I would like this thread to be for tips and tricks only. Not tricks as in stunt or acro mode tricks but things that may help you out with your Solo.
I'll begin; I thought I may have been the only person who experienced this but I just watched a youtube video where this dude said he was trying to land his Solo but even with the throttle all the way down and Solo on the ground, the motors wouldn't stop and if he were to let go of the throttle and it went back to center, Solo would try to take off again.
Emergency Motor Kill Switch
(Only do this when Solo is on the ground, if Solo is in the air it will fall out of the air and crash)
Hold down these buttons all at the same time: A+B+Pause Solo
I'll begin; I thought I may have been the only person who experienced this but I just watched a youtube video where this dude said he was trying to land his Solo but even with the throttle all the way down and Solo on the ground, the motors wouldn't stop and if he were to let go of the throttle and it went back to center, Solo would try to take off again.
Emergency Motor Kill Switch
(Only do this when Solo is on the ground, if Solo is in the air it will fall out of the air and crash)
Hold down these buttons all at the same time: A+B+Pause Solo