General Questions About Solo/Upgrades/ etc.

May 8, 2017
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Portland Oregon
Hi Folks, as you may know I did a post about the Solo Ebay Bargains and was very happy with the responses on there and hearing what people had to say. Reading the forums here, I'm happy there's newbies like myself learning from you guys and I'm also blown away by some of the real technical knowledge that you guys share (I'm often lost trying to read them, but darn it, I'm determined to learn!).

So have a few questions that I wouldn't mind some answers to that I'm sure would be helpful to the newbies too!

1: So with 3 working drones (1 new, 2 ebay bargains that had calibration errors), I decided to upgrade to "The Green Cube". However wondering which drone it would be best put in. Obviously I want my primary drone to have the best parts, but wondering if it would be best put into one of the ebay bargains that actually had a calibration error to begin with (should there be a chance of a repeat performance). My only concern is that I don't know how much time has been put on the motors on those ones. Could be a lot, could be nothing... Any advice on this one?

2: Has anyone purchased the above yet? If so, what was the processing time from date of order? (hey, I logged in and it's still at the "payment accepted" status, but I only ordered last Friday). Waiting doesn't bother me, I need practice at stripping the drone down anyway, but would like to know the average time if anyone knows off hand.

3: I've seen lots of youtube video's and lots of peoples thoughts on the Rev A, Vs Rev B Vs MRobotics GPS. However, haven't seen much on the Here GNSS. Has anyone upgraded to this yet? If so, what are your impressions of the upgrade, advantages etc.

4: I still have some micro vibrations on my primary drone (big thick HDMI cable there soldered directly to the board). There's lots of advice out there on how to reduce vibrations (foam inserts, some guys filling up parts of the gimbal with silicon putty...), but what worked best for you guys?

5: Want to upgrade to a large tablet instead of using my cell phone. However was hoping I could use one that didn't require a sim card. If I use a tablet with built in GPS or use an external GPS module, can I still use the gps based smart shots? (I'm currently using Solex and that would be my software of choice for the tablet) (and no, I can't use my phone as a hotspot as it's a business phone, and don't want to sign up for a phone contract as I already have a phone....and I need my spare cash to spend on my solo anyway...).

6: It seems the only way we'll get "new" parts or accessories for the 3DR depends on the demand and numbers in circulation out there. We know that we've gotten a new pixhawk cube, upgraded gps etc. But what do you think the chances are of getting an improved lighter longer lasting battery or even a gimbal compatible with other camera's? (Yeah I know everyone asks this one, but why be the odd one out?)

And finally....

7: After the whole ebay bargain thing, I realized this site is missing a permanent sticky post.... "3DR Solo addiction network...."
As for #6, I will be personally watching the glass cathode lithium and lithium-sulfur technologies like a kid on Christmas Eve. As soon as they are available for purchase you can pretty much guarantee I will be putting a pack together and telling and Arduino to impersonate SMBus....

#7. Hi, it's my first time and it's been 6 hours since my last flight. I bought another set of props last night.....
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I have a green cube and rev b in my back up solo. But I plan to put a cube and here on my primary as soon as the budget allows. I'm all in on arducopter on solo
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1. Put the best parts in your best solo.
2. No
3. No
4. The HDMI cable is the biggest problem so concentrate on it. Haven't really had many problems so can't say which one is best.
5. Don't know.
6. You will not see a battery or gimbal from 3DR. They said so.
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Aye, well aware that 3DR is out of the consumer drone business, but what I was wondering was if there was any possibility of a 3rd party possibly making batteries or a gimbal. I'm pretty sure if a company came along today saying "Hey, we've made a gimbal that's compatible with a GP Hero 5, but it's costs $200" we'd all be miffed, say "I'm not paying that much for a Gimbal!".... and then go and buy one anyway.. or at least I know I would, but then again, I have no self control it seems..
exactly, the 5 had lots of nice features for ground work but for a UAV voice commands are not going to help much
the sensor and IQ is the same on both.
Over my gopro history i have always skipped the plus versions and stuck to the main releases. The 5 is the first one I will not own
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Aye, I believe resolution and frame rates are the same, just has voice commands and stabilization? However right now it's $329 for a gp4 and $349 for a gp5. Plus the fact that the camera is not married to the drone means that it can be used for all sorts of different photography and video uses. Plus those here that own a karma (both of the people here hah hah!) means they could interchange based on use. Honestly, I love the idea of the solo (a continously upgradable drone) but the reality is that we will be more like the mad max of drones, scavenging a barren wasteland for parts...... seriously, someone will murder me for my battery!!!
I bought one October 2nd last year the weekend it came out. Other than 2.7k at 60fps linear compared to the 4 with upgraded firmware 30fps that's all it's got. Stabilization can be done in post. Its not water proof like they say. All sorts of complaints about it failing in three feet of water. Water resistant, yes. Since I bought the 5 I have bought 2 more 4 Blacks. For ground work it is O.K..
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I really do hope so, it seems that most of the way forward is going to be with the tinkerers and 3rd parties (if there's enough interest to make it profitable). I mean look at Solex, that app runs circles around the 3DR app (orbits?) and I see that someone here was making their own (and selling) HDMI cable replacements. I think if anything, this means it's time to buy my wife a present.... of a 3D printer so she can make parts for my solo (hey, she's an engineer, licensed aircraft pilot and patent holder.... and yet can't convince her to to just apply for a 107.... ).
I think the way forward on the gimbal might be a go-between board that speaks MAVlink for folks who wanna hook up a STorM32 that has the encoders, at least until someone designs anew adaptable gimbal and then writes/adapts some firmware for it that natively speaks MAVLINK and has encoders or pots for feedback data. That's my plan at any rate, once I crawl out from under the DATAVALANCHE @hackbard23 just unleashed....
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Hoping for your success
As for the 5 yeah the 2.7k 60 is nice, but linear in gopro is just software not true correction
you get better results using a flat lens mod
I have a 3.97mm on one of my 4 Blacks and love it. I also have a BacPac that can be used on any of my cameras if I feel the need to see exactly what I am viewing. So again, The 4 Black wins.
I even still have one of my 3 blacks and had a two up till about 2 months ago.
I use my 3 mainly for diving now. my 4 is on the solo or in a gimbal.
Lately I have been shooting more with the GX85 that is one amazing little camera.
Sooner or later I will get it airborne

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