Future Solo Battery?

If you are on constant cruise flight the entire time you're in the air, you may gain a minute or two since it is more efficient than hovering or very slow light. The 330mah per minute is an average assuming some cruising around, some hovering, climbing, descending, etc. Landing below 10% can stretch it, but is going to hurt it in the long run.
I have default battery failsafe as you set it in OpenSolo, so I'm usually on the pad at 15-20% of the pack. I have no interest in straining my batteries anymore than they have been just by virtue of helping me collect a few thousand acres of data.

If I may, do you have any recommendations on how I could arrive at a more accurate representation of my mAh consumption? Our Solo is using the MAS Solo V1 propellers, and I'm curious if that is helping/hurting my consumption at all. And furthermore, I'd like to know what/how to collect this data reliably as I go forward testing new props and possibly motors.

I think you're probably setting yourself up for disappointment if you think you're ever going to get 20 minutes flight time our of a Solo with a camera and gimbal. It it simply not a realistic expectation. The Solo uses about 330mah per minute. A stock battery in very good condition will get you 12-14 minutes of flight down to 10%. Stretching that out to 20 minutes would require a scientific miracle, or a defiance of the laws of physics. Neither are likely. Even if they managed to increase the battery capacity to 6000mah and maintain the same pack weight, that will gain you about 2 minutes flight time. 3 minutes if they manage to make the pack a little lighter. There is no magic battery that doesn't require heat dissipation yet.

Probably because you can't just slap some generic batteries on the solo with duct tape and expect it to work?

I wont be using camera or a gimble. I've got a servo attached to it for payload to drop it into the ocean for fishing. One of the guys on youtube got 17 minutes + without a gimble or camera thats good enough for me.
They should not insinuate themselves into someone else's design deal by going around the original design party and contacting a potential vendor themselves to ask about the original designers end product (which is what seemingly happened here).

In early 2016 most here knew who manufactured the stock battery. It wasn't a secret. That would have been the obvious contact at some point. Further, the battery manufacture is just as much an opportunist as the next....no honor among thieves.

No doubt there are a lot of opportunistic crapheads in the drone market, good for them. Everyone trying to get rich from the fertile ground air of opportunity. Live and learn, going back to an old phrase...loose lips sinks ships. If you have an idea, don't talk about it, better to act on it asap.

I don't have a dog in the hunt. And I surely don't want to disparage someone else's opportunity to benefit the community. Here's to a speedy development and production of batteries. Peace.
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If I may, do you have any recommendations on how I could arrive at a more accurate representation of my mAh consumption? Our Solo is using the MAS Solo V1 propellers, and I'm curious if that is helping/hurting my consumption at all. And furthermore, I'd like to know what/how to collect this data reliably as I go forward testing new props and possibly motors.

You can just look at the amps live in the app. amps * 1000 to convert to mah. Divide by 60 to get milliamps per second. Or you can look at the logs to get a longer term average and do the same. 330 milliamps per second works out to an average of 19-20 amps in flight. Less in cruise and descents. More in climbs, hover, and fast flight.
I think you're probably setting yourself up for disappointment if you think you're ever going to get 20 minutes flight time our of a Solo with a camera and gimbal. It it simply not a realistic expectation. The Solo uses about 330mah per minute. A stock battery in very good condition will get you 12-14 minutes of flight down to 10%. Stretching that out to 20 minutes would require a scientific miracle, or a defiance of the laws of physics. Neither are likely. Even if they managed to increase the battery capacity to 6000mah and maintain the same pack weight, that will gain you about 2 minutes flight time. 3 minutes if they manage to make the pack a little lighter. There is no magic battery that doesn't require heat dissipation yet.

Probably because you can't just slap some generic batteries on the solo with duct tape and expect it to work?

It works fine...not as nice as a "real" Solo battery, but it works fine.
Here's a video, from Drone & Sundry, linking directly to the battery portion of the conversation between Ian and Philip. Actually the entire video is worth watching, but this portion gives future insight to a NEW smart battery for

Nice, I would still be happy with the release of just the BMS circuit.

The battery problem becomes more and more critical and urgent every new month for the Solo users.
And i think this is the main reason, many people sell their aircraft.
Ironic considering there was recently someone here claiming there would be no battery, and that they were banned from FB groups for uncovering this sinister plot.... lol
Who Droneworship? I wouldn’t rely on anything that man says. He’s a hack.
You all just wait a few days, until the gobment releases the UFO stuff. Then we can all have the anti-gravity propulsion and have no batteries at all!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
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I don't do facebook, so I don't know what's been said there, but what is 3DR going to do for their Site Scan clients with Solo's. Their batteries should be toast soon if they've been using them for mapping.

If there are no new batteries available within 3 months, my Solo drone mapping days are over. 6 months ago I had 8 good batteries. 2 months ago I had 7 good ones, 1 month ago 6 good ones, right now I only have 4 good batteries... despite the fact that money is no issue, in two months I will have to give the business away or go to DJI.
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