Merry T-Motor!

Who me? Selling a motor upgrade? Nope, owed Keith a favor. Come to think of it, where's @Solo Keith ?
If anyone is interested and wants the OEM motors that were replaced, I will donate them. Obviously the pods aren't included. PM me w/shipping info if you want the motors. They are just paper weights for me. And I've got too many now. I'll even take care of shipping domestic only.

@RichWest YOU da MAN!!
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I made an ABS (plastic) paste using ABS plastic...
I gave it a try and it does actually work fairly well, the bond was solid. I re-purposed the ABS housing from a HP printer. Setup time however was quite long, maybe two hours for an 1/8" blob. I mean to the point that it was rock solid. Possibly virgin ABS would have worked better...

Overcoming the setup time with longer clamp time, it'd be a lot less wasteful than epoxy and hopefully a lot easier to remove later.

Cool tip, thanks.
It can take awhile to cure depending on how much acetone is left in the mixture. You can also put it in a toaster oven or regular one at about 120F/50C for about 20 minutes. If your oven has convection, even better. The ABS melting point is about 220F/105C so 1/2 that is totally fine. The heat will help dissipate the remaining acetone a lot quicker. A hairdryer or hot air gun can also work but don't get it too close.
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You might have a market there @RichWest
You funny man...I've got a day job and a happy wife....besides, money is over-rated....;)

Not sure how long it took you to mod the pods, but on the recent build I spent at least 4 hours, start to finish. You know the routine, a lot of details have to be managed and inspected for a quality build. Just no short cuts. Let's say the local electronic repair shop charges $65 an hour labor, $260 bill when done - ouch. Cost of pods and upgrade motors...acceptable costs.

Ideally, 3DR would offer up an ESC and pod frame kit for $10. Then it would be a $100 per pod upgrade....and the world would be a happier place.
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Buy spare pods in case you have to return (I'm sure you already have spares). They can't know what motors you were using...

I have a M8N GPS and parts to make a dedicated cable for it. That way I can put the factory GPS back in for the same reason. I haven't swapped out the GPS yet, not in too much of a hurry. I don't have any pressing reason to replace the motors right now. If I had $$$ to set on fire, I'd already be trying to bribe Rich into a set just because they're better.
I hope everyone here gets to experience a motor upgrade. By far, this is the best thing done to Solo. It has given so much more to Solo & has taken away the thought of a motor failure. I know a failure could happen as well w/these motors but the anxiety is gone knowing the quality that went into the build. Damn I'm one lucky SOB to have @RichWest throw his best into my Solo. And THANK YOU @RolandS888 for your brilliant talents getting this build started. You guys are frickn AWESOME
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