Solo in Cabelas

May 19, 2017
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington, USA
I was at Cabelas yesterday and look what I saw there.


Just very expensive. Looks like they never updated their price lists.
$800.00???!!!!!! You’d think someone there would be on board on today’s Solo price!!!! I don’t see any $399 gimbals tho-
It’s true there is a sucker born every minute, but anyone spending $700-$800 for any purchase without doing some research is just a plain ol’ idiot. In today’s world, price matching is what keeps a consumer in a brick and mortar establishment- if they are looking to get that shelf space back before the holidays- they better drop the price.
I’m going to take a couple hours this weekend and do the HERE and Green Cube. I want to go over the field and fly it a bit so I’ll be able to see the difference. I will document everything and send you whatever you’d like so you can see how your changes are working for the average joe during an Open Solo, HERE install and Green Cube install!! It would be easier to go to the Liquor Store, buy a bunch of beer and drive down 95 towards Virginia.
will do. Once I attempt to complete this modification- I’m sure Matt will put out the “ all-clear” if everything goes as he expects. Pedals2Paddles is the subject matter expert- I’m just trying to catch up with the great advances these masterminds have created.
Keep your eyes and ears tuned for price reductions. it is now official, Cabela's is now Bass Pro Shops. My sources, at the local Cabela's, tell me that there will be a lot of stock 'clearances' in the weeks ahead.
Out of stock and more than $40

I'm telling you that they were in stock when I posted... I think some people snapped them up rather than post...just saying. You'll never get a gimbal for $40 ever again! I bought 3 back in the day from best buy, two batteries for $69 and 10 sets of props for $4 each. Heck, they had the Solo with gimbal and back pack for $300 and B&H sold me a Solo set with the Go Pro Hero 4 Black for $537 shipped. Those days are over! Buying the gimbal for $200 will seem like a serious bargain when you can't get them anymore and yours fails.
I'm telling you that they were in stock when I posted... I think some people snapped them up rather than post...just saying. You'll never get a gimbal for $40 ever again! I bought 3 back in the day from best buy, two batteries for $69 and 10 sets of props for $4 each. Heck, they had the Solo with gimbal and back pack for $300 and B&H sold me a Solo set with the Go Pro Hero 4 Black for $537 shipped. Those days are over! Buying the gimbal for $200 will seem like a serious bargain when you can't get them anymore and yours fails.
That may be true but unfortunately that's about all (40) the gimbal is worth to me. The footage from the Solo with $200 + gimbal is awful! I now have 3 new gimbal's and they all handle the same. I thought it was the wind but even in calm when comparing the footage from my P4P or MP or heck even my Spark it's so awful that I would 'NEVER' use it for anything other than FPV. Love my Solo(s) as they are goto night flier's but defiantly not for my footage needs.
Well news flash, i didn't post about the gimbals just for you! Sniffle!

In any case, you're about the only person I know that thinks the Mavic footage is better than a Go Pro! In fact, my Karma might be making a comeback using the Hero 6. I really just need them to incorporate Glonass and I'll be happy. Also, I'm wondering if the new stabilization in the Hero 6 would eliminate the need for a gimbal? Until I get Glonass, my Karna will sit next to my Solo and I'll just fly the Mavic.
Gopro = good ( or good enough)
3dr gimbal = bad (or not good enough) to stabilize the payload.
Gopro = good ( or good enough)
3dr gimbal = bad (or not good enough) to stabilize the payload.

Well I don't know about all that but I always felt it was pretty good. I had a bunch of bugs when I tried to use the Solo daily. Otherwise, I was honestly happy with the Go Pro both on my motorcycle or my drone.
The thousands of people using the Solo with gimbal and GoPro for professional videography would probably disagree with it being "bad".
Bad may not be the correct term and I'm quite sure a bit more practice by myself will/would make my footage better/more stable but I guess I was expecting it to be a bit more stable out of the box. If my main purpose for the Solo was a platform for footage I'd look into the various 'jello' fixes. Honestly I thought my first gimbal was abnormal but after the same results with my other 2 they all yield about the same. I flew 3 batteries this morning (light to no wind) so will drop the footage into Premiere to see what I can make of it.

On a side note what I thought was a bird flying directly at my Solo was in fact a MP, although flown quite erratically as in rocket ship up and then back down nearly missing a large set of trees. I give that MP a week before it's time to ship back to dji for repair.

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