
Can you try that again in English?

you said
"A stock solo should use the green one. It is preset for 5 volt signalling. The black one can do it too, but you need to open it up and change a solder jumper from 3.3v to 5v signalling. That's the only difference between the two (other than the color)."

Can I find out in detail?:)
Why would you fly that close to people?
The "firmware" is arducopter two versions newer than what flies in a stock solo. It's fairly proven software running rigs that cost 10s of thousands of dollars
A stock solo should use the green one. It is preset for 5 volt signalling. The black one can do it too, but you need to open it up and change a solder jumper from 3.3v to 5v signalling. That's the only difference between the two (other than the color).

A DIY vehicle can use either, but there is no sense in buying the green one for that.

Do you happen to know what are the differences (if any) between the Pixhawk 2 in the stock Solo and the Pixhawk 2.1 that we can now buy for DIY?
I'd heard that you could pull the PH out of Solo and use it with a carrier board for a DIY project.
Do you happen to know what are the differences (if any) between the Pixhawk 2 in the stock Solo and the Pixhawk 2.1 that we can now buy for DIY?
I'd heard that you could pull the PH out of Solo and use it with a carrier board for a DIY project.

It has three redundant IMUs. Two of which are vibration isolated and heated. All three have gyros, accels and compass. There are two baro's as well. All the sensors are significantly better as well. The case is metal rather than plastic. And nothing is held together with glue.
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Which jumper should I change? (3.3v to 5v signalling)


  • 3dr-Solo-Pixhawk.jpg
    37.5 KB · Views: 74
Don't know the jumper, I saw it posted on FB somewhere if I can find it I will repost. I went with 2.1 because it's newer hardware
On the PH 2.1 black, It's not a actual Jumper, It's 2 pads that need to be soldered "Bridged" to get 3.3v to 5v signalling. The added benefits / Features going from PH 2 to PH 2.1 outweighs cost of upgrading, for me.
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green cube is better anyway
nuttin wrong with the PH2 but the 2.1 is newer and will fly with master, which is what I am after
OK I think there's some confusion here.
  • A Pixhawk 2.0 is what is stock in your Solo. It is black and plastic. It is 3.3v signalling only and has no jumper for 5 volts. It is older hardware from 2014/2015 era.

  • A Pixhawk 2.1 by ProfiCNC has all the upgraded stuff I mentioned a few posts up, is metal, and has a jumper to change signalling from 3.3 volts to 5 volts if so desired. They are black metal and generally used for DIY vehicles. They can be purchased from any number of vendors that ProfiCNC is partnered with. Detail is here: pixhawk2.1 - Pixhawk2
  • The green cube is a Pixhawk 2.1. It was a special run that ProfiCNC did specifically for the Solo. The jumper is preset for 5 volt and the case is green for identification and marketing. They can purchased directly here: Green Cube - Pixhawk2
OK I think there's some confusion here.
  • A Pixhawk 2.0 is what is stock in your Solo. It is black and plastic. It is 3.3v signalling only and has no jumper for 5 volts. It is older hardware from 2014/2015 era.

  • A Pixhawk 2.1 by ProfiCNC has all the upgraded stuff I mentioned a few posts up, is metal, and has a jumper to change signalling from 3.3 volts to 5 volts if so desired. They are black metal and generally used for DIY vehicles. They can be purchased from any number of vendors that ProfiCNC is partnered with. Detail is here: pixhawk2.1 - Pixhawk2
  • The green cube is a Pixhawk 2.1. It was a special run that ProfiCNC did specifically for the Solo. The jumper is preset for 5 volt and the case is green for identification and marketing. They can purchased directly here: Green Cube - Pixhawk2
That is the correct playout of PH 2.X, I missed it by that much...

Interesting, I thought the PH 2.1 standard housing was plastic...
ok, when i take the green pill will i also have all the things my stock solo has ?

cable cam, follow modes, gimbal positioning at all ?
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Thanks for the info!:)

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