Prop guards

FYI anyone using the prop guards for your solo beware if there is a reasonable amount of wind 7-10 mph the guards act as wind foils and can cause very unstable and out of control issues resulting in out of control crash. Maybe better suited for indoor use
Thanks. Valuable tip. I was thinking about grabbing a set, but seems like I never get to fly in winds below 10mph.
I was kind of wondering about the prop guards. In zero wind, the prop guards would likely be fine but once Solo is fighting a decent wind those prop guards might end up causing the copter to get really unstable. They are a great idea for training in calm winds although I prefer my little Blade Nano QX for any flying in the house and flight training purposes. Just me but I wouldn't even think of engaging Solo in a confined space.
I was kind of wondering about the prop guards. In zero wind, the prop guards would likely be fine but once Solo is fighting a decent wind those prop guards might end up causing the copter to get really unstable. They are a great idea for training in calm winds although I prefer my little Blade Nano QX for any flying in the house and flight training purposes. Just me but I wouldn't even think of engaging Solo in a confined space.
I guess I'll wait until the optical flow is released and use the prop guards for indoor flight only.
Just flew for the first time with the PolarPro guards. It was quite calm, and was not pleased with what I saw. Became quite unstable backwards. During a tight orbit shot, a lot of lateral wobbling and had to abandon the shot. Seriously thinking about returning them. The additional safety seems to be at a cost of stability.
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I am now waiting the delivery of my 3rd, yes 3rd Solo from 3DR. The first 2 crashed as a result of motor malfunctions. Coincidentally, both crashes happened while the Prop Guards were installed and both Solos lost control and crashed to the ground. Please use extreme caution when using the Prop Guards. I think Polar Pro is a great company and I like the design of the Guards, but they apparently make Solo unstable due to drag and thus making a higher torque demand on the motors while in flight.
FYI anyone using the prop guards for your solo beware if there is a reasonable amount of wind 7-10 mph the guards act as wind foils and can cause very unstable and out of control issues resulting in out of control crash. Maybe better suited for indoor use
I wish I read this before I put my guards on two minutes after put in the guards on and Lift-Off I had a violent crash

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