Solo announcement at NAB

I haven't read this entire thread. Is it just 4 pages of begging or is there actual information somewhere?
Neither. It's more like a game of tag or something. Here is the OP's quote that matters..
"Yes, I was quoting a message to a friend of mine who is part of the media/press at this year's NAB.

He wouldn't disclose any more, but based on the size of 3DRobotics booth at the show and little hints here and there about software upgrades, I don't think we have to worry about 3DR and the Solo platform dissappearing in the near future.

Patience everybody--we will have some exciting news within 58 hours!"
Just like a game of 'telephone' - all these "agree to abide" replies are hilarious...

I figured there was some leg pulling going on, but if a two word reply resulted in some cool info, that's cool, if not, it's not like we're really out anything.

Almost as much as seeing whatever 3DR shows, I'm biting my fingers with anticipation to see how that lunitic Craig what's-his-face spins it as doom and gloom.
anyone recognize the middle camera and gimbal? ..FLIR?....

Just heard from a trusted source:

"3DR will be coming out with announcements this year at NAB regarding a suite of transformative new software for the Solo Smart Drone platform that will make it more powerful, safe and versatile.

If you can agree to abide to an embargo that will lift on April 18th at 9AM PST, I’d be happy to share additional details + the press release with you. "

So, for the rest of us, we will speculate until Monday at 9am.
I agree to abide
this thread was brilliant, and had no value until people started opting in.
Now it has become incredibly entertaining.
Folks the original post was a quote from someone and it was repeated here.
It is almost Monday, Hang in there
Indeed - it worryingly exposes the 3DR forum members as a bunch of lemmings

Because replying with "I abide" is as consequential as running off a cliff? Yea, for some reason I just don't think so. More like "yea, he's probably puling our leg, but if not, what the heck".
Ground sensors for more stable flight. My god,I believe the parrot BeBoP 2 has this now. What the hell 3DR? Let's get with it.
I'm not asking for the ability to fly a mile, just for what is now the basics.

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