Dolls, I would like to know the numbers of who is unhappy with their 3DR Solo's, well, and how many are happy too I guess. I was going to purchase one BUT, I heard they (3DR) flunk the satisfaction category.How many of you have your gimbals? Thanks a million.
Happy. No one has a gimbal yet.
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So far my Solo has been great. I am new to flying drones. Went to were a local club flies and they have been a great help in giving me the confidence to fly.
I'm happy with my Solo, not with 3DR

I may be feeling this way too ... Solo is built well and I rate the overall manual performance a 9 out of 10 and I'm a picky b$&@? ...

I have been living with the GPS characteristics ... It's freakin' slow to lock up!

... But no spare battery, no parts, no gimbal.... Grrr ...
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Hey guys & Dolls, I would like to know the numbers of who is unhappy with their 3DR Solo's, well, and how many are happy too I guess. I was going to purchase one BUT, I heard they (3DR) flunk the satisfaction category.How many of you have your gimbals? Thanks a million.
I'm tickled to death cause I've been flying my Q5004k since the end of June after I cancelled my Solo pre order after 10 weeks BS from customer service. Q5004k is an incredible aircraft, camera, gimble and really cool controller with built in Android ground station that you can actually see in bright light due to the extra large display interface.
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Prefer the phantoms and will leave it at that. I think 3dr will get it right eventually as I believe they are a good company. Just don't think it's in near future.

I will probably buy another when it's solo 2.
That's what I'm thinking too rrmccabe. Viva Solo next year..for now I've put my P2V+ on the shelf and am making money with my Q5004K
Ha - I'm looking at the Q500 4K as well...
You wont be sorry..lots of customer support from Yuneec AND ITS DEALERS, especially Jan and Peter at Aces Deals. Aces alone has several service centers across the USA. If your looking to set distance and altitude records than the Q5004K may not be the quad for you, no Lightbridge. I get great video to about 500 yards before video gets a little slow lag. For me that's great as I normally try to fly LOS and It's difficult for me to see the aircraft once its 2-3 hundred yards away. No signal loss with controller even further than that. Constant 16-20 sats on quad no matter where I launch from with Yuneec's inclusion of the European/Russian GLONASS sat network, constant 11-15 sats with controller for the (Follow me/Watch me modes). Awesome one finger on the fly camera tilt control and really cool one finger on the fly speed control on the radio controller for creeping up to those hard to get close ups (difficult with the Phantoms) never have to remove your hands form the controller to adjust.
If your over the hill like me and the eyes ain't what they used to be don't worry. The interface display on the controller is incredible..ALL of your telemetry is laid out bright and large in an Android tablet built into the controller screen ground station interface , NO APP to download or wifi to cell phone, easy to see EVEN IN BRIGHT MID DAY SUN with include sunshade. No more squinting to see the display on cell phone or clipped on tablet as with the DJI apps..As yet no maps or way points, but my sources say they are coming, in addition to some other interesting firmware upgrades. Current version Includes Follow and Watch me, unfortunately no orbit yet but myself and other Yuneec fans are pushing for that and others. Feel free to email me, [email protected] if you need any further info on my 5 weeks experience with the Q5004K. Have probably flown it 40-50 times.
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Hey guys & Dolls, I would like to know the numbers of who is unhappy with their 3DR Solo's, well, and how many are happy too I guess. I was going to purchase one BUT, I heard they (3DR) flunk the satisfaction category.How many of you have your gimbals? Thanks a million.
I had my 3DR for 2 weeks I don't have the gimbal yet But I love it. But thats just me.
You wont be sorry..lots of customer support from Yuneec AND ITS DEALERS, especially Jan and Peter at Aces Deals. Aces alone has several service centers across the USA. If your looking to set distance and altitude records than the Q5004K may not be the quad for you, no Lightbridge. I get great video to about 500 yards before video gets a little slow lag. For me that's great as I normally try to fly LOS and It's difficult for me to see the aircraft once its 2-3 hundred yards away. No signal loss with controller even further than that. Constant 16-20 sats on quad no matter where I launch from with Yuneec's inclusion of the European/Russian GLONASS sat network, constant 11-15 sats with controller for the (Follow me/Watch me modes). Awesome one finger on the fly camera tilt control and really cool one finger on the fly speed control on the radio controller for creeping up to those hard to get close ups (difficult with the Phantoms) never have to remove your hands form the controller to adjust.
If your over the hill like me and the eyes ain't what they used to be don't worry. The interface display on the controller is incredible..ALL of your telemetry is laid out bright and large in an Android tablet built into the controller screen ground station interface , NO APP to download or wifi to cell phone, easy to see EVEN IN BRIGHT MID DAY SUN with include sunshade. No more squinting to see the display on cell phone or clipped on tablet as with the DJI apps..As yet no maps or way points, but my sources say they are coming, in addition to some other interesting firmware upgrades. Current version Includes Follow and Watch me, unfortunately no orbit yet but myself and other Yuneec fans are pushing for that and others. Feel free to email me, [email protected] if you need any further info on my 5 weeks experience with the Q5004K. Have probably flown it 40-50 times.
Thanks for the heads-up and your kind offer. We'll see how long it takes 3DR to return my waiting list ransom...
Thanks for the heads-up and your kind offer. We'll see how long it takes 3DR to return my waiting list ransom...
Steve are you familiar with the Drone School in your Sarasota area? Looked at that one last year but decide on another. The Sarasota school offered their version of certification, which I'm sure may be helpful, but I decided to go all out, study and take the FAA Airman's Knowledge Test towards actual pilots certification. I hope to take my final written and oral examine before FAA examiner in Pensacola in September. That stringent FAA certification should be more than antiquate to appease FAA regulators once the new rules come out. Not sure why I need to know how frost on the wings of a "manned airplane" affects its lift and efficiency, when I'm simply flying a glorified model aircraft at low altitudes, but that's one of the first things you study in the aeronautics portion of the studies. Go figure:)
i returned mine on day 45 of my BB elite member return policy.
I was sleeping with mine under my pillow hoping the quad fairy would come and make it awesome.
just never happened.
my white one has more torque, , better handling, 18,000 ft range (with dbs) so far, and that magical thing called a gimbal.

im a buyer again when the solo 2 launches.
I was sleeping with mine under my pillow hoping the quad fairy would come and make it awesome.
just never happened.
lol. That's funny. I felt same way. I do believe that will happen. Just not in the next 12 months.

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