New to you group

Jun 13, 2024
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Hi I'm new to drones. So thank you for letting me join your group. As I'm a bit older than most of you just getting into drones I'm a bit slower at picking up things that are complicated. My son has given me a 3dr solo and after reading the instructions in the manual. The transmitter talks to the drone and the gimble moves up and down. Do i need software to fly it or can i just start it up and fly it.
Hi I'm new to drones. So thank you for letting me join your group. As I'm a bit older than most of you just getting into drones I'm a bit slower at picking up things that are complicated. My son has given me a 3dr solo and after reading the instructions in the manual. The transmitter talks to the drone and the gimble moves up and down. Do i need software to fly it or can i just start it up and fly it.
Better late than never! Welcome!
Having the drone and controller linked (called "paired") is a good start. Take the Solo outside in the clear, away from cars, metal posts, etc. with a good view of the sky and power up. The controller should transition from "Waiting for Solo" to "Searching for GPS" to "Hold FLY to Start Motors".

Most definitely understand the control stick functions - please reread that section of the manual.
Should you fly, initially avoid depressing the "A and B" buttons as these initiate different flight modes not appropriate for a beginner!

PLEASE NOTE: The original batteries from 3DR are past their expected lifetime and can and will fail in flight without warning. Keep your Solo very low and in the clear while getting a feel for the sticks. I suggest landing when the battery reaches 50% as indicated on the controller for now.

There are solutions for the battery issue, but first, let us know if you get Solo up and have fun!

Should the controller issue "strange messages" please let us know, as there are solutions...

Lot's of helpful folk are available to answer questions. Your reading of the manual is a good thing as many avoid this obvious 1st step!

I failed to answer your actual question. There are 3rd Party "apps" that enhance the Solo experience, but not required to actually just fly the bird...more on that when the time comes.
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Excellent advice from Charlie! I would add that you should get Solex for Android or SidePilot for iOS so you can see more info about the status of your GPS connection and battery, etc. And you may need to calibrate the drone.

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