Solo Data Log Question

Apr 1, 2017
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When does the Solo begin recording logs?

Is it when the Solo connects to the GCS like Mission Planner or Solex? Or does it begin logging as soon as it's powered up?

Also, will the time stamps on the data logs match the system clock on my GCS? I ask because I'm flying a sensor that collects data continuously on my solo, and its system is synced to my GCS system time. I'd like to extract the data points that correspond to the times when my solo reaches each waypoint.
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I assumed that the log files were only generated when the Pixhawk was armed, but I may be wrong.
Should be easy to test. Just power up and fly your Solo and pull the logs.
Dataflash logs on the solo begin as soon as the Pixhawk powers up. For green cube folks, ArduCopter 3.5 has a parameter to specify not logging until armed if you wish. Telemetry logs on the controller begin when the controller connects.
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So the timestamps in the logs are not synced to the GCS system time? They are synced to some kind of onboard clock on the Solo then?

Or does time stamping not begin until the GCS is connected?

This link about geotagging photos says the time stamps are based on GCS time: 3DR Solo as an Ag Survey Tool | Agribotix but if logs begin before connecting to the GCS, how is this possible?

This is all very confusing and there is conflicting info everywhere. If anyone can shed some light on this, it'd be very helpful.
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So the timestamps in the logs are not synced to the GCS system time? They are synced to some kind of onboard clock on the Solo then?

Or does time stamping not begin until the GCS is connected?

This link about geotagging photos says the time stamps are based on GCS time: 3DR Solo as an Ag Survey Tool | Agribotix but if logs begin before connecting to the GCS, how is this possible?

This is all very confusing and there is conflicting info everywhere. If anyone can shed some light on this, it'd be very helpful.
There is a text file on both Solo and the controller called timestamp. It contains the last known timestamp and is written to just before Solo/controller power down.
This file is used on startup for date/time until a good timestamp is grabbed from the GPS on Solo.

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