Inexpensive Drone to practice

Jun 30, 2015
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So I have a SOLO and LOVE it so far. I really want to get better with it, but I also would rather practice on something much cheaper in case of crashing it.

Any thoughts on what would make sense. I would ideally love to stay under $250. Under $100 would be awesome.

Ryan G
I have a little hubsan X4 that I fly. Around $40 - $50. I've crashed it dozens of times. It was really hard for me to control it when I first got it. Great to learn on. I also have a couple from WLToys. But I like the X4.

If you want to practice full manual control the X4 is cheap, tiny and takes a beating. It's nothing like flying something GPS stabilized.
I'm practicing on a syma X5C-1 I bought at Fry's for $70. It even has a low res camera and shoots Video

I bought to learn on ( Since I'm a beginner) till my solo arrives.
This thing is light, so the wind makes it hard to fly in, something I FOUND out the first day.

I also have a hubson x4....great for fpv training, but pretty much indoors only, or outdoors zero wind.

I would highly recommend the Blade Nano QX, 89.95 ready to fly from Horizon Hobby. I have been building and flying multi rotors for a few years now and the Blade is awesome for the money!

Great for practicing line of sight flying that all pilots need in case FLY mode or any other special mode on the solo fails. Anyone can Fly a Solo in the gps modes, many can't in stabilize mode.

Horizon has fantastic customer service as well.
So I have a SOLO and LOVE it so far. I really want to get better with it, but I also would rather practice on something much cheaper in case of crashing it.

Any thoughts on what would make sense. I would ideally love to stay under $250. Under $100 would be awesome.

Ryan G
I personally didn't like the Hubsan x4, though many people do. I wound up giving mine away. This UDI I liked a lot- and this version takes HD video (720p):

It's fun, great practice, doesn't sound like a mosquito on steroids (like the x4) and it works great inside or out. It just doesn't have the power to fight moderate to high winds, though.
I personally didn't like the Hubsan x4, though many people do. I wound up giving mine away. This UDI I liked a lot- and this version takes HD video (720p):

It's fun, great practice, doesn't sound like a mosquito on steroids (like the x4) and it works great inside or out. It just doesn't have the power to fight moderate to high winds, though.
. . . and if you do go with this, get a few spare batteries. By the way, this is much bigger than the little nano-drones, so it is easier to train on (I believe). You can see it farther away.
Thanks for the info guys.. I appreciate it. I would rather something as close to the solo as possible (size wise).

I will definitely look into all of these.

I don't really have anywhere indoors I can fly anything with any kind of space that for sure. So I think that is out. I heard the Syma was really good for the money.. I will look at the links.

Anyone else have any recommendations? I am not sure if I need it to actually do video or photos as this would just be a practice drone.

Thanks again
Ryan G
Honestly, I got a little Proto X just to get the sense of manual controls back. It's pretty much an indoor quad, and about $30 - because the Solo investment is already pushed over $2,000 for me.
May not fit the bill for an accurate flyer, but its an agile quad that is fully manual. I knew if I spent more on a practice quad, it would end up collecting dust.
Plus WHEN you crash your practice drone, it doesn't sting so much when you know it's just $30.
But the thing holds up pretty well to the abuse I've put it through and for being so tiny.
Where do you guys fly indoors? That's the problem I have is I don't have any space anywhere to fly something indoors.

Ryan G

p.s. Still not sure what to go with, but it will be soon.
Where do you guys fly indoors? That's the problem I have is I don't have any space anywhere to fly something indoors.

Ryan G

p.s. Still not sure what to go with, but it will be soon.

I fly around anywhere inside of my house. I bounced my quad off a wall and it dropped onto my daughter's head with one of props getting tangled in her hair. She wasn't happy when I had to grab a scissor.

That was the biggest mishap I ever had flying around my house. Bigger quads I would never use indoors like this.
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i just fly the solo.
i also have a Dji phanton2vision that i fly.
Not a chance I would buy that.. I wouldn't even fly it.. :)
I'm practicing on a syma X5C-1 I bought at Fry's for $70. It even has a low res camera and shoots Video

I bought to learn on ( Since I'm a beginner) till my solo arrives.
This thing is light, so the wind makes it hard to fly in, something I FOUND out the first day.

LOL...same here. I took my Syma out day one a little breezy. Took off and started drifting. Tried to bring it back,not happening. Had to put it down in my neighbors yard before it went off to oblivian. I learned to use the higher power setting which was easier to use in a little wind.
Easy to fly once you get the hang of it and virtually indestructible.
Where do you guys fly indoors? That's the problem I have is I don't have any space anywhere to fly something indoors.

Ryan G

p.s. Still not sure what to go with, but it will be soon.
I used to fly my little Syma X5 inside all the time. It comes with prop guards and is so low powered it wouldn't hurt anything if you hit it. I wouldn't fly the Solo indoors...maybe in a gym or something big like that, not in the house. My wife would have a fit.
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Thanks guys.. Looks like I will add this to the list of things I want to get.

Ryan G
Like several other members I have been fence sitting on which, when, & where. While daily lurking on various forums & vendors sites I noted B&H had a Dromida Kodo on sale for $25 off last Wednesday. A quick internet search turned up no major issues with fly aways, crooked horizons, etc. So I jumped on it as a way to gain practice in manual flying. It exceeded my expectations. Everything one would need is in the box including 2 Gig Micro SD and a Micro SD/USB reader.
It does what is does very well; It is always level and rights itself immediately. Flying inside I have been able to trim it to floor hover(about 1/4In off floor) and stay in 0ne tile square for 15-20 seconds before it goes off on secret missions.
Outside in Moderate winds I have learned to control it fairly well. It obviously(?) has no position awareness, It does seem to hover very well for 20-30 seconds; JUST, NOT where I want it to hover.
I am not aware of a follow me mode; but, it does seem to do extremely well in the Attack Me mode.
I appreciate the comments from members suggesting this option to have the experience before jumping in with the BIG credit card.
Nice Shuan, that's the way to do it.Better to be attacked by that one than the Solo! Practice lots with it nose in too..

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