Hey Ten Jed (great tune),
1. (per Google)
How do I run Etcher on Mac?
If you are a Mac OS user, the steps you will follow are:
- Double click the . dmg file.
- Drag Etcher to your Application folder.
- Double click to have it opened.
- Attach SD on the Mac.
- Click flash.
OK - The longer story is there are two unique processors in a Solo. The first is the Cube, (black, green, orange, etc.) which runs the copter itself...this requires the .apj file, Arducopter. It has its own loader which is accessed by Misson Planner or QCGround Control, and is unrelated to the stuff on the SD cards.
The second, so-called companion computer, is an I.MX6. This handles the video feed and a lot of support Solo functions, including the WiFi link to the remote controller handset. Your Solo controller also has an I.MX6 processor board that, among other things, provides the WiFi Access Point that allows one to SSH into either the Solo or controller. The firmware for these I.MX6 boards is on the SD cards. The Copter firmware is maintained in flash on the cube, which is why one needs MP or QC to initially flash the cube.
This new SD firmware eliminates the problem with some of the other update methods - that being a factory reset of either Solo or controller caused the now undesired firmware to be reloaded, negating what we're trying to do. There is a lot of dated info on the various Wikis that required one to get into the I.MX6 folders to insure that a factory update request RELOADS the current firmware, not the old crap. That's why these desired files are named "....... AND RESET".
2. SOLEX is not necessary if using the SD card method. There are a lot of mixed comments regarding SOLEX these days in general...but you don't need it in this case.
3. You DON'T need a Cube Green. The latest firmwares are supposed to address the "low signalling voltage issue". Stock cube works fine.
4. Don't try to take a cube apart - no need. The card in cubes is primarily used to retain the real time logging info from Arducopter (the firmware running in the cube) for post-flight analysis - extremely useful! These logs are created every time the copter is armed, and are accessed using MP or QCG.
I used these:
Amazon.com Worked fine! In general, avoid brandX SD cards from The Dollar Store, lol.
I totally hear you regarding Facebook and social media...it's a shame that FB Solo group isn't open to non-members.
OK! Assuming you did all the updates, the Solo should stabalize with two yellow disco lights and a red and green light. The controller will come up with "Waiting For Solo", and connect within a minute, probably showing a GPS or Compass error message. All good! Now you can connect to the Solo WiFi network, passphrase is "sololink". At that point you can SSH into the Solo ( and poke around if desired. More importantly, if you launch MP it self-determines that you are attached to a copter via UDP. It will load up the parameters from the cube. You will need to do an accel / compass calibration before flying...these features are under the SETUP / Manditory tabs in MP. 100% required!!
Please ask anything...there is, unfortunately, a lot of confusing and circular,dated info in the WIKI involving installing Open Solo 4. Absolutely use the "..... AND RESET" files. If your birds are opened and you have the cards the files are "right there" and require no extra manipulation.