Determination options of the type cube

Jul 8, 2022
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can u determine the type of cube your solo has exactly without opening it up and heaving clear view on the part where the cube is located or is there a txt digital display of the cube a solo has or maybe the light the cube has as the colour it shows that equals its model that is named the same colour that it emits when it is activated ? Or another way im not aware of that is a way to determine what model/colour cube is in a solo that is a easy quick route without a need to unscrew lots of shit or get the info by no requirement to have a visual on the cube itself to find it out?
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can u determine the type of cube your solo has exactly without opening it up and heaving clear view on the part where the cube is located or is there a txt digital display of the cube a solo has or maybe the light the cube has as the colour it shows that equals its model that is named the same colour that it emits when it is activated ? Or another way im not aware of that is a way to determine what model/colour cube is in a solo that is a easy quick route without a need to unscrew lots of shit or get the info by no requirement to have a visual on the cube itself to find it out?
If you connect to Mission Planner and go to the Messages tab it will show you which firmware is loaded. It will have CubeSolo, CubeGreen, or CubeOrange after the firmware version.

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