Go Pro 4 Silver Or Black With Specific Case Use

Jan 7, 2017
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I'm going back and forth between the silver or black go pro 4. I will be using the Go Pro for both drone and handheld shooting. Of course the black has better frame rates but the silver has the screen which will be helpful shooting handheld shots with with.

My main question is that if I'm using the drone primarily for youtube footage in 1080p is there much of a difference between shooting at 2.7K 60FPS and then downscaling to 1080p on the black versus just shooting 1080p 60FPS on the silver?

I guess at the end of the day I'm wondering if I will even use the better image processing on the black for my social media/youtube case use?
Welcome Mister! That topic has had some spirited discussions here! Lol!

I'm told that basically 4 & 2.7k produce a larger image that more room for cropping, etc in post processing.

I shoot 1080p on my silver and leave it at that. It's my understanding that if you're not going to do any post processing, you won't see any difference.
Honestly I'd say get the black. You could always add the screen via the bacpac you can't add 4k without buying a new camera. Shooting in 2.7k or 4k and uploading to YouTube will be downgraded to 1080p but it will still have originally had more pixels which will result in better quality especially if shooting medium or narrow.
For Posterities sake... I decided to purchase the black. Primarily because I found a smoking deal on a refurbished $244 out the door. At the price I figured i can always buy a lcd back if needed and still be ahead.

Thanks for all the info and help!
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I bought the black and silver off of go pro's website and they look brand new. My buddy ordered a silver from go pro and it is DOA and looks like it was dropped from a 2nd story window. go figure??View media item 546
I have 3 and 4 black. I used to shoot in 2160 but for me and my limited editing skills it is easier and faster to edit 1080 video due to size of the file for post processing. I use capture software because I'm cheap :-). 60 fps imho is more important.
Honestly I'd say get the black. You could always add the screen via the bacpac you can't add 4k without buying a new camera. Shooting in 2.7k or 4k and uploading to YouTube will be downgraded to 1080p but it will still have originally had more pixels which will result in better quality especially if shooting medium or narrow.

You can upload in 4K to YouTube. If you don't have a compatible tv or computer you probably only see the 1080p option but I upload 4K videos and play them back all the time.
I use my GoPro 4 Silver for my Solo but also for snorkling and I have a handheld 3 Axis gimbal for it. So I love the screen on the back. Just my two cents. :)

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