This firmware update compared to others - failures and grief

Okey Jib, thank u. I will update when I really get to use it yah.
Please if anyone else is using nvidia shield let me know your experiences lately... Mine are very bad
I stopped using my Shield because of issues. When I first got Solo I was using my iPad Air & wanted to use Tower so I got the Nvidia Shield K1. I was having issues with app connecting to Solo. Having to restart a lot so I went back using the trusty ol' iOS.
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I stopped using my Shield because of issues. When I first got Solo I was using my iPad Air & wanted to use Tower so I got the Nvidia Shield K1. I was having issues with app connecting to Solo. Having to restart a lot so I went back using the trusty ol' iOS.
And I've come damn close to ordering one. Sure glad I spotted your post. Now it's back to the Galaxy S2 9.7 as soon as I can figure out a way to mount it :)
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And I've come damn close to ordering one. Sure glad I spotted your post. Now it's back to the Galaxy S2 9.7 as soon as I can figure out a way to mount it :)
There was a thread a while back where somebody found a mounting bracket for something else on Amazon. He modified it to work with the Solo controller and large tablets. When I get a chance I'll see if I can find it.
Thanks. I've seen the one where someone drilled holes in the mount to make the sliding slots longer and I suspected that was what I was going to have to do. I am a little concerned though whether or not that 9.7" S2 is going to be to bulky. Have you read any posts mentioning anything like that?
I'm using the original holder. I just removed a little of the two tracks to make it slide up more. Very easy & very snug fit for my 9.7" iPad Air.
I tried using a shade for the iPad Air but that did make it bulky. I try to find a shady spot but even if in the sun it's just fine for me
If you want to use return to me, follow me, etc, or any other mode that uses the devices GPS location (not solo), then you NEED the 4G version of an Apple product. The wifi only units don't include a GPS chip. You do NOT have to actually use the 4G/data or activate it with a SIM card, but it has to be present to use GPS functions. So you get to spend about $130 just for GPS functionality.

I use a tablet with 4g and just have it share data with my phone plan. I just use the data for maps out in the field for when I have cell service, so it's really not much data being used at all. If not you need to cache them ahead of time if you want the graphics for maps. Maps will still work without cell service, just no "satellite" view or much detail. But maps will still show solos current location, orientation and the home location without data service.
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According the the SAMSUNG Galaxy S2 specs they say it comes with GPS and Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Is that all I need then?
Question: I have Verizon service (Samsung Galaxy SIII). If I get the Galaxy S2 tablet and want to download maps 'in the field' don't I need to activate a new plan just for the tablet? I'm kind of (well not kind of but really) confused how that works, or even how all the map downloading works. If I had 4G cellular service in the tablet does the map downloading then become automatic as I move around or do I still need to manually download each area I'm going into?
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According the the SAMSUNG Galaxy S2 specs they say it comes with GPS and Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Is that all I need then?
Question: I have Verizon service (Samsung Galaxy SIII). If I get the Galaxy S2 tablet and want to download maps 'in the field' don't I need to activate a new plan just for the tablet? I'm kind of (well not kind of but really) confused how that works, or even how all the map downloading works. If I had 4G cellular service in the tablet does the map downloading then become automatic as I move around or do I still need to manually download each area I'm going into?
Can't answer for Verizon. I'm on AT&T and they just added the tablet to my current phone plan, and the phone and tablet share data meaning as long as both devices don't cumulatively pass my data limit there is no extra charge. So I didn't need a "new" plan, they just put in a sim card, added it to my existing plan and it didn't cost anything extra.

But yes, GPS and WiFi is all you need.
Wierd..this was the first update that was successful on the first try for me. Last 3 updates were a test of patience to say the least. This was on iPhone6. Haven't bothered updating my android tablet yet because it's video feed performance is garbage compared to the iPhone.
I haven't tested every RTH scenario but the smart shots seem to work just fine for me.
If you want to use return to me, follow me, etc, or any other mode that uses the devices GPS location (not solo), then you NEED the 4G version of an Apple product. The wifi only units don't include a GPS chip. You do NOT have to actually use the 4G/data or activate it with a SIM card, but it has to be present to use GPS functions. So you get to spend about $130 just for GPS functionality.

I use a tablet with 4g and just have it share data with my phone plan. I just use the data for maps out in the field for when I have cell service, so it's really not much data being used at all. If not you need to cache them ahead of time if you want the graphics for maps. Maps will still work without cell service, just no "satellite" view or much detail. But maps will still show solos current location, orientation and the home location without data service.
Yea should have mentioned I use my iPhone 6 for those smart shots. Which I should really start using more. I fly manual 90% of time
first 3 or 4 outings(4 batts each) were rock solid...not one video glitch (rolling frame or freeze other than loss of Tx signal at the end of range), or app crash...since then its been all sorts of probs, im wondering if its related to shield tablet ROM update among other things ...let me know hit it goes

I just got my Nvidia SHIELD today. I dare not update to 6.0.1. I wont be flying my solo for at least 2+ weeks anyway.
My Blackberry Priv ( android ) since upgraded to 6.0.1 is not good. In What'sUP messenger often I can't enter characters into typing space, like a "hang" condition. I also hate the way the SD card is being so complex to delete and manage. If say u dump your recording to SD card, maybe the android 6.01 extra security layer with SD card is causing the issue with Solo App.

I am staying with 5.1.1 with the Nvidia. This is for SOLO only, so as long as 2.4.0 Solo firmware coming soon can work with android 5.1.1,
I am not upgrading.

Major issues with the Shield after Marshmallow Update
@SPP Ive actually been happy overall with the Shield, great price for pretty powerful spec tablet with almost no bloatware and at least Nvidia is actually continuing to support the ROM (unlike several bad experiences with motorola products in last few years). I flew 3 batteries testing again yesterday and did a recalibration first and then actually had pretty good flights. The solo app seemed to actually remember my settings, didnt go berserk, and 3dr services only crashed once (not really a big deal). The only issues I really had was a bit of intermittent video roll or freeze, and one instance of gimbal tilt to 45 degrees for no reason(but recovered after a few seconds). My next step is ordering FPVLR antenna and see if that doesnt solve all my problems....if still having issues after that, I will prbly reinstall gimbal a couple more times and possibly do factory reset (maybe even on the shield also)....getting tired of troubleshooting this thing, but I really like it when its working correctly :D

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