Solo flight simulator released

Nice, I think that's the last of the promises made good now. Better late than never, now hopefully they have time to start working on some new accessory options.
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Very realistic! It's got Solo's behavior down perfectly - it's almost exactly like the real thing in "Fly" mode. Kinda fun buzzing around the Statue of Liberty.
Would be nice to have smart shots and waypoints, too. Still, the realism is almost startling. Pretty neat, using the actual controller!
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Nope, not going to bed yet - messing with the simulator.

-- Open letter to 3DR:

Folks, this is pretty darn good. I remember a lot from the store experience (Best Buy) before the app was removed entirely, it's clear that you made a lot of improvements - I'd imagine this is closer to what someone originally had in mind before its release (and realization that it can't work as originally intended and thus its redesign and re-release). I'm delighted that you worked it through dev and released it to BOTH 'droid and Apple platforms at the same time, clearly indicating a development process miles (so many miles...) ahead of Parrot and others. This is going to really help people keep their Solos in the air and not fly them into trees on their first day.

The Gimbal control is really, really cool. Well done..!

The more development days you put into this app, the better the user experiences you're going to find posted on the 'net - the ability to use the actual controller makes this a unique killer app. DO NOT under estimate its value! Beginners will choose the Solo platform just for the help this app provides.

Some RFE's, please:
- Sometimes the app doesn't sync with the wireless on the controller. Doesn't seem to reinitialize if one is launched earlier than the other, forcing exit and re-launch of the app.
- I can fly through the flag and flagpole. I imagine you know that - just one of those obvious things people try to do.
- tolerances need to be tighter so that you can fly *near* the flagpole, but not *through* it. This teaches fine spacial awareness that pilots need.
- If you fly over water you get artifacts. I know you know this too. :D
- There's no tilt when you roll left or right, you might mention somewhere that this is because of the gimbal - stock Solos would show a tilt of view, a difference that might confuse new pilots.
- regaining control due to loss of line of sight (ie, flying on opposite sides of buildings would cause loss of signal at range). New pilots will think they can get away with this kind of thing because of how the app behaves, but what it really needs to teach them is the fact that they have to set their Return Home height early, lest the fly into the Statue of Liberty when it tries to come home due to loss of signal!
- and oh yeah, the ability to set the Return Home height and other options within the app.
- is the speed accurate? Doesn't seem to be maxed out at ~35mph
- is the drift accurate? Sometimes it drifts further than I'd expect with a 19-point GPS lock. ;)

Experienced pilots will use your app to try things they don't dare do with the real thing. We need:
- No GPS (Manual mode), with no, light and heavy wind
- Fine(er) tolerances around trees so that we can use them as POV racing cones
- The ability to do barrel rolls so that we can learn how
- Things that mess with us sometimes, like GPS bounce, high wind / gusts of wind, loss and regain of GPS and other situations where you'd need to find and use the pause button without looking at the controller
- loss or inaccuracy of GPS under heavy trees
- the ability to move the origin / takeoff point
- an easter egg if you can fly through the doors under the statue in manual mode. ;)

Also, is it okay to use this app without antennas on the controller, or will no antennas connected when it's powered up damage the transmitter / receiver?

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your fine work. It was delayed, the gimbals were delayed and you push updates to the Solos often.. but man, you sure do good work. Better to release late than release poor quality goods and you consistently hit the mark. I've never felt safer than when I fly the Solo, I'm willing to take more range and environment risks than I've ever been comfortable doing before because of how intelligent the Solo is. I've not had a single mishap in all the missions I've flown since purchase, and that's a lot of missions. There have been several panic attacks.. but that smart fella always finds his way home.

Thank you again,

- R
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A little off topic but,,,I got some experience the other day with Multi-point Cable Cam and,,,awesome! I video amateur sporting events at several different venues. I got the exact shots I want and the timing I want while the venues weren't being used. Went back during an event, called up the saved smart shot,,,and it flew the route absolutely perfectly while I concentrated on controlling the GP, just a camera moving on a cable in the Just incredible. Great job to the 3DR Team!! and Thanks!!
OK, who has tried to land on the boat?

I also would like to see the smart shots implemented in the SIM. I think it would help new users get comfortable with the button press sequences for the different shots, without having to worry what Solo is doing in the air.
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I landed and stopped motors on the boat and took off again. Landed in liberties torch basket too :)

What a great sim. Being able to adjust the control sliders for speed should be next but it's darn good and very close to the feel of operating solo.

I'm taking it to work see what my coworkers lunchtime flying skills are like on the plasma (HDMI out of tablet)
I landed and stopped motors on the boat and took off again. Landed in liberties torch basket too :)

What a great sim. Being able to adjust the control sliders for speed should be next but it's darn good and very close to the feel of operating solo.

I'm taking it to work see what my coworkers lunchtime flying skills are like on the plasma (HDMI out of tablet)
Which boat are we talking about? The sail boat or the motor boat...
American flag flapping in the wind... pfffttt.... Murica F' YA! lol. 780m distance lol wow! I cant get that haahahhaha.
That's a recreation of Liberty Island. There is a flag there. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France.
You're from Canada, I trust?
Lol, facepalm, I know the story. its lady liberty duh.. murica

Well, so far you're the only one here not using complete sentences, proper capitalization or punctuation. Sounds like you need to avail yourself of one of our schools (a kindergarten?), and perhaps we can lend you Trump.. permanently... as an example of how not to behave until you pick it up..?


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