DSLR PRO Shippments?

Jun 24, 2015
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Just was wondering if anyone has received an order from DSLR PROS. I placed my pre-order on April 20th, but have not heard anything from them. Everyone seems to be going direct with Solo, or thru BB. From the dates of other members, it seems that some people who ordered after me already have the Solo.
I will call DSLR PROS on Monday to get an update.
Thanks to everyone on this forum for sharing, I am a newbie at flying, but have been practicing on a simulator for some time now.

good luck.
i had one on pre order from B H
ordered it on april 20 too.
found one at Best Buy
there is one in stock at the Best Buy in Dothan Al where i got mine.
if this is any help to any one.
I'm getting my main working unti from Aeroworks.com but I did manage to score a Solo on pre-order from DSLR Pros. I placed my order April 13th. It arrived around the 10th or 11th I think (I was out of town until the 13th)
Ordered from DSLR on 4/13, received Solo on 6/26. I did not receive the extra battery.
I spoke with DSLR PROS today, they said they were receiving an order of 100 Solos today. I am number 42 and it should go out today. I called them back to see how much 2 day shipping was so I could get it before the 4 th of July. Went from free shipping to $45., I will hurry up and wait

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