Dedicated 3rd Party Lens Discussion (Examples Updated)

exciting, now I just need to find another deal on a GP4 black
I have a GP3 black but they are not going to offer the profile fix for that one
GOPR9999.JPG been doing some shots lately with my peaupro 82, I've noticed that its dark in the corners is this normal?
this shot is right from the camera using a peaupro cp filter
I only notice it with filters and figured it was my cheap polar pros
going to change over to Blurfix
What were your settings?
I tried with protune on and off, shows up with polarpro and peaupro filters.
I'm going to try tonight with no filters
Since the lens profile is removed the corners will be slightly darkened. If you are taking photos we recommend brightening the corners in your post process workflow if you want to reduce the natural vignette of the lens. The dark corners shouldn't show up when using video mode since the corners are cropped out of the frame. Other questions let us know.

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