How to contact airport tower?

Dec 11, 2015
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San Mateo, CA
I've actually sent this question to the FAA, but I'm wondering if any of you have already asked and had this answered:

I understand that I'm obliged to inform the airport operator and the tower of a model aircraft operation if I'm going to be operating within five miles of a towered airport. It's quite easy to get the airport operator's phone number from the FAA's Airport/Facilities Directory, but they only publish radio frequencies for the towers (this wasn't always the case).

Does anyone here know how we are supposed to contact airport towers before operating our Solos?

You need to look up your local FDSO (Flight District Standards Office). Contact them and give them your planned flight location, time, duration, and maximum altitude.
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You need to look up your local FDSO (Flight District Standards Office). Contact them and give them your planned flight location, time, duration, and maximum altitude.

I remember you posting this before. I did this for KBOS and they called me back after a couple days. This is not the proper point of contact unfortunately. At least it's not in this area of operations.

I had a great 10 minute conversation with him though. He was very informative and candid. He says good things are coming this year for drone operators but couldn't elaborate. He commended me for my diligence. He told me to continue to do what I have been doing and call everyone individually.

When I saw you post this a while ago I jumped at the opportunity to have a one call fits all approach. Sadly.... it didn't work for me and if it works for you then you have it made.
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Most local municipal airports are pretty small. You can usually find the number easily enough. Call them directly and they will be able to put you in touch with the tower (if they even have one). Or just drive up to the airport and look for the "fixed base operator" or "general aviation." Just walk in and talk to them face to face. They will put you in contact with the tower (if there is a tower) or the right people.
I've actually sent this question to the FAA, but I'm wondering if any of you have already asked and had this answered:

I understand that I'm obliged to inform the airport operator and the tower of a model aircraft operation if I'm going to be operating within five miles of a towered airport. It's quite easy to get the airport operator's phone number from the FAA's Airport/Facilities Directory, but they only publish radio frequencies for the towers (this wasn't always the case).

Does anyone here know how we are supposed to contact airport towers before operating our Solos?


You're best bet - requires a radio - is to contact local traffic directly. You're not going to receive permission in a controlled area to operate. Small uncontrolled Class E airports will not have a tower and use CTAF - common traffic advisory frequency. Here you will be communicating directly with actual traffic.

Use an aviation radio to contact local traffic on CTAF - the local frequency - which can be found on an aviation chart or by calling the FBO at the airport.

"Chicamunga traffic - be advised small unmanned aircraft operating 1 mile northwest of airport off runway 28 at elevation of 100 feet - no factor for traffic. Contact registered drone operator on this frequency"

Just my 2 cents here ... My FSDO has not responded to any of my inquires but air traffic has
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I might add - Class E airspace which depending on your location can begin at the surface or 700 feet above ground level.

As an example - if you're flying off the end of a runway by a grassy area you are probably in Class E airspace - the same airspace designated for aircraft traffic

The 400 foot ceiling is designed to create a separation ... Stating the obvious here - flying Solo 1500 feet above ground level and 3000 feet out - because you can - around an airport is asking for trouble ... Don't ask permission to do this

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