Dear 3DR

@Earldgrayjr, Yes I agree. I enjoy our debates and your knowledge as well.

I will keep this short as I think its been hashed over enough. I know for a fact what 3DR told me the delivery would be when they took my money. They missed it. I know that each new delivery was also on target right up to the last minute and then all of a sudden in the final hour there was a new delivery date and some excuse. Even though you think there is no value in what 3DR was telling their investors (which matches what they told me). Well OK.

As far as staying around. I have no agenda here and my post count has dropped off considerably. Why? Because I have less and less to contribute as 3DR is evolving and I am not part of that change. So not going to chime in on something I know nothing about. Like the new tower app or when the gimbal comes out. Not to mention I am getting old and my memory is short.

We obviously agree on a lot of things and disagree on others. That's great and I respect that.

As far as watching the P3 shell, yes sir I will keep an eye on that. I can tell you one thing. I will not ship it back. A new shell is $59.00 and I will order one and swap it out myself. My flying season in Iowa is short and in my eyes we are flying 2 year technology (solo included) so there is no way I will ship it to China for 5+ weeks.

Cheers :)
Still waiting for either something that shows the gimbal is 3 months late, or a retraction of that statement.

I'll continue to wait :)

Until then...

People sometimes get emotional and memory gets cloudy even while they are sure they are being perfectly rational. Thier memory latches on to something and they are rock sure that vision is clear. That is precisely why eye witnesses are often wrong. When presented with evidence (even video) they are often incredulous, saying it can't be true, because thier memory seems so real, when in fact it is assumptions.

That is fine when it is your car keys and you are SURE you brought them in the house, but just like pointing someone out in a lineup, The facts do matter a great deal when you go from thinking something to acting on it, and in this case publicly accusing a company of lying to you.


By even opening the shell of the P3, you void your warranty. I know you know that. Interesting though that you are willing to let DJI off the hook so easily for a complete warranty, and at once hold 3DR's feet to the fire for a delayed gimbal and a claim I don't think they actually made.

That juxtaposition is an example of the unrealistic expectations and emotional irrationality I speak of. I believe in reality it is because one fully works today, the other doesn't, and for whatever reason (like a short season) you were so anxious you couldn't take it. That's fine. Just don't rationalize it being something more or different than that.

Like I said. I got it. You made a choice. Let me help the justification. Given that you don't see any value in a lot of the new things Solo brings, and you are very willing to overlook the deficiencies of P3 and DJI that I and others see (including admission that your warranty is meaningless) you likely made the right choice (and will work to keep it that).

Let me ask the question again though. Even assuming you were right with the facts about the gimbal delay (and I don't believe you are) Why are you repeating the justification for your choice over and over to me here? Aren't you happier doing that over and over on P3 forums? After all ,with that crowd it is like red meat. You certainly can get the agreement there, though one could question whether it is rational. So.. Again.... Do you think you are saving me? Or just maybe..... you are convincing yourself.... FYI: Just saying that isn't so, doesn't make it not so...

Remember, I still own both., and I continue to deal with both companies.

PS: When I got cracks in my P3 shell, there were no replacement shells available. So you can say you would have made a different (better) choice, but the reality is that choice didn't exist.

I actually don't see them on the site now, so not sure where you are ordering it. Perhaps you were looking on the 3DR site? They are in fact there.

In any case, after speaking with DJI several times, sending it back the way I did was the only option given to me. Not Calfornia, but China. 8 weeks. (estimated) turn around. No replacement. No options.

PPS: Not sure how much we actually do agree, but it appears we do agree on one thing. The best way to deal with DJI is not to....

Cheers :)

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Let me ask the question again though. Even assuming you were right with the facts about the gimbal delay (and I don't elieve you are) Why are you repeating the justification for your choice over and over to me here?

Sorry if you feel it was directed at you. Its not. Enjoy your Solo Earl.

The P3 shells are online everywhere. I can have one in 2 days. Warranty? We all know DJIs warranty sucks. I bought it knowing its disposable. But it flies great and if I get anywhere close to the 700 miles I put on my last V+ then I will be happy.
Sorry if you feel it was directed at you. Its not. Enjoy your Solo Earl.

The P3 shells are online everywhere. I can have one in 2 days. Warranty? We all know DJIs warranty sucks. I bought it knowing its disposable. But it flies great and if I get anywhere close to the 700 miles I put on my last V+ then I will be happy.
Lol... You responded to my post, and put my name in the response....Telling me "You obviously do not know what the facts are Earl". I guess one could assume that was "directed at me"? :).

Don't worry about my feelings though. I have seen far to many product launches to let a gimbal delay get to me. As I said, this one is very tame and 3DR is doing quite well in comparison to many others I have seen.

PS: Still waiting for evidence of your previous accusation..... :)
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Sorry if you feel it was directed at you. Its not. Enjoy your Solo Earl.

The P3 shells are online everywhere. I can have one in 2 days. Warranty? We all know DJIs warranty sucks. I bought it knowing its disposable. But it flies great and if I get anywhere close to the 700 miles I put on my last V+ then I will be happy.

You have to admit you spend an awful lot of time here for a guy that doesn't even own a Solo. In fact, you post here more often than any other member. So that doesn't exactly do a lot for your credibility.

Outside of the antenna threads, I don't really see you helping people with problems. When you do, you frequently crowbar in some sort of dig against the Solo, or against 3DR. So that doesn't help with your credibility either.

Then there are the omissions. Like the thread where you were talking about doing cable cam and follow me on your P3. You didn't mention that you were using alpha software by a third party that is known to cause crashes... until pressed a little later. Even then, I don't recall you mentioning any of the known issues with the Litchi app. So again, your credibility is suspect.

So when you push the "botched launch" or "multiple delays" narrative on us, over and over again, its hard not to question your integrity. I know I certainly have.

In the end I concluded that you are probably legit and that you probably are making valid posts. But you don't really have a right to be offended if folks question your motives.
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You have to admit you spend an awful lot of time here for a guy that doesn't even own a Solo. In fact, you post here more often than any other member. So that doesn't exactly do a lot for your credibility.

Outside of the antenna threads, I don't really see you helping people with problems. When you do, you frequently crowbar in some sort of dig against the Solo, or against 3DR. So that doesn't help with your credibility either.

Then there are the omissions. Like the thread where you were talking about doing cable cam and follow me on your P3. You didn't mention that you were using alpha software by a third party that is known to cause crashes... until pressed a little later. Even then, I don't recall you mentioning any of the known issues with the Litchi app. So again, your credibility is suspect.

So when you push the "botched launch" or "multiple delays" narrative on us, over and over again, its hard not to question your integrity. I know I certainly have. In the end I concluded that you are probably legit and that you probably are making valid posts. But you don't really have a right to be offended if folks question your motives.

With all due respect Rich did own a solo and has provided a lot of very valuable solo user feedback not only to other members here but other interested parties reading his posts here. Just because RIch is now posting his actual bad experiences and resulting frustration with the 3DR's return/refund process does not mean it is not valuable to others. To the contrary every solo owner experiences good or bad should be posted here without the need to constantly defend their post(s) I assure you everything here good or bad is read by parties who can make changes in the product and process so lets not let this forum degrade to the point that RCG and other solo related forums where current or past solo owners are afraid to post their experiences. Rich has stated number times the reason he still hangs around is that overall the users here are much more friendly than those on the DJI forums so please lets try to keep that if possible.
You have to admit you spend an awful lot of time here for a guy that doesn't even own a Solo. In fact, you post here more often than any other member. So that doesn't exactly do a lot for your credibility.

Outside of the antenna threads, I don't really see you helping people with problems. When you do, you frequently crowbar in some sort of dig against the Solo, or against 3DR. So that doesn't help with your credibility either.

Then there are the omissions. Like the thread where you were talking about doing cable cam and follow me on your P3. You didn't mention that you were using alpha software by a third party that is known to cause crashes... until pressed a little later. Even then, I don't recall you mentioning any of the known issues with the Litchi app. So again, your credibility is suspect.

So when you push the "botched launch" or "multiple delays" narrative on us, over and over again, its hard not to question your integrity. I know I certainly have. In the end I concluded that you are probably legit and that you probably are making valid posts. But you don't really have a right to be offended if folks question your motives.
Exactly. Well said.
You have to admit you spend an awful lot of time here for a guy that doesn't even own a Solo. In fact, you post here more often than any other member. So that doesn't exactly do a lot for your credibility.

Outside of the antenna threads, I don't really see you helping people with problems. When you do, you frequently crowbar in some sort of dig against the Solo, or against 3DR. So that doesn't help with your credibility either.

Then there are the omissions. Like the thread where you were talking about doing cable cam and follow me on your P3. You didn't mention that you were using alpha software by a third party that is known to cause crashes... until pressed a little later. Even then, I don't recall you mentioning any of the known issues with the Litchi app. So again, your credibility is suspect.

So when you push the "botched launch" or "multiple delays" narrative on us, over and over again, its hard not to question your integrity. I know I certainly have. In the end I concluded that you are probably legit and that you probably are making valid posts. But you don't really have a right to be offended if folks question your motives.

the users here are much more friendly than those on the DJI forums so please lets try to keep that if possible.

Ummm.... Generally I agree with that... And certainly we would want to "keep that".

"You obviously do not know what the facts are Earl".


Though I still question the oft repeated (did I say repeated?) justifications for making different choices. I mean really... Isnt the first half dozen times enough? What is the point? And who is he trying to make it to? Me? Since these are responses TO me, one can only assume? Except we had that conversation weeks ago... And have repeated them since.

So if not me? Who? I mean Really.. With all due respect, At some point it just becomes trolling, whether conscious or not.

And as I said, people are welcome to opinions, but facts do matter. I am still waiting for evidence backing some assertions made. :)

And I still don't see the "logic" of frequently posting negatively on a forum for a product you don't own, espousing the graces (and dismissing the foibles) of another product. How is that not trolling again? I guess we have a different definition.

PS: Rich also quoted you to back his opinion. I get it that you agree, but just FYI, from a Socratic point of view, generally the logical case is weak when you need to say "see others agree with me" rather than produce the evidence to support your claim.

Cheers :)
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not blameing anybody of anything.
just making a true statement.
Rich had helped me and probably everybody else on this forum very much.
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All good guys. We all know dji sucks. I might have to come back and eat crow!

Besides I have other interest in staying which I will share later.
Ummm.... Generally I agree with that... And certainly we would want to "keep that".

"You obviously do not know what the facts are Earl".


Though I still question the oft repeated (did I say repeated?) justifications for making different choices. I mean really... Isnt the first half dozen times enough? What is the point? And who is he trying to make it to? I mean Really.. With all due respect, At some point it just becomes trolling, whether conscious or not.

And as I said, people are welcome to opinions, but facts do matter. I am still waiting for evidence backing some assertions made. :)

PS: Rich also quoted you to back his opinion. I get it that you agree, but just FYI, from a Socratic point of view, generally the logical case is weak when you need to say "see others agree with me" rather than produce the evidence to support your claim.

Cheers :)

I am not taking sides or sure who started what? Just remember everyone including myself has had a bad moment and posted something online they may regret later. Al l am saying is if you have an issue with each other why not start a private conversation to resolve it that's all:). In regards to what I posted here or anywhere else that someone else has quoted It is just the information I have access to that may help. Everyone should feel completely comfortable posting their experiences with 3DR and solo.. That includes the good, the bad and the ugly;). This is STILL BY FAR the best site to read real user experiences with solo. Hopefully it will remain that way..

I am not taking sides or sure who started what? Just remember everyone including myself has had a bad moment and posted something online they may regret later. Al l am saying is if you have an issue with each other why not start a private conversation to resolve it that's all:). In regards to what I posted here or anywhere else that someone else has quoted It is just the information I have access to that may help. Everyone should feel completely comfortable posting their experiences with 3DR and solo.. That includes the good, the bad and the ugly;). This is STILL BY FAR the best site to read real user experiences with solo. Hopefully it will remain that way..


No bad blood here. Again, I don't get worked up about these things, or get personal.

It's just logic. But with logic... Facts matter.

If you are going to make assertions, you should be prepared to back them up, or retract them. Or better yet not make them if you can't show they are true. Simple (and friendly) as that.

That is how we help to keep it "the best place to read real user experiences with solo" ...

Cheers :)
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If you are going to make assertions, you should be prepared to back them up, or retract them. Or better yet not make them if you can't show they are true. Simple (and friendly) as that.

Earl, that is my personal experience with my 3DR purchase. I don't need to back that up to you or anyone else. You may choose to believe it or not. That's how it works.

I am glad your experience with them has been different. I hope my next experience with 3DR is closer to yours.
You said the gimbal was 3 months late, and made a big deal of that. and that was as a big part of your decision to go with your P3. When I stated what actually happened, you specifically, said I had my facts wrong. you DO need to "back that up" if you want to be taken seriously by me....

I can't speak for anyone else, and if you don't care what I think, then you have no problems.. The fact is, you were wrong, and that was repeatedly pointed out, and you decided to continue, which begs the question,... Why?

As for me? Again.. we all have choices, and I have no issue at all with your choices. Facts do matter however, and I have issues with people stating things as facts that aren't. As we all should.

I am wrong often. I hope I admit it when I am. If I don't, I expect people to call me out on it. It is painful when it happens (and yes it happens), but that is how i stay honest with myself, and how I stay good. It takes a bigger man to admit he got emotional and was wrong than it does to dig deeper on being wrong...

That is how it works with me... I am not concerned with what anyone else thinks about something as fundamental as that..

Cheers :)..
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Yeah, Im one of these people that am totally miffed with 3DRs release, that said, I have not jumped to DJI... but seriously there is no reason to cut either company any slack in their failings. These are not their first foray into this business yet they still have issues that most people like the original poster said would relate more to a kickstarter campaign than a multibillion dollar industry.

So yes while my gimbal will finally ship in a week or so... and yes I expected the complete system in MAY, my Solo and GoPro are at 3DR getting some of that great service ( or atleast I hope) no communication since I shipped it over a week ago via their fedex label.

So I missed taking video on vacation, I was also contacted two days ago to search for some lost horses along the national forest that I had to turn down, and really don't have anything left to do except bitch about it.

Have a nice day everyone.
Yeah, Im one of these people that am totally miffed with 3DRs release, that said, I have not jumped to DJI... but seriously there is no reason to cut either company any slack in their failings. These are not their first foray into this business yet they still have issues that most people like the original poster said would relate more to a kickstarter campaign than a multibillion dollar industry.

So yes while my gimbal will finally ship in a week or so... and yes I expected the complete system in MAY, my Solo and GoPro are at 3DR getting some of that great service ( or atleast I hope) no communication since I shipped it over a week ago via their fedex label.

So I missed taking video on vacation, I was also contacted two days ago to search for some lost horses along the national forest that I had to turn down, and really don't have anything left to do except bitch about it.

Have a nice day everyone.
Hello Chris ,

If you are unhappy with 3DR and solo don't hesitate to let 3DR and others know your disappointment and how their delays ruined your vacation. Sometimes that is the only way that issues get corrected. ALL honest feedback is ALWAYS appreciated. In terms of your assessment comparing the solo project to a Kickstarter campaign I couldn't agree more. There is no doubt that 3DR dropped the ball here.
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Show you where its 3 months late?

Think what you want but you are wrong. Here are the gimbal updates 3DR gave to investors (These are NOT some random 3DR CSR comments)...

May 15, 2015, Gimbal Launch Delayed - (3DR creates plan to offer Best Buy customers a free battery as compensation for the gimbal delay at the official launch of solo during BB Father's Day promotion)
May 30, 2015, Official Gimbal Launch Delayed
June 6th (Best Buy Free battery offer announced as compensation for the delay)
June 15th 3DR expands free battery promo to all 3DR customers through July 15
June 30th Gimbal once again delayed - DVT begins
July15 - Gimbal once again delayed , Free battery offer expires
July 30 - Gimbal once again delayed PVT Begins EVT Begins
August 8 Gimbal once again delayed EVT2 Begins
August 17 Gimbal PVT2 units ready. Manufacturing can begin upon confirmation PVT2 builds.
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